Does anyone want to move to asia or japan but cant because of all the shitty drug laws

Does anyone want to move to asia or japan but cant because of all the shitty drug laws

I want to move somewhere with non degenerate women and Japanese culture looks really fucking cool. But i want to do drugs

I am a degenerate drug addict but not degenerate sexually which is worse. I think drugs at least weed and weaker pills shouldnt really be seen as crimes since they are literally harmless especially when regulated

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Replace other drugs with large amounts of alcohol and you'll be set

Japan doesn't take people who've been on probation

I hear japanese prisons treat foreigners great

Yes, you'll have to breed Jamaican or African women instead op

>non degenerate women
>is a degenerate druggie

Laws that keep drug addicts out of your society are not shitty

OP is the small town probation spammer, what did you expect?

Drug degeneracy is a personal choice. Sexual degeneracy is bad.

OP is a fucking bimbo.

>I am a yank weeb, I watched some anime and now I think Japan looks cool to me and I wanna move.

OP is a clear example of what weed does to your brain.

good you faggot stay away
drugs are for niggers
all drugs even legal ones

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Why do you care if other people go to japan if you just sit in your room all day with no job?

I want to go to Japan
I would love to get high and walk around Don Quixote. I bet it'd be a blast
I accept that as a tourist I won't be able to do drugs, and appreciate the break from that
I can also appreciate that if I move to Japan, and make friends with expats, they'll probably be able to sell me very expensive drugs.

>Wants to move to place because it's not degenerate
>Is a degenerate himself

Stay with your own kind

I wish I could somehow do drive in la Tokyo and Kyoto

No need for weeebs in here. there are shit tons of them already in akiba.

haha i cant tell you how much i wish that were the case
i care because i like japan and dont want shitters like you make it worse and make japs dislike foreigners even more

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druggie weebs are not the ambassadors we need

Literally people in japan do meth. Cigarettes are worse than drugs. I smoke weed and do an occasional party drug.

Your opinion does not matter. I work for myself, I have a huge savings, I go outside daily, I have had friends and relationships. You are the failure here and would never even be able to move countries if you wanted.

What's the situation on research chemicals in Japan? Just order some obscure legal chemicals like 2-FDCK and get fucked up.

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I would love to do psychedelics in the Japanese mountains some time. Shame there's no reliable way to get them there.

Idk man arent those chemicals deadly as fuck? Plus weed is perfect two people just smoke and go back and forth doing dumb shit that makes each other laugh for hours

Why the mountains? You can do that here and its the same just nature. I wanna do drugs downtown and in clubs.

Honestly I would probably quit drugs if I could just live in japan tho. Non degenerate cuties are better than drugs.

>retarded stoner tries to go to japan and gets arrested
Can't wait for the headline.

who the fuck needs drugs when video games exist? sorry OP. Drug heads don't deserve a pure jap wife

Im not going there to do drugs man its to get away from degeneracy

Good point, everyone knows a druggie can quit anytime

In japan I would actually be busy and they wouldnt really be around much. The only reason I stated is because I live in a boring shit hole and all 7 people I knew smoked weed.

>literally harmless

The fact that you can't see your mental deterioration and addiction doesn't mean they are not there.

You can get them in Japan
Hell even shrooms were legal until the 2000s there.

You made this same thread on Zig Forums you fucking autist.

Its way worse to smoke cigarettes or be sexually degenerate then to smoke weed.

Hell I was making 80 dollars an hour in my room I cant be that stupid

You can get weed in all of these countries
When i was in china literally everybody at my uni did weed
there was this korean dude that did cocaine lol, he got arrested and thrown into a chinese prison tho, don't recommend it

anyhow drug culture isn't as wide spread, but drinking culture is pretty well developed in asia, particularly in Korea, so just do that

Asian-American here. I've lived in Hong Kong and Japan for years. Now back in the US ever since the HK riots. To be completely honest, if you have the money, just stay in the US/Europe (wherever you're from). There are plenty of options here. Asia is pretty exciting for a 20, 30-sth single guy but it's not a great place for long-term living. That's why so many Asians want to immigrate to other countries.

Hey I'm an 18 year old looking to go to uni in Japan, would you recommend it?
Asia is really fun, but I'm not sure how long-term living would be

I heard stories from people on Reddit saying they went to school in japan and like 80% of people never even saw weed

I want a long term life in Asia. Every girl here is a slut and like half the girls are raped. At least in Asia not every single is a slut and theyre shamed there for it.