How do smart anons think? I'm a dumb, uncreative, rock. I can't think outside the box...

How do smart anons think? I'm a dumb, uncreative, rock. I can't think outside the box, I have never cracked a funny joke in my life, and I'm NEVER critially thinking. How do you people think? Do you think it words like I do? Do you think in images? Or do you 'feel' concepts? FUCK... I JUST WANT TO BE SMART. I have piss poor vocaublary, and I am a dead fish in conversations... I'm pretty sure this is because my parents never talked to me while I was growing up... I'm pretty sure it's because I used to sleep with my head under the blanket while growing up... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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Literally read nigga, read.

what am I supposed to read and how am I supposed to keep attention? How do I retain knowledge? I forgot to add this to this opening, but I literally can not remember anything that hasn't happened within the last week or so...

Do you do drugs or drink?

No, I've never done anything my mommy would disapprove of other than rubbing my no-no square and wasting my youth

Might just be ADD then. Depending on the severity you can fix it by forcing yourself to focus on what you're doing until it becomes natural, or see a shrink and get prescribed some drugs.

No internal monologue?
Anyway, what said.
I used to read a lot as a child and in my mid-teens.
Can't say I didn't feel intelligent, finishing books and novels written by Jane Austen and Stephen King.

There's a whole world of entertainment and imagination buried in your mind and you have to access it. Keeping your mind full of linguistic knowledge will help you communicate better and conjure up ideas.

But, nobody likes to read anything anymore. Not even in video games do people read plot, but complain about games being boring or some shit.

Read stuff. For now I think you can read all sorts of novels. Dark Souls is also a good series to get some uncommon vocabularies. Diversify things that you encounter, all kinds of TV shows, even Downton Abbey or something lol. Also just try to give yourself a goal of coming up with something original. Make music, or come up with an idea.

Intelligence is things like memory, processing speed, reaction time, problem solving etc. Literally none of this is improved by reading

Your obviously not an intelligent individual if you think that Christ and additionally op wanted help with vocabulary

Yes, it is.
I can tell you don't read. lmao

We're not computers, you moron. Problem solving can be practiced with video games, reaction time with fitness training, memory with puzzles and quizzes... pretty much everything your elementary school teachers were trying to get your dumbass to do when you were a kid, but your lazy ass would rather fuck off and do dumb shit like shoot each other in the eye with NERF guns.

You're fine user it's mostly just connecting things.

Like for example when watching a film, a couple of things can be thought about.

1. You can think about how a plot point relates in behavior with the character doing it, and if it's plausible in an emotional or logical sense, and if the scenario with it would be believable.

2. You can think about how a scene or shot was created. Either in a script sense or literally videographing and editing the scene. All the components that are required to make it.

Now these are just two short examples, and when you boil them down they are rather simple. But applying these simple exercises allow you to piece together information into a more whole picture. These allow for your mind to actively seek to wonder and think of how anything and everything came to be, works, and predict the behavior of it. Be it people, items, or ideas.

I was socially retarded for the longest time until I started to learn to apply this concept to people. I went from a raging political edgelord who wished death upon all, to someone who is much more mellowed out and receptive of most peoples. Once you learn to feel the pains of their problems, situations, and perceive from their perspective as people, it starts to make a lot more sense.

Also helps out in shittalking and making jokes in conversations.

Imagine being so dense that you don't think you can ponder and connect abstract concepts on paper.

I'm just smartish, still a loser, but sometimes I get good ideas to solve problems.

They just come to my mind on their own when I think about it.

Here's a thing I made to amuse my newborn nephew, it's supposed to hang all together.
The octopus is built in 6 different parts cut from a thin wooden board, that clip together. I looked up similar ideas on the internet but came up with that particular structure myself. I was pretty happy with myself for making it work.

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All you literally said was, "Just do it, faggot."

I think I gave more of a way as to how than anyone else in this thread.

>Tell them to read books and explain how it helps.
>Just think, bro. Watch a movie and think about it.

Ok, of course you think you did. Acknowledging that you didn't would require acknowledging that you have no idea wtf you're talking about and probably are also an idiot.
The first sign of being a dumbass is not being able to recognize or accept when you don't know wtf you're talking about.

>said they were completely capable of it and should just look to broaden that critical thinking ability across all subjects

>use a simple subject like movies for them to relate to

You're really killin' it user.

>said they were completely capable of it and should just look to broaden that critical thinking ability across all subjects
Yeah. Saying "You can do it; so, therefore, just do it" isn't advice.
Repeating yourself doesn't make it more helpful.
>You're really killin' it user.
Feeling insecure, buddy?

being funny is something you learn. i was social outcast so i forced myself to be funnier. i listened to standups and stuff i tried to anaylize other peoples jokes and think why they were funny. for example when teacher asks what is 2+2 someone might say it is 5 and think it is funny but that person will be wrong. more unrelated and unexpected answer is funnier it is. saying 22 would be little funnier that saying 5 but still not funny enough. now if teacher asked what is 2 + 2 and you said it didn't equal to 12 just like epstein didn't kill himself would be lot funnier. you get the idea. (1/2)

now thinking critically is differnet thing. one thing helped me think critically was reading books with different viewpoints. for example when i finished reading atlas shrugged then i started reading das kapital and communist manifesto. thinking critically means knowing seeing from other viewpoints and rationally getting to answer. also read. read about anything. you can't train your brain by rotting it on Zig Forums

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>trying to pick at argument points that aren't even there

Are you 16 by any chance?

This is you, in :
>they were completely capable of it
ok, so "you can do it"
>should just look to broaden that critical thinking ability across all subjects
ok, "so now just do it"

Like, I don't get it. Are you just mad that I simplfied your vacuous, verbose bullshit or what?

The process is that simple. I just strung it out with more explanation behind it. Is that not defining what it is?


... sigh.
I'm wasting my time.

The only thing worse than an ignoramus is an ignoramus that thinks it's intelligent.

being smart isnt about the amount of things you know its more about your capacity for learning and the speed you do it at
i dont know if its really something within our grasp to change

if you want to be more educated you can do that, knowing more stuff can help you diversify your thoughts and ideas, but its probably not gonna make you much smarter, at least not fundamentally
personally i dont think im very smart either, and it sucks, but i know its still partly my fault for not aspiring to success or pushing myself to use my brain like that when i had the opportunity
and being miserable also doesnt help, since i remember times in my life where i felt particularly proud of myself for being smart or creative or funny and they were times where i wasnt so down on myself, currently it feels hard to think about anything positively, nothing that comes out of my head feels like its worth anything
so if youre anything like me maybe you could try fixing that stuff, or maybe just finding someone to talk to about things, might be youre just undervaluing yourself

Everyone thinks they're a genius.

Everyone I meet calls me the smartest person they know. They're wrong; I'm smart but mainly an impressive conversationalist, which makes me seem smarter than I actualy am. IQ is largely genetic but my mother read literature and mythology to me extensively as a child, and fed me a healthy diet, which I think helped.

Don't use drugs or alcohol and limit the time you game/coom to a handful of hours a week. Lift weights, and if you go for walks keep a notepad on your phone where you reflect on the aesthetic qualities of things you encounter. Describe patterns you observe in nature and social interactions. Fuck around with creative applications like photoshop or fruityloops and you'll understand much more of the media content you encounter every day.

The lessons you learn from one area of study can be extrapolated to many other things. Mnemonics, finances, game theory, psychology, system dynamics, time management and mathematics are the kinds of knowledge that help you acquire more knowledge and options. You must be patient and focused to be a good learner.

The key to being funny is mainly having an associative memory and saying the first shit that pops into your head. This is why black people, australians, jews, conservatives etc. are funny - they're not overthinking what they're going to say. I only hold my tongue if my thoughts are downright cruel. Surprises, exaggerations, puns, and keen observations all help. Don't be female.

I'm very intelligent and it's done nothing for me in my life so far.
If you don't have drive, intelligence is useless. If you're driven, disciplined and persistent, you can get away with having an average intelligence.

there are exercises that you can do to increase your intelligence

>playing a musical instrument
>playing chess
>playing the dual nback game
>image streaming

if you don't know what the last 2 are just look them up. idk if I'm a smart user but I'd say smart anons would take the initiative and look something up before asking since its faster good luck op.

cont the way the effectiveness of these exercises was measured (by the people whose research I got this info from) was iq tests ik it's not a good measure of intelligence but I think it'll do I say you need to pick up a few habits/exercises that make you more intelligent and keep increasing the intensity and or amount of exercises until your satisfied.