What can explain this phenomenom?

what can explain this phenomenom?

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Heh they look like a thumb
>Tfw no thumb bf

desu half of incels i don't even think are white

I would fit perfectly into this picture lmao

damn I am so good looking compared to all of them

It's not a phenomenon. There is a group of failed normalfags who don't want to admit to themselves that they play any role in their own social failure, so they blame other people and reinforce each others sense of victimhood online.

Their boomer parents sitting them down in front of the computer since childhood thinking they're doing something useful like programming or something, not plotting to take revenge against women and minorities.

What's the source on these pictures?

Not all incels wear glasses but most incels have shitty hair

Attached: wojak-fat-devil.png (688x986, 29.2K)


They're all spics

If you're under 5'9



True, most people on Zig Forums aren't even white.

Random russian guys wearing glasses on google. Text is written by an incel.

glasses, because don't give a shit enough to wear contacts, pale skin because never outside, tiny wrists because never doing any manual labor. hate women? I'd imagine everyone does, even women.

>n-no! you can't just attribute negative things to the white race, like we do to minorities
go watch some more porn and fap to guns

looks like we reeled one in, boys.

>5'10 feels good to be whitey supreme.


Not real

t. ethniccel

>what can explain this phenomenom?

Why would a white person visit such a terrible place I wonder?

Attached: considerthefroggering.jpg (159x132, 3.36K)

The point of images like this is to pin the bad stuff on them, retard.

Reminder that the only reason that mass shooter became known as an incel is because one of his EX GIRLFRIENDS wrote an article saying he hated women. This combined with his looks led to everyone calling him an incel despite him by definition not being one at all.

Pretty much everyone on this site is one of 3 races, either they're white, chink or Arab paki sandnigger.

I'm Irish and German so allow me to muddy up your board with drunk shitposts

Attached: 1588409901787.jpg (640x640, 59.13K)

So you're just white then. What are you drinking?

Honestly. Nothing right now. I might be Irish enough to drunk larp though.

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most of them would look pretty good with a better hair style and some fashion sense

fuck off mutt I am whiter than you

native american here

That's why I said "pretty much everyone" you fucking low IQ listerine addict.

Get decent glasses or contacts, a better hairstyle and maybe move your ass a bit so you dont look so flabby --> 80-90% of them would look not too bad. The rest is just attitude.

I kinda looked like that until I was around 19 and received little attention, but as I got to the gym and was not a total skelly any more, the improved looks and accompanying higher self esteem made a noticeable difference within a few months.

stop gaslighting people who are actually ugly, not every problem in this world is fixable nigger
you are incel

im mixed white and native