You wake up tomorrow in this body, what do you do from now on?

you wake up tomorrow in this body, what do you do from now on?

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That's basically my current body but with a much bigger tummy.

G-g-get fit!

Cute tits, though.

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I already have a body like that.

Holy fuck, I thought my physique was shit.

it's pretty much already my body cept for the tits

This is what happens when you are raised by single mothers

Ismt this the "Onions" bodytype?
I would stop drinking onions and eating beyond burgers
I would probs cut all the weight too

Book a gynecomastia surgery
Get tested for Klinefelter syndrome
Get on testosterone and anastrozole
Get on replacement level T3
High protein diet with a 30% kcal deficit
Lift 5 x week

Probably just neck myself at that point. Literally one of my only redeeming qualities is my strong, masculine inverted triangle physique

>believing pol propaganda

the same thing I do everyday. Browse Zig Forums. Unless they ban me again

There's an actual name for that body type? lmao
also how do you let your body get this bad? socially-pressured mcdonalds and wendys?

Yeah. Basedboy body,
You grow tits and wide hips.
Because of all the hormones in Soya beans

Eat better, workout, grow out my hair, create a new fake identity and reintroduce myself into the life of my oneitis, buy better fitting clothes, yknow the usual OP

I basically did. I just got the tits removed and went on with my life.

take more cutie pills.

can confirm, was raised by a single mom and have that exact body

go to a doctor and get a prescription for testosterone. work out, lose weight and shit while on said testosterone. if that doesnt work id kms or give up on having offsprings

how is this so true?

I got klines bro it makes me want to die, my tits are bigger than his but the worst thing is the birthing hips because you can't fix that.

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Why do these lardies look so gross? Their bodies look like chewed up bubble gum.

He probably has extra X chrosomes which is something you can be born with if you're unlucky.

>tfw shopping for mens pants with wide hips

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>i'm even wearing the beats headphones in the picture
fuck you for being so accurate user

Finish the transition.

Are those his actual hips or are they just flabby love handles? Because I look a bit like that but mine is definitely just flab

lost all my workout progress
i start to workout and run lol

Is that his actual body shape or did he just lose a bunch of weight?

probably take the pinkpill

Get a gf since im basically a chad now