Why are so many anons turning on the president now? Guys, I know we're in rough times but we have to stick with it...

Why are so many anons turning on the president now? Guys, I know we're in rough times but we have to stick with it, or else tumblr wins.

Attached: donaldtrumppeteralexander.jpg (1776x1332, 203.98K)

The ride ended, all he did was showcase his incompetence. People will lick the boot of the establishment from now on and it's on him.

Where the fuck is my wall, Daddy Trump?

It's coming, user. Once we get another term it will be built. You gotta have faith!

trump is one of the best presidents since the 80s, user

I hope Biden loses.

Tumblr already lost, Biden is a boomer neocon rapist that beat Bernie who was the candidate for SJWs, Communists and people who wasted 50k on an arts degree as well as other zoomer/milennial filth. Wine moms control the Democratic Party now. They (SJWs) literally cannot tell the difference between Biden and Trump. Milennials and zoomers are going to get cucked regardless, but I would prefer that a republican administration does it because when REB dies, I hope an evangelical christian takes her place as appointed by Trump and the supreme court begins dismantling abortion rights and Roe v. Wade.

That being said, Trump sucks and he's been a fairly shitty/ineffectual president.

>I know we're in rough times but we have to stick with it, or else tumblr wins
C'mon guys we have disrupt global economics and destroy the reputation of an entire nation or else a purple haired fat chick might "win" a contest that only exists in your mind.

Well, that's just politics.

I feel like the ones who are turning on Trump now will come back to him once it's time to vote because it feels like there isn't even a viable third party candidate unlike in 2016 where you had the meme Gary Johnson.

Eh, i want him re-elected so i can laugh for another 4 years while the US self destroys, but I'm not an amerimutt anyways

Look, I never WANTED that to be the case but it is what it is. They are the ones that started this shit with forced SJW agendas in movies/games. THEY were the ones calling everyone who disagreed with them "racist". THEY were the ones who call us "toxic" and "immature". Year after year I've had to witness my favorite franchises get kiked! White characters becoming black/mexican, gay characters in everything flaunting their perversions, "ORANGE MAN BAD" jokes all over my once favorite late night shows. THEY are the ones that started this war! I didn't WANT to become alt right but I had no choice. Do you have ANY IDEA how demeaning it is to be a straight white male in this day and age?! You're blamed for everything, spat on in the street, ignored in your time of need. And worse is that they expect you to just smile and bare it. Trump getting into office was our way of fighting back. This man is the last hope for our kind and I'll be GOD DAMNED (sorry for the blasphomy) if I'm going to let our people be WIPED out because of degenerates like you.
Watch out, bucko. Trump is coming for you.

Attached: knight.jpg (375x500, 43.13K)


Yeah, supreme court is all he brings to the table now.
The media are also shooting themselves in the foot quite nicely with the sexual assault scandal, but I doubt America can take themselves seriously ever again if "what if we inject bleach on ourselves" gets another 4 years

He is tumblr on steroids.


>Why are so many anons turning on the president now?
They've been doing that not even two years into his administration.

i like how how much Wall Street is in the Trump Administration and how they shit on the working poor

>yadda yadda yadda MAH VIDYA GAMES
Yeah, that's worth sacrificing the financial stability of millions for.
Howabout in the next election instead of using memes to determine who you're voting for, think about which candidate will help you economically during the ongoing crisis. I honestly don't care which one it is either, just don't let memes choose your candidate please. Please.

Attached: sperglord_033.jpg (486x486, 48.8K)

yeah because coronavirus was such a huge talking point in 2016

I don't even give a shit who wins the presidency anymore. None of them will ever end our vassal state to Israel status so it doesn't matter. Two sides of the same shekel, fuck every goddamned one of them.

You're taking way too many black pills
Look at the actual budget

Attached: with_explainer,_total_spending_pie_large.png (680x670, 213.09K)

Well, great. What's your actual point here?

I turned on Trump long ago, due to him incessantly cucking for israel. People are getting sick of him now due to him refusing to follow the model of Europe and deciding instead to take a third world approach of letting people suffer

>didn't build the wall
>didn't lock her up
>didn't stop China wrecking the economy
>didn't make antifa a terrorist organization
>didn't make Christmas mandatory for all religions
>didn't put LGBT people in death camps

Lol, never
Why? hes staff is to stupid to contact Russians
Think of the stock markets
sorry you cant get a date
AntiFa are the goood guys

Dont tell me what to so


What the fuck does that have anything to do with what he said?

Stop being stuck in 2016, dude. The times have changed. The swamp wasnt drained, the wall not built.
People either think Trump is mentally retarded or gods gift.
He is neither. Start thinking for yourself

I dont give a shit about politics I just voted for him because "President Trump" sounds funny and also having someone called "The Donald" in the White House is also funny to me

>or else tumblr wins.

And there it is. That right there is the problem with America. Nobody cares about making the country better, they just want to deny the other side any victories, so they can go "NYAH NYAH! YOU LOST!"

Who ever wins in America, America loses in the world.

Get rek't you fucking Amerimutts.

Keep your blogs on tumblr pls

>or else tumblr wins
Who do you think browses Zig Forums nowadays? After tumblr banned porn, all the tumblr trannies started flooding Zig Forums.

I'm with Trump till the end. Idk, he just makes me smile. No other politician could do that.

Isn't r9k leftist?