My boyfriend stopped kissing me after I regrettably cheated. He forgave me and everything...

My boyfriend stopped kissing me after I regrettably cheated. He forgave me and everything, but now kissing is a trigger for him because he remembers that I had oral sex with another man. It's been over a year and I'm not sure whether he'll ever want to kiss me again.

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You shouldn't have been a whore then femfaggot

Only God forgives. And then only if you're Catholic.

I'd throw up in my mouth desu

Disgusting roasties man

He's insecure and jealous, break up with him

Wow your bf is a cuck. You should bring home a man and let your bf watch you getting fucked.

I'm his first girlfriend and I wouldn't ever make a mistake like that again. I deeply regret what I did in the past and if I could take it all back for him to kiss me again I would, in a heart beat.

maybe don't be a whore?? honestly you're lucky he's cucked enough to even stay with you. he should've just dumped you.
imagine being a cheating slut and then having the audacity to attention whore for sympathy online; your fembrain is so stupid that thinks you're the one being wronged here. stop with the pointless drama whoring; you cheated, end of story.
now gtfo my board.

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If you call it a mistake you're already a lost cause.

You only regret it because you were found out a blamed for it too.

You should consider suicide damn slut

>implying a female brain will understand what you just said.

You knew what you were doing you stupid bitch

Awwww how sad.
Now break up with him and go suck some more dick you fucking whore.

Why did you do it then? I never get when chicks call cheating a "mistake" you obviously wanted to fuck another guy.

this has to be bait, surely femoids arent THIS pathetic?

your bf is a fucking cuck and if i was his friend i would push him to man up and drop your ass

I don't know how he found it in his heart to forgive me but he did. As long as I followed rules like giving him access to all my social media accounts, phone and completely cutting contact with the guy I was with he would stay with me and work on our relationship. We're doing a lot better than before and it only took a few months for things to go back to normal but lately our kisses has only been small pecks on the cheek, we haven't properly kissed in a year. Here we are thinking things are improving and he still avoids it.

>I don't know how he found it in his heart to forgive me
he found it in his heart because hes a massive cuckhold

awww boo hoo hoo, let me put on my care face on. (i'm doing my care face but you can't see it through text)
if things are going better then why are you here fishing for sympathy online? if things are NOT going better, wtf do you want us, a bunch of anons on an image board do about it? cuddle you? please stop deluding yourself, you're here cuz you're hungering for drama.

honestly i legit think it's best if you guys part ways, cuz having no trust and wanting to constantly track your partners social media is no way to live. both of you seem a lil damaged in the head in your own ways. there, that was my my 2 cents of honest advice. now be a good girl and try not to be a whore again.

Whore whore how slut prostitute

Your boyfriend is a literal cuck with zero self respect unless he's planning some kind of sick revenge, I would have packed my bags and left without saying a single word or looking you in the eye before I went out to live my life and do whatever I wanted without you.

You should be grateful your boyfriend is weak enough to be sticking around slut.

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Your bf is EXTREMELY based. Would have done the exact same ; let you think I still want you, keep you as a cum dump until I find better and then drop your filthy bitch ass in the street.
By the way he won't kiss you because he don't want the taste of another mans cock in his heterosexual mouth.
You were lucky to get a man of culture, too bad it's over. Do him a favor and be a good hole in the last months, please.

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>over a year
>haven't kissed
>still together

what sort of fucking relationship is that? I'm sure you still care about each other and shit but you violated his trust massively and you'll probably never get that back. You made a decision that can't be reversed, whether he "forgives" you or not. Break up and let him be happy with someone else.

I'm assuming this is bait, but regardless things are not 'back to normal' and they never will be if you don't break up. Trying to fix a relationship when you cheated is like trying to inflate a bicycle tire while riding the bike. You both need time apart to self-reflect and figure out why you are the way that you are. Why did you cheat? You didn't accidentally fall into the guys lap with your mouth open and oops his dick was out. It was not a mistake and you need to get to the root of your infidelity. You don't know why your bf forgave you? I'm willing to bet neither does he and that's dangerous.
Also you are not lucky that your cuck bf 'forgave' you, because he hasn't if he has a hang up about kissing. You need to leave to fix this, but truthfully the chance of you getting back together will be low. You can persist with this doomed relationship you created or go for the 5% chance of a good relationship in the future.

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Fuck you. Saged for originality

Now this user gets it.

(And why the fuck does it keep saying my comment is not origigigi enough )

Worse than you cheating and having the audacity to even ask for his forgiveness and continued relationship is his agreement under any conditions.
Any person with any self respect would see you crossed the line and refuse to stay but men today aren't men and 95% of men would do just as your bf has done and stay.
So hes wrong here. He gave you conditions which you met and he has no right to continue to passively/aggressively punish you.

nice larp, homo spoogebucket

>if I could take it all back for him to kiss me again I would, in a heart beat.
you can't unsuck a dick, the relationship is over

god OP, how in the world do you even get caught. You must have been attached enough to leave a trail or foolish enough to not care if others saw the two of you.
Heres how easy. Before the virus a coworker and I would leave separately for lunch, meet in a park and have sex in his car. My bf still has no idea and he never will. You know how easy it is to say you are shopping, or go to a work conference and meet up with a guy? How stupid can you be to get caught?

Helpful reminder that OP is RPing as a whore from reddits relationship advice board.

Same here, clearly this guy has no balls and doesn't have any friends willing to tell him he's a cuck.
That poor bastard

Wow, you're a piece of shit.
And he will find out. He'll show up to your work as a surprise or some shit and you'll get caught.

Why can't you just break it off instead of being a horrible person. Because that's what you are. You're a bad person for doing what you are doing