"we need more testing"

doesnt this sound kind of meme-ish to anyone. same with "we must flatten the curve", "iraq has WMD", "Im with her"

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It's a slogan. It's meant to stick in your head and catch on, even if it is annoying and stupid sounding.

She is so cute with such a cute voice.

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I haven't kept up with the news
Why are they saying we need more testing?
What does it accomplish?

Exactly. Flatten the curve sounds super gay and like something girls put on their instagram story but thats what its meant to be

to find people who are infected, but don't know about it / see how much people really got infected / have had it the decease, so they can fine tune their anti-corona actions. they want to keep the number of infected to a level where hospitals can handle the situation.

>iraq has WMD
Are you even old enough to remember this?

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Your brain is so broken by stupid Zig Forums shit that you can't think anymore. What's the fucking alternative? We need less testing? We don't need to test anymore? Are you fucking retarded?

i love her ig and how based her views are

Follow who has it and who they meet, which places have cases and which dont...
Basic shit

>What's the fucking alternative?

we dont need more testing because we have more than enough? theyre not saying we need to test more. theyre saying we need more testing supplies and shit. we have way more than enough. its like when they kept saying we need ventilators and then pretended they never got them

haha how weird would it be to peel that sock off and lick her heel up her arch to her toes and then fuck her in that posession balls deep while sucking on her toes.


position* fuck autocorrect

it is meme-ish, remember only a month ago they said mask don't work and before that said closing the border from china was racist

to make it look like the us is the hardest hit, least prepared and ill suited to handle anything

So far they have been right about little

>theyre saying we need more testing supplies and shit.

So why don't you take your genius claim to the authorities then and correct them if they're wrong? Surely someone of your expertise can make a convincing case why we have enough despite everyone else claiming we don't. Contact CNN right now.

>Contact CNN right now.

people are correcting them constantly. data is being posted. hosptials and politicans are IGNORING incoming supplies on purpose to extract more money


My post is original

>muh tests

isn't it Ciara in that pic?

no its zoei (pizz4g4te)
shes much cuter but not an egirl. idk how people even know about her. shes just a regular girl (not attention whore egirl)

But she is friends with all egirls.
I think she wanted to be one bit was too chickenshit to do it.
She browses too.

Hi zoey you little slut. How is Iowa treating you?

>idk how people even know about her.
She followed a lot of egirls on Instagram, all of Ciaras accounts, marky, erica, sunny.

How the fuck can you confirm cases if you dont test retard? You don't want to know how many niggas are infected around you?

Take it on the chin lad.
Give me some of that blitz spirit.

she browses Zig Forums

shes nothing like the typical egirls. shes very redpilled from what i see

>i'm different, I swear

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idk her just dmd her before. i like her ig. it dope. other egirls are kinda bluepilled and gross

women dont have views

>tfw no flexible gf
goddd id eat her out

theyre phrases easy for everyone to understand