
Can I just keep my LSD between some book pages in room temperature?

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What would you guys do if you found hundreds of shrooms growing and dont have a scale or a dehydrator?

You can, but it's not ideal.
I usually put it in some tin foil and keep it in the freezer.

tin foil my man, stops it from evaporating or some shit. Ive always gone tin foil anyways

What about tinfoil and room temperature? I'm not the only user of the fridge so I'd rather not put it there.

A little DXM right now and feeling..ok

Also my pain meds I guess. If someone else was taking them they'd be high as shit, but I don't experience anything from it any more but the absence of agony

DXM is more a stimulant or a depressive?

I'm reading about it in psychonaut:

>Stimulation & Sedation - At lower, recreational doses, DXM is predominantly stimulating. However, it can produce waves of tiredness, or the desire to lay down with the eyes closed in a sleep-like state. As higher dosages are approached, the experience generally turns very sedating and lethargic, sometimes resulting in the user not moving at all.

Uh, I would say it's closer to a stim, but it really depends on what plateau you're on and how you respond to it. I wouldn't really describe it as either though, I'd say it's a dissociative hallucinogen.

What are the basic effects that it makes you feel?

>golden teacher grow kit on it's way

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I always wonder how people are capable of smoking weed and also stay n tact working/studying...etc
I know the difference between body high and mind high but no matter what I smoke I seem to slack off and take the lazy way out.
luckily tho I remain functional in the sense of being capable of holding normal conversation -when I dont smoke too much at least-
any tips for staying high and energetic to some extent?
pic unrelated

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^hands-down best DXM resource out there. Also recommend just looking at Erowid.

And don't take any with any active ingredient other than Dextromethorphan unless you want to die or puke everywhere.

Long story short on that, it's hard to say unless you know what dose and weight we're talking about. At what I'm on right now, it's like being mildly drunk + dissociation, so my sensory experiences are a little disjointed and I don't feel like a person.

If I were tripling the amount I'm on, my body might be completely limp and unoccupied while I'm having 3D, immersive CEVs based on things I'm hearing in the room, or I might think about a situation I'll be dealing with tomorrow and then experience a huge number of different "mes" that are all people I could be in response to that situation.

any microdosers here?

I used to get stoned and go to work. It was only factory work though so nice and easy, just boring 12 hour long shifts.
I knew a lad that had a smoke and a coffee so he could stay sort of energetic.
Pic sort of related to weed, I did it last night whilst stoned.

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>Feeling as if one's body is not their own
>Feeling as if one's body is controlling itself
>Feeling as if one's body is distant and far away
>Feeling as if one's bodily movement is mechanical and robotic
>Feeling a decrease in one's ability to use fine motor control
>Feeling a decrease in one's ability to use and perceive their sense of touch

So it's like if you were out of your body? Like if you weren't controlling your body? Isn't that scary? Do you lose control of what you do or is it like if you just don't feel anything like when you are very depressed that you feel that you just move automatically as a robot but is like if you weren't there?

Have other people on here used eurochems before?
I bought a lot of 1p-lsd and it was great but then my friend bought all sorts of weird shit on there and I'm kinda worried about him.

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That should be fine if you keep it in a dark dry place like the back of a drawer or a closet. Light and heat break down LSD so if you limit its exposure to that itll last a long time. Shit there are anecdotes I've heard of people finding a few doses in their dads wallet from the 60s and them still being fully effective.

>So it's like if you were out of your body? Like if you weren't controlling your body?

It could feel like you were out of your body. It's hard to describe if the person hasn't actually experienced it. Moving your hand could feel like

>you realize that you're an identityless ghost driving this meat hand and there's no particular reason to do any of the things the identity attached to this body normally does
>you think "I want to move my hand" and it seems to move on its own even though you're somehow aware it's you doing it
>you move your hand but the sensations that come in--touch, temperature, the noise of your arm moving--seem like data that's not being properly integrated with each other and with the motion you're making
There's a lot of kinds of dissociation out there, and they can be very very mild to very extreme.

>Isn't that scary?
Well, many people take DXM for fun. IME most people who take it take the lower doses for giggling and falling over, but plenty do more dissociative experiences and enjoy it or find it valuable.

And I like it, but I'm permadissociated even without drugs (severe abuse background). Basically, I feel like I'm chaperoning a body and memories and a conscious experience that belongs to someone else (or nobody). I can physically feel that my body is a flesh sack being piloted by...whatever I'm supposed to be. And sometimes various sensory experiences in my body will shut off or end up writing information in the wrong format. DXM makes it easier to play with that, or intensify it if that's what I want, plus euphoria, music enhancement, and a sort of reflective quality that I like.

prices look pretty ni-
>20euro shipping to eu countries

That's ideal. I keep it wrapped in tinfoil in a plastic bag.

On methylphenidate and thinking of playing some vidya. What kind of vidya is best for stims? Was thinking of some fps but maybe sandbox autism would be better?

For me, it was always more of a sedative, but not in a "forced" way, like say how strong indica weed is.
I would always lie down in my room and listen to music during pretty much all my robotrips, both 2nd and 3rd plateau.
However on the comedown I've noticed I always feel more stimulated and manic like, but not in a forced way like alcohol, like I can go lie down and chill if I want.

>What are the basic effects that it makes you feel?
I'm a somewhat pretty experienced dexhead, though I haven't done 4th plat and sigma yet, so definately not no expert but know my shit on it.
The effects vary from plat to plat.
>1st plat
Slightly drunkish feeling without the alcohol headspace of "ayyy AAAYYYY'., double vision.
>2nd plat
This is where the magic begins. Amazing shit, music sounds almost orgasmic. I mean, this was some of the best music enhancement I've ever had, nothing matches up to it, it was almost like it was going into my soul.
Headspace was constantly filled with thoughts like "we are all just atoms that behave by a couple physical laws, that's who I am and what the whole universe is", but no real emotional reaction.
You'll also start to feel light dissasociation on this dose, if you look in the mirror you might not recognize your own face.
Also, double vision and walkin around feels sort of ''Foggy" with a fisheye lens and double vision, like (pic related).
This is where the visuals really start to happen. CEVs are cool, tey seem to vary person to person but for me they are often walls. Also teleportation starts to happen here, like you might think "let's get out of my bed and go to the kitchen" and the bam, you're in the kitchen without remembering how you got there.

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would not recommend/10

>Isn't that scary?
No, because you're more likely too dissociated from your emotions.
Described it pretty well.
I'd go to add on that walking and moving whilst sober are often subcontious actions. Like, when you walk down the street you aren't thinking ''Move left leg, move right leg". They sort of move on their own, right?. Well on DXM you notice that they are subcontious movements and move on their own.

Never mind apparently I'm jerking off now instead of playing games...

Meh, I liked it.

I actually think higher-dose DXM trips cleared up my depression for quite a while.

And yeah, also this: >>No, because you're more likely too dissociated from your emotions.

Most things on DXM are pleasurable, or just "curious." I've cleaned rotting food up that normally would make me gag and I was just like
>man. Mold spores are a really interesting shape. I never looked at it like this before.
>this horrible breakup I'm going through is a really interesting experience. I never looked at it like this before.

>tfw can and want to grow mushies but too much of a pussie to do it

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Honestly been dying for a joint or some shrooms since I came home but idk any dealers, I'm in hell

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Any video guides how to grow shrooms from start to finish

>Get Grounds
>Put mushroom seeds in
>Water once per day
>Ten do tis until they grow out.

Anyone else ever think how it is crazy that most of these drugs are from nature and plants. Like, why is it there? How was it beneficial for evolution to develop these effects?