How bad is it working at a fast-food restaurant? I don't need too much money, I just want work, I need to do something...

How bad is it working at a fast-food restaurant? I don't need too much money, I just want work, I need to do something. I prefer working at night so if you have the night shift, please share your experiences.

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it's too fast paced and hot in my opinion. a retail job is a lot better unless you're truly desperate.

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i actually loved working at Mcdonalds. very entertaining, popcorn job, as long as you aren't a fuck up.
the main problem you will run into there is managers who think they're gods and think they're the employees of the most important, vital, essential fucking business in the world.
most of them are single mothers with like 4 kids and are desperate to put food on the table so they become agents of Mcdonalds basically.

Working in a fast food restaurant fucking sucks. At least the one I used to work at did. The customers always seem to be pissed off, the point of sale buttons on the register have almost zero consistency month to month because corporate decided it was a good idea to sell a pickle flavored milkshake, Half your co-workers speak very little english if at all which screws with productivity, a quarter of your co-workers always seem to disappear when things get busy, and the remaining are practically knocking each other over to get the last bit of ketchup that wasn't restocked in the morning on their burger so they aren't the one that get's chewed out by the shift manager. Speaking of managers, they tend to be pretty scummy people. Clocking people out early but having them stay later than they're supposed to, Stealing from the register when they think nobody's looking and blaming an employee when they get caught, saying they're out of a bunch of stuff even though they aren't on requisition orders just so they can get free shit. I'm getting pissed off remembering all this bullshit. I'm going out for a smoke.

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>night shift at fast food.
No user. Everyone thinks its sitting about wanking all night.

It is not
>near to no staff
>deep cleaning
>customers always come when you're about to start something
>need to do 4 peoples job at once because no staff
>cunts who willing to do nights tend to be lazy cunts who think it's doing nothing but wanking, or pot heads or weird kids.
>breakfast moan because you didnt set up the sauce bottles.
>evening staff leave you with their mess and nothing out or ready for your shift
>business manager will always cut nightshift staff first to save money

Been doing it for almost 7 years now user and it is not worth it.

>double chs burger
>only difference is amount of cheese
>customer orders one of each without actually knowing the difference, only the price
>customer asks for something that was never ever on the menu
>starts going into banter about how other Mcdonalds have stupid bullshit only fat fucks care about
>the banter is like 50% them really getting emotional over food

humans are really disgusting.

I'm sure you're familiar with this one, then.
>Knocks on the window
>Massive fucking closed sign on the door

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i used to like it. but only bc the people i worked with were cool and you become kinda close from working together in such a small place. found a girlfriend there too

And occasionally you have some real dumb motherfucker come through the drivethru and try to haggle down the price of a fucking burger and fries. NO YOU STUPID BITCH, THIS ISN'T THE FUCKING BANGLADESHI BAZAAR! THE PRICES ARE SET! PAY UP OR GTFO!

Lad, you know if its empty go fucking fill it up yourselves dumb ass. Dont moan because change over didnt do it.

i was in a Mcdonalds in a casino, so when we'd close we'd drop down a giant chainlink gate like in the mall over the counter. people would walk up to the gate while it was fully deployed and ask if we're open and we would just ignore them.

Domino's is based. Just deliver food man, listen to tunes. Drive a bit. The true robot job.

I think with it being such an enclosed environment you become friends with a lot of your coworkers, I worked retail for 5+ years and it absolutely gets boring when it's usually just you covering a whole department and literally have to go to the other side of the store just to talk to someone. Though with the night shift I feel like it should be a little bit easier with the lack of customer traffic so you'll have that.

I actually just quit my burger fast food job. I found it hellish personally. Super tight and cramped like a sardine can, shitty awful customers, literally no choice in what you get to do, the shift manager being a king who decides everything. Fucking total garbage. I imagine it varies a lot though as the first fast food job I had before this one was much smaller and less cramped, and more chill. Basically it always sucks ass but it can also vary somewhat.

Nah, I'm in a 24 hour store open inside too. Were always open while only having 2 people and a manager in.

Weekends we get 3 people and a manager.

Despite our store being the 2nd busiest in my country and the number 1 store for night sales.

And we just added delivery too, but so far that isnt 24 hour.

You have 2 different doubles? Here we only have the double.

Or drunk girls trying to be cute
>can I get a cheeseburger
>sure 1,39
>dont I get it for free
>Dont you think I'm cute
>not cute enough to lose my job.

yeah we have both doubles on the menu at the same time. i think they deliberately do it to rip people off. i'm on the Vegas strip so the pricings are all rigged.

also it doesn't matter how busy or #1 sales your store is, you will never have enough staff, never, ever, never ever. these Mcdonalds they build don't even have the capacity to serve the amount of customers that come in, pretty sure that's why MGM cancelled the Mcdonalds contracts and the one i was at was a failing store, entire management was replaced.

I don't want the night shift hoping that it'll be easy, I just prefer working at night. I expect it to be worse than having the other shifts but I like it at night.

A woman would call up the deli constantly with pain in the ass custom orders.
She was tight with the manager and her custom stuff for way cheaper than she should have.
I stopped her shit by weighting out all the ingredients individually and she got pissy with me.
Director shut down her custom orders and said if she wanted it that way she had to pay.

Oh I know all about it.
Worst part about bring a store with drive through is customers in store also get fucked because "drive thru first" because it records number of cars per hour. In store doesnt matter.

Its fucking nuts. Fat lazy cunts who wont leave their cars are more important thsy walk ins.

My favourite is customers who come in every might and complain about the night before food.

Told a cunt to stop coming in then.
He wrote a letter to head office.
Turns out their reply was 'sorry, have you tried one of our stores in the area.'

"custom order" people need to be shot in the head. why are you even eating there if you're altering the menu so much, they're retards on a power trip.

only the most well managed fast food joints can survive on the Vegas strip, they have to be designed small, that way the amount of customers that can fit in queue match the output capacity of the store.
Mcdonalds will have like 5 employees and then there will be like 200 customers waiting. it's the most retarded fucking thing i've seen in my life, there were nights where i would just walk out. i don't give a fuck about anyone who works there, i'm not working like that just to make friends with people. there's no benefit to it, it doesn't get you a raise or thank you or anything.

>all these posts
>no fast food horror stories
>especially working the nightshift
come on, I plan to work the nightshift someday solely cause of this, doesn't anything scary happen? doesn't have to be in fast food

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Working is not that interesting. It's called functioning as an adult, not having a fucking adventure.

OP here, judging from the replies I assume that, despite the difficulties, it might be an interesting experience, so I guess I'll give it a shot and see how it goes.

worst thing that happened was some nigger was fucking with me in the stall because it wouldn't lock. for some reason he opened it up while i was in there loading a bowl, then started sticking his phone over the top to "blackmail" me even tho smoking is legal here. i started calling him a faggot for opening a stall door in the men's restroom then he started threatening me because i was calling him a faggot, so basically a wild chimp crackhead needed to be put down.

after that night i started carrying mace and a knife on me. wish so bad i could've maced and beat the shit out of that cocksucker. hate niggers.

My experience has been that just taking a job won't make you not miserable. You might feel distracted in the first couple of weeks, but if the underlying problems in your life still exist, they WILL creep up again, but now you're slaving for the boss man on top of dealing with your own shit. Taking a wageslave job HAS to be a springboard to further development.

Don't worry, I don't want it to drown any feelings or something like that, I just hate sitting on my ass all day and having nothing to do.

I worked at Taco Bell for about a year and a Sonic for a month
Managers will use you as much as they can, don't do shit for them unless necessary
My coworkers made fun of me a lot, legit almost got into a fight twice at Taco Bell
Worked my ass off and covered people's shifts, sometimes I worked 70+ hours a week
Worked night shift, absolute worst is when you're closing down and cleaning and you get a bunch of dumb ass stoners or white bitches in drive through
Niggers love hot wings and smell bad and Indians dudes are hell to take orders from
Girls will ask for free shit because they're cute
Don't bother learning as much as you can, the more you learn the more you'll be used up as utility
Evening/late shifts are actually a lot busier than you'd imagine

All that being said WORK RETAIL INSTEAD
I was a assistant manager at a dollar store and it was actually super comfy
I got away with barely doing shit most nights, stole a lot of food and I let my cashiers steal ciggies and smoked pot with coworkers and was actually respected. Retail is literally better in every way and becoming a manager is a lot easier.

Worked at Burger King for three months. The work is mind-numbingly easy and boring as fuck. Pay was obviously shit. The hardest part of the job was interacting with normies and them treating me differently. I needed the money so I had to stay despite that, but I fucking bounced when I found something more suitable for my personality. I'm unironically a janitor now and barely interact with anyone so it's comfy and as a bonus, pays twice what I was making in fast food.

I consider retail too, but fuck, it seems so much easier to actually find a job in fast-food. I'd actually enjoy working at something like a 711 too but they don't seem like they're always hiring.