Have you ever turned down a girl before. Be honest

>fat girl crush on me on 1st grade because i was friendly toward her
>black girl in middle school flirted with me a lot
>indian girl asked her friend to see if i was interested in taking her to prom in high school

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3 times.
One was a hardcore SJW chick that was about a 6-7/10 and had rock hard tits (through a simple hug I could tell they were oddly shaped)

One was a latina girl in highschool that was obsessed with me in a scary way, to the point of not eating if I mentioned she was a little chubby

One was a chick that came down south from Pennsylvania. Also a little chubby.

slightly fat/chubby chicks like me for some reason but I prefer average/normal or skinny. Doesn't have to be athletic just don't be hambeast or clearly eating way too much mcdonalds.

>work with mostly older people
>girl my age flirts with me a lot
>go out with coworkers after work and find out she's dating some older guy at work
>older guy bf is gone on a trip for a month and girl invites me out a few times
>one night she asks me to walk her to her door when i drop her off so I oblige
>she kisses me
>I kind of just assume they broke up and that's the only reason she kissed me
>end up having sex every time we hang out
>her bf comes back from his trip and I see her sitting on his lap at the office one night before we are all supposed to go out for drinks
>I kinda just brush it off and try to ghost her
>she asks me why i wont talk to her so I asked her about the past month and she says something like how we are just good friends and it wasn't really cheating
>word gets around office that we were hooking up
>the old guy breaks up with her and quits the job
>we continue having sex and going out a few nights a week
>I try not to get emotionally invested even though I'm lonely and just try to enjoy the fact that I don't have to masturbate
>one night she tells me that we are too old for this and need to settle down
>I wanted to lecture her about how I wouldn't be able to trust her because she cheated on her longtime boyfriend with me and didn't even view it as cheating
>instead I just continued watching a movie with her and then made up an excuse to go home instead of sleeping over again
>started ignoring her at work again and stopped returning her calls/texts
>she quits some time after and i get lectured by management for trying to have a relationship at work
>she ends up spreading rumors about how I was in love with her and says I'm a pervert

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>Some weird looking midget in highschool
>Fat SJW always lying and attention whoring

three times
>a girl I dated for a year in high school. dumped her and refused her trying to get back to me.
>an asian girl who was non-committal and potentially abusive/bpd. during one of her affectionate moments i told her to fuck off and never message me again. not sure if it counts
>another non-committal girl who chose another guy over me. eventually they broke up and she wanted to be with me again and I told her no.

it's an abstract kind of feel

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A bunch in high school.
Knew a couple of girls that liked me, but i have sever trauma of girls especially more mature women. Had some teachers that liked me, and this one who i liked back. But she gave me panic attacks. I basically friend zoned all. Since i really couldn't ask; also would of def have made an ass of myself, and i lived far from so idk how we would even hang out to begin with...

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>3 times
>3 times
>A bunch in HS
I fucking hate this board and I hate all you goddamn normalfaggots. GTFO already you retarded dipshits. This place isn't for you

Yeah I'm a 26 year old virgin but I'm a normalfaggot

sure thing

right, imagine multiple girls actually asking YOU out, not the other way round, and turning them all down.

Classmate confessed during art class. I had spent 17 years prior to this having my confidence and self worth slowly torn down that I turned her down and told her she could do better. She became visibly disappointed and asked
>why do you think so little about yourself?
I didn't respond

>ignored a girl in hs who had a crush on me
>ghosted a girl who gave me her number last year

I'm a coward

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>freshman in high school
>ask my crush out back after classes ended
>rescind my offer the very next morning

>purposely ignored a qt while pursuing your typical run of the mill arthoe
god i hate myself for that

>>she ends up spreading rumors about how I was in love with her and says I'm a pervert
pretty spiteful thing to do. you made the right move distancing yourself from her it seems.

Yes. Multiple times. I always panic and instinctively say no.

If your answer is yes and the girl was anything slightly better than disgusting, you are a normalfag and must get the fuck out of my board

If a girl has ever asked you out, you do not belong on this board.

yes, but only online

I was 100% honest and I told her I just didn't find her attractive
I didn't want to hurt her fee fees, but she asked for the truth and didn't want to beat around the bush

>Fat red-headed Irish girl kept following me in recess and trying to talking to me in 1st grade recess. I literally cannot speak to her, im a new immigrant who only knew Arabic.

>Mixed Girl in 7th grade telling me i can touch her bobbies at the back of the classroom at a ghetto school."Ha, nice joke how did you solve question 17 again?"

>Slightly chubby Russian girl try approach me with the help of her southern christian friend at 12th grade swimming trip. Her accent was atrociousness, i could not understand her.

I'm YEAR 3 IN COLLEGE AND I NEVER HAD A GIRL SHOW ANY INTEREST. Despite meeting more girls then ever before.

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yeah like 3 workplace girls who were touching me and flirting but i just ignored them because sexual harassment complaints are the new meta.

I'm almost a 30 year old KV. If I don't belong here, who does?

>If I don't belong here, who does?
-People who have never had a girl show interest in them
-People smart enough to not respond to tripfags
-People who aren't fucking 30, grandpa

why'd you dump the one in high school?

also the only reason to be attracted to me is because of my work ethic so me rejecting all coworkers inevitably leads to loneliness. i get literally no attention at bars and clubs or anywhere else

>9th grade
Ugly girl with lolrandom sense of humor liked me because I made cringey YouTube videos. The day before Christmas break she approached me in the hallway, gave me a chocolate bar with a card. The whole school knew she liked me, so it was obvious she wanted me to ask her out, but I just said "thanks", gave the chocolate bar to one of my friends and laughed at her with them. Looking back on it, I wish I had handled this one with a little more sensitivity. That said, the girl got a different bf 2 years later whereas it took me 7.

>Sophomore year of college
Ugly Asian girl I shared classes with always talked to me. I got dragged to a dance on Halloween, felt very out of place and sad because my oneitis had just gotten a bf. This girl asked me if I wanted to dance, I really really didn't, and so I told her my friends were waiting for me somewhere else and left.

>Junior and senior years of college
Don't know if these count but there was one girl each of these two years that I could've hooked up with, but in both cases I only missed and cuddled with them, refusing sex. Both girls were big whores. The first of these times was when I lost my kiss virginity though.

Several but I don't trust people so I always thought they only talked to me out of pity.

There was one who asked me to hug her every day for about a month. I always just ignored her. The day before Christmas break she asked for the last time, and when I turned her down again she hugged me from behind. She never spoke to me again after that. I always assumed her friends made some sort of bet with her.

>tfw only person on the saddest place on the internet who has never had a girl be interested or flirt with them

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when i was in highschool i was at a party one of the girls in my year was throwing. it was a sleepover so i brought my sleeping bag. we listened to some music and played spin the bottle but it was getting late and people were getting ready to sleep and a few were pairing off in other rooms. two girls there liked me and were trying to climb into my sleeping bag with me and they were giggling and making a lot of noise and saying suggestive things. i noticed the whole party was looking over and got really embarrassed because im very shy. so i kicked them out of my sleeping bag and said im tired and want to sleep. later at school everybody made fun of me for saying i want to sleep. one guy was especially trying to rub it in because he had a crush on one of the girls.

all the time. usually when it is going good because someone does something simple and stupid and it pisses me off and i would rather be infinitely angry and destroy something with good potential than feel the shame of a simple apology.
i literally stopped talking to the woman i was going to spend my life with because of a small spat. that was two years ago now

A legit retarded girl was obsessed with me in high school. She once approached during lunch and showed me a framed picture of me she had taken in the hall.

The other time my sister's fat pig faced friend started texting me she wantedto meet me. I just never replied.

The last time my other sister had set me up a girl she knew from work, not a qt, but not bad at all either. Apparently she really wanted to meet me. I was so afraid of meeting a girl as a 27 year old virgin neet that I told my sister I wasn't interested. I still kick myself over that one it was probably going to be my only chance ever to fuck a girl who's not a hooker.

you didn't get the memo
Zig Forums is failed normie now