Smoking thread:

Smoking thread:
>favorite brand
>best situation/place to smoke
>when you started
>what made you start/why you continue
>how you rationalize your inevitable and painful death to lung cancer

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>favorite b-
Not smoking at all. It stinks.

I don't smoke, never did. But I might end up trying it soon.
Does it actually help with stress or is that just a meme?

It gives you a buzz that's nice
Eventually it stops making you happy and instead just gets you back to baseline, if you don't smoke at that point you'll just be more stressed.

All the best musicians smoke, even those that play wind instruments. They are also heavy drinkers too. I guess they do.

>Favorite brand:
Winston reds
>Best situation/place to smoke:
In my backyard drunk listening to music
>When you started:
>What made you start/why you continue:
I always wanted to try it. Thought I could just give it up.
I don't smoke anymore.

been experiencing second hand smoke my whole life through my father, shit sucks. I only use cigs to light fireworks on the fourth of july.

brand/flavor: Marlboro: Ultralights 100

I don't smoke tobacco super often, but I love smoking it on a walk at night with friends and getting into raving conversations. Bonus points if there's a comfy place to sit or stand around while we do.

Got a little story: once some friends invited me to smoke some grass. Passing the joint around and I taste tobacco, I mention it, cuz I recognize the taste. Everyone looks at a friend's GF, we all know she was the one smoking, no problem with it but it was obviously her. She says "oh no must be your imagination" because she doesn't want her boyfriend knowing she smokes. But if she kisses him then of course he tastes it. I don't get it. Who does she think she's fooling?

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It doesn't help with stress, it is a stimulant and will make you antsy, people only think it calms them down because they are addicted and are satisfying their cravings and stopping withdrawal symptoms.

>I make my own. Gambler menthol tubes and The Good Stuff menthol tobacco. It's like smoking a York patty.
>Nothing beats smoking while working on cars. Unless I'm doing something fuel-related because being on fire sucks.
>I dabbled here and there in high school but I started smoking regularly as a way of getting the fuck away from work. Being able to go outside for 5 minutes every couple hours has done wonders for my overall stress level.
>If I'm lucky I'll get killed by something else before cancer gets me. I don't expect to live beyond my 40s.
It depends on how you normally react to stimulants. If, for instance, coffee gets you really wound up then don't bother but if you're already a caffeine addict like I was then the nicotine will help in the same ways.

I only ever smoke while drunk in parties, and I only do it to talk with the smoking arthoes that pullulate smoking spots

>being on fire sucks
Good quote user

>18 like a normalfag
>my life is over/my life is over
>I'm thinking I'm probably gonna suicide instead of dying of lung cancer because fuck this gay Earth

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Same. I wish I'd never started

>drunk/drugged with other people
>18, more so since being at uni
>Fun to have something to do with my hands
>Unlikely, I rarely smoke alone. Otherwise I smoke when i'm fucked so it cancels out :)

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where is this bitch now? did the cartel finally take care of her?

Don't. Please trust me. My entire family have been smokers for generations and I've had to watch several of them die of lung disease or generally wither away.

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liljeep hasn't aged well at all.

>favorite brand
Camel Blues
>best situation/place to smoke
The Beach or cafe
>when you started
Uni. Helps me with the stress.
>what made you start/why you continue
Gives me good clarity. Life isn't a game of who can live the longest. I enjoy what I enjoy.
>how you rationalize your inevitable and painful death to lung cancer
Could die tommorow. Don't care.

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>favorite brand
Marlboro reds or if I can get American spirits rolling baccy
>best situation/place to smoke
outside the pub several pints deep getting a moment of silence
>when you started
14 but only constant at 16
>what made you start/why you continue
Something to do and I like the head rush from chaining them drunk
>how you rationalize your inevitable and painful death to lung cancer
Already get black phlegm lump and constant sore throat and chest pain when running, if I'm gonna kill myself I may aswell do it in an enjoyable way before i get old and boring. Being in my 20s is already taxing enough I cannot forsee myself living at 40 or 50

When I go, I go. The rat race is exhausting and frustrating so I'm probably just gonna opt out. Or maybe just let one of the other complications of living take me out .

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she is so fucking cute and perfect i hate it

This is what I felt so I quit cold turkey.

>Being in my 20s is already taxing enough

Only smokers think this is normal, meanwhile unaddicted Chads feel fresh in their 50s.

Marlboro reds
Want to die i quit year ago
Want to die

>favorite brand
Marlboro Gold, used to love Drum tobacco
>best situation/place to smoke
in public when i get anxious and at home relaxing
>when you started
around at 12 years old
>what made you start/why you continue
I was depressed then, now i kicked a bunch of other substances but cant stop smoking
>how you rationalize your inevitable and painful death to lung cancer
just to say this line to the doctor
doctor: Je hebt longkanker
me: dan vind ik kanker erg :^)

>favorite brand
Benson&Hedges Black
>best situation/place to smoke
While daydreaming and having a quiet drink
>when you started
3-4 years ago while being 19
>what made you start/why you continue
To socialize at first but then to cope emotional distress and having a new ritual to handle anxiety issues (false feeling of control). Continuing because it reminds me why I was fucked up pretty bad and the far road I came from. Daily reminder to never get so deep again
>how you rationalize your inevitable and painful death to lung cancer
Life kills you either way, how about a different and slow masochistic experience?

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>B&H Blue
>after a line of coke or a stressful day at work
>my friends at the time were doing it but I'm quitting now
>I dont fear death, even if it comes for me early

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Choice Red
>Night, cold, somewhere near water
>Broke up with gf, tried some shit and ciggies was one of them. Always liked the feeling, feels good to 'do' something whilst just hanging around. Hope I die sooner than later unironically.
>A rope will do the trick. Fuck this earth. Humans aren't made to live over 60.

Sterling Red. Marlboro red is based but I don't smoke pre-rolled
when drinking beer in a pub with nice weather
16 but i didn't start smoking regularly til i was 18 or so
the usual reasons youngsters smoke/now i can't really live without it desu. I feel lost if I don't smoke
I don't smoke that much and I exercise regularly. I never usually have more than 8 a day which is nothing really

>favorite brand
DRUM (and rizla+ for the rolling paper)
>best situation/place to smoke
why, post-sex ofc, tfw no gf these days
>when you started
i started at 14-15. Now 27
>what made you start/why you continue
well, duh, i'm french
>how you rationalize your inevitable and painful death to lung cancer
I'll quit at some point. for now i'm focusing on my other addiction (as in quitting).

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>favorite brand
>best situation/place to smoke
my favs are during long drives with some good music playing and while drinking with friends
>when you started
>what made you start/why you continue
i had a paper due the next day and had writers block and had been stressed about fucking up for a few weeks. my dumb ass thought itd be good to go buy a pack at 2 am while it was snowing. i walked to the nearest gas station, maybe 7 minutes away and it took ages to light because my thumb was numd. hated the taste and tossed the pack aside til taht weekend when my friend said we shoud smoke after having a few drinks. was hooked
>how you rationalize your inevitable and painful death to lung cancer
i just run away from the idea like i run away from many other things in life