Why does this double standard exist?

why does this double standard exist?

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are you asian? if so, just get kpop style
there has never been a better time to be an asian guy

my manlet small dicked korean friend managed to get a 9/10 white gf in rural idaho this way

Because America, land of the simps and home of the cucks, exports their shitty cultural values everywhere and their culture is one giant double standard.

Asians have posted way too many BBC/white extinction threads on Zig Forums to deserve any sympathy.

Asian guys are gonna have to start settling for fat white girls

As an Asian, I feel no attraction to Asian girls so it doesn't fucking matter desu

I'm not a feminist, never was and never will be, but I remember a post on Ferretbrain to the effect that men, at least in the USA, see all women as being their daughters, at least subliminally. Which is true, and also plays into your notion that the USA is land of the simps/cucks.

This. I had sympathy for a long time but it's all gone now.

hey hey hey I never posted anything like that and would mostly likely take your side in a race war.

>men, at least in the USA, see all women as being their daughters
So they want to fuck their daughters?

Actually yeah. I mean look at who they elected to lead or at least symbolize them.

b4sed and k-pilled

Don't even bother trying to reason with these morons.
I'm Indian, it's a similar story here, except I feel like Asian women are worse.

Indians/South Asians are in a very different situations from East Asians

East asian guys are becoming more popular, but South Asian guys still aren't really looked well upon

I think the only solution is to lean hard into the stereotype, look like a bollywood actor or some shit, but there probably won't be any progress until south asian media becomes more popular

Said no one ever for this case.

Racism begins when the Asian guy gets angry and decide to blame and attack white men.

Oh good I like to leave Zig Forums so I can get away from obvious race bait
>this thread

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Well then go tell your cousins on asianmasculinity to cool it.

>leave Zig Forums so I can get away from obvious race bait
>come to Zig Forums

How do you even know it's aznm?

How to into K-pop if you already look 13+

They talk about it.

dont simp for the white guys user, theyre the ones that want to take your women.

>theyre the ones that want to take your women.
We just take what is offered.

I meant that it's a similar story where Indian women in the West aren't really into Indian guys.

Of course South Asian guys have it far worse. As an easy Asian guy, you can go on plebbit and talk about your issues and have people support you. As an Indian guy you get told to quit whining. Huge double standard here too, we're Asian when it's convenient for mongoloids to include our achievements in their statistics.

Also imo South Asian media sucks. The culture is somehow even more resistant to change and foreign influence than East Asian culture

Shave and shower dumbass, one of the major problems I've seen with Asian dudes is how easily they let themselves go, there are Asian Chad's I look up to, and I'm a white guy, you just need to fucking take care of yourself for once.

And stop playing league of legends for an entire week to see what real life is like.

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>your women

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since you are dumb i will tell you

>preferably be tall, but it aint a requirement
>shave face
>lose weight, become skinny
>get two-block bowlcut haircut
>have good skin, use skin products
>if you don't have a naturally good face, use korean guy makeup, I embedded a video
>you can search up korean guy makeup on youtube, or the same thing in korean
>have good fashion style, this one takes more observation but just generally skinny pants and flowy tops

impossible to fuck up, you don't even have to put effort into working out

Can your self-respect as a man survive beneath a inch-thick layer of makeup ?

How do you deal with women seeing your real face in the moning ?

I'm white and married to an asian woman and my future son will be a chad. Plus asian girls love hapas or wasians as they call it.

how do women deal with men seeing their real face in the morning?

this is 2020, shit changes user

>how do women deal with men seeing their real face in the morning?
Men expect that. Do girls falling for the kpop face know that the guy isn't actually pretty ?