Over for genhit*hlia

After listening to this I've come to the conclusion that T is even more crazy and deserving of hate than I thought

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I'm so high what the fuck is this
OK I guess I hate Jews now
Eatshitr op

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Fucking cocksuxker


maybe when you sober up you'll realise racism is wrong and beautiful racemixxing Kasper (BRK) is best girl

I'm a jew mmmmmmm crispy fried babies mhm yummy Jew snack

Wow what an insane bitch. Ugly too. Must be crazy in the sack though.

At least she knows she's ugly.

Tahlia hate thread lets go

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this is what t*hlia actually believes

If you're reading this Tahlia, nobody likes you!

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Tahlia is cute but seriously, she's just a person on the internet that i'll never have any relation with and you people really need to find another place to orbit her.

tahlia are you shilling yourself again?

This isn't an orbit thread it's an hate thread

let's summon Tahlia

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Such a hateful, insane whore
Just sad

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She doesn't believe in space, I shit you not

everything she said about the jews is historically accurate, what is there to be mad about?

If she knows about the JQ she's a smart girl, but it takes more than knowing about humanitys enemy to make me like her as a person, I dont know anything about her and most likely never will

Imagine unironically hating jews.

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>imagine forgiving people for taking the tip of your penis, destroying your country by making the economy debt based and flooding it with undesirables from all over the world just so they can profit off the chaos

>not hating a group of people who tortured and killed children for their blood

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>imagine thinking all jews are rich and influential creatures whose only purpose in life is subverting your nation
I still have my penis intact btw

Despite making up 2% of the population jews make up over 90% of billionaires

Even the non rich ones do not disavow the zionism of the rich ones and they all want you enslaved nonetheless

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Yes, I'm sure the vast majority of jews kidnap, torture and kill children in their spare time.

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Yes. That's literally what they do. Have you ever heard of pizzagate?

They are not 90% of billionaires. Don't know where you get that from.
And don't get me wrong, I understand what the elites are doing, and I don't support it. But there are plenty of very rich, influential and harmful people who are not of jewish origin at all.
What you people don't understand is that jews as a whole are not at fault for what is currently happening.
1. Thinking jews as a group participate in shit like that (and not just some individual sickos) is nonsense
2. pizzagate is schizo shit

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>claim to be the master race
>btfoed by a bunch of men in funny hats
>literally only reason jews have so many high up positions in finance and banking is because you forced them into those industries by refusing to allow them to work normal jobs

White people are a joke.

>jews rose to power because of they are the masterrace, not because they are manipulative and subversive goyim!

The fuck? What has she said about that?

They learned to be manipulative because that was their main survival mechanism in a society that was constantly trying to genocide them.

People were constantly trying to genocide them because they are manipulative subversive nation destroyers

>female voice

Lmao who cares

The problem is that you think that jews are, by nature, manipulative and subversive - when such behaviour is learned, and not even inherent to jewish people.
Hitler was fucking neurotic in this aspect. He thought the jews were evil because of their genes, which doesn't make any sense.
A poor jew that grows up amongst non-jews will not necessarily turn into a "manipulative subversive nation destroyer".

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