Where did all of these women and redditors suddenly come from? i swear a week ago there werent this many. its gross

where did all of these women and redditors suddenly come from? i swear a week ago there werent this many. its gross

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yeah, this board went down the shitter just like the rest of Zig Forums. Anything redditors touch they ruin.

I thought I was the only one that noticed. I leave this board for a while, then come back, and mongoloids take over

tfw no gf did it

i swear its like it happened overnight, this board completely changed in such a short amount of time

really? i never expected people to actually watch that trash and try to come here

Oh shit guys is it really that bad? I've just gotten back from a month long vacation to Zig Forums. This is one of the first threads I've seen.

oh fuck, you're right, i thought that wouldn't of brought people, but now noticing this, just makes more sense, and explains the amount of shit going on.

We had an influx of normalfags before this anyways, so many fucking threads about gfs and friends and even bfs
The documentary just compounded on that. The board has been lost to us for a long time. I just wish I knew where the rest of my people went to

This is the correct answer.
If only you knew how bad things really are.

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>people who joined in 2018 will now whine about people who joined in 2020

Oh the humanity

If Zig Forums is so bad for you now, then you need to search out the better platform. Most of us won't tell you where we go to because we don't want a normalfag leak.

Prove to us you aren't a normalfag like that which you claim to hate, and search for us

Idk they bored over at reddit and decided check th is place out?

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Oh trust me I get why nobody says where they go, i wasnt complaining about nobody telling me. I just dont know how to find it myself
I suspect I have an idea but beyond needing tor I have no idea how to actually get there and am afraid to google it or the government might find me

Bruh this shit started in 2016 during the election. Obviously we had redditors before but it got really bad in 2016/2017. 2016 r9k was a different world

It's the quarantine causing the influx of normalfags, they're bored and are basically committing to internet tourism. I noticed it after about a month of quarantine and it's only getting worse. It's like fucking reddit now, can't even voice your opinion without 50 normans jumping on you

Kek, retarded newfag. This board has been shit since 2011 at least.

slow as fuck
i dont think 8kun has an r9k board
the rest are kind of obscure


wait, lain is left-handed?

>people who joined in 2015 start to consider themself as oldfags.
>all those sex obsessed incels
>basedjack posting
>racebaiting and cuckshit
>quality shitposts are very rare
>those anons who talk about actual sad shit like their experiences with abuse rarely share them.
>its all about peoples sex lifes or lack thereof now.
>no good shitposts
>ecerybody is know some kind of oomer
>the traps have become the least annoying thing on this board now

The throat singing stuff is alright

Remember when the NPC meme was really popular last summer? That was fucking cancer. The oomer shit has started to die down too, now it really is just tranny and race bait with some normalfag sex shit sprinkled on top

Wizchan is pretty amazing, but it is reasly slow. The general quality of posting makes up for it imo. But usually everything is more serious.
I can reccomend /grimm/ on 7chan.
How is kohlchan doing btw, havent been there in a while.

Neither of those. It's a new one that's been a long time in the making, you'll come across it soon

alright user.. can you at least guide me in the right direction?

I came here in 2015 with the rare pepe hype and i consider myself old as fuck

2015 isn't old

i came here in like 2011 when i was 10 and i still feel like a newfag desu

From what I seen is just a couple of guys and grills that just want to shit up the place for shits and giggles. We just need to start ignoring them.

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They've been growing in number for years and years. How have you only noticed recently? Around 2018ish is when the board went from bad to nosediving into cancer. The faggot invasion, the banning of that incel reddit forum, and the rise of discord are the trifecta which killed Zig Forums. These """"""fembots""""""" are just picking at its corpse.

I'd really hate to say this, but 2015 is probably older than the average user these days.

>where did all of these women and redditors suddenly come from? i swear a week ago there werent this many.

They have been here longer.
>reddit nukes incel boards
>incels migrate to Zig Forums
>incels can't shut the fuck up about women which attracts women
>cue to nu-Zig Forums

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The op picture was flipped horizontally first or am I tripping?