Why do girls always mention having a boyfriend early in the conversation? I wasn't even flirting, you dumb ho...

Why do girls always mention having a boyfriend early in the conversation? I wasn't even flirting, you dumb ho. I was just buying alcohol. You started the conversation with me. Do they just want to let men know that they're desirable?

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maybe you should practice not to stare like a creep? could that be it?

It's probably one of their silly games.
Just ignore it and do what you have to do.

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>Do they just want to let men know that they're desirable?
Yes, from now on just assume women want constant attention and everything they do will make sense.

Was she attractive?
Probably gets hit on by every guy she talks to if she doesn't.

Because they can't always tell whether you have interest or not, and if you do, and they wait until much later to tell you they have a boyfriend, a fairly common outcome would be you lashing out at them for tricking or manipulating you because you were embarrassed that you caught feels.

A girl who has seen an extreme case of this once or twice is likely to be so nervous about having it happen again that she'll hint at everyone right away that she's taken just so she doesn't have to get berated or threatened over an honest mistake.

>reee why do women play games and wait until the last minute instead of just saying they're already taken and get it over with
>wtf why would she tell me so early on that she has a boyfriend
Bro I don't like roastitos either but this is just hypocritical.

She was average. If she didn't want to get hit on, maybe she shouldn't strike up conversations with customers.
But women are supposed to be hyper aware of social cues.
I don't think like that. Anyway, if a woman is not interested in me sexually, she should not be so forward. It's just dumb. And if she does have a boyfriend, why is she so attention starved? I'll never understand them.

What was the context? Did she blurt it out or did she casually mention her boyfriend doing something or liking something or whatever

The latter. I assume the former means her saying, "Oh I have a boyfriend btw". It was obnoxious, either way. She also mentioned she downloaded our government's tracking app for covid. Disgusting.

>shouldn't strike up conversations with customers
if your job is customer facing then you should be nice to customers. if you don't you get fired for being unfriendly.

Anyway you guys give off vibes and can't hide it well at all

>shouldn't strike up conversations with customers
was this a bartender user? if so, don't be a fucking idiot, she was doing her job literally lmao

>Why do girls always mention having a boyfriend early in the conversation?

Persons you spend a lot of time with naturally come up in a conversation. Also you are likely giving off desperate vibes

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>But women are supposed to be hyper aware of social cues.

I'm not so sure that's true, but maybe. Even if they were, though, they could easily make a mistake, or have decided to play it safe (bringing up boyfriend is pretty easy insurance against a very bad possible outcome)

>Anyway, if a woman is not interested in me sexually, she should not be so forward. It's just dumb. And if she does have a boyfriend, why is she so attention starved? I'll never understand them.

OMG it's almost like women are people too and enjoy social interaction and having friends, that must be very confusing to people on the spectrum like you

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It's good to see anons being so reasonable itt when there's such a retarded op. That feels like a rarity these days. Everything I would have said was already said. Keep up the good work.

You don't know me, son. The only vibe I give off is either depressive or manic. I have zero interest in the women of my country.
Liquor store attendant. She always tries to spark a conversation with me, whenever she's on shift. I was in a rare manic mood, and the corona conspiracy had me jonesing for human contact, so I was, for once, open to socialising.
That's fair enough. We're all human.
I am a good looking guy. If I am not interested in a woman who I know is into me, I will ignore her. Women should learn to do the same. And using autism as an insult is very blase.
Why would you want to be congruent with the norm? You sound very sanctimonious and unnecessary. If you died tomorrow there would be zero impact on the world, and those who knew you would recover quickly.

>And using autism as an insult is very blase.

But from the way you write it's obvious something is off. You are definitely not normal. Which isn't meant as an insult but you have obvious social deficits.

It's called idiolect. Something discouraged in today's society. But I am also inebriated. I am hyper aware of my abnormality. I do not see it as something to be ashamed of. Besides, I am told I can be charming. You cannot judge someone's social capabilities through text.

Only good answer here. Opposite sex is inferior, acquire her pussy or get more somewhere else. It's their only purpose as far as I'm concerned

I would have just chuckled and told her not to flatter herself.

This has never happened to me on a regular basis but if it did it would have been a testament to the childish beings these whores have become.

I mean a lot of people are going to cry but everything about them revolves around their sexual value. I mean look at how they behave even when they are yelling from the roof tops about how strong and unstoppable they are and how they can cry and complain their way into getting anything they want from men their inherent value always leads back to their crotch.

>You cannot judge someone's social capabilities through text.

You can, since texting with someone is still social interaction. Also you literally described a social interaction you had.

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The fact that you're letting this get to you so badly makes me think something's off man. Anyways there are plenty of gas stations and even more chicks without boyfriends out there.
Just remember women are stupid and do stupid shit for attention. Maybe they can be hyper aware socially, but that's because they are self conscious as fuck

No it is not take yourself for instance

You have to wait 5 minutes to find a loop hole for your pointless argument that is still a fallacy before actually typing

If you and that gentlemen were having this conversation face to face you would be dumb founded like most of your normies are when confronted on anything. Facts being brought up always leads to racist sexist waaah you just hate women but you cant deny facts you can only cry and beg us to stop being mean

Everyone knows that, and they go fucking crazy when you refuse to acknowledge it

You're the guy that makes the women hate threads where he keeps replying to himself and calls people who disagree with him a roastie or tranny psyop right? You seem familiar

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Christ but this sex addict shit is gross. No thanks; I prefer to think of humans as humans

lmao it's really you thanks for all the laughs

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I enjoy making cunts seethe because u obviously dont come here for any logical discussion you come because you cant keep your tiny female brain away from your detractors


we get it you enjoy the abuse

If you were not flirting with her then why do you care if she mentions her bf

keep putting them on a pedestal, tell me how that goes

lmao who touched you faggot

Angry laugh yeah this roastie is seething

Nah I dont samehole I think you are thinking about those roasties who make threads like
>women have life on easy mode
>why do men REWARD whores with attention then complain about him

Then she proceeds to respond to herself while a shit load of guys shit on her logic then she cant take it and deletes the thread.

That is probably you.

Face it women are not here for a logical discussion you whores are here to complain and bitch your way into men conforming to you like you do with everything else.

You have to go back now

Your sister bitch lol

>imagine who touched you

Typical low iq hole cant disprove shit so you gotta throw out insults lmfao brainless slut

Yeah you're making presumptions like some reddit cunt. You're a coping virgin yourself.

I dont have to do a damn thing

>implying someone is an incel because they dont agree with you brain on woman

>on a pedestal
Nope, on my same level like everyone else, which is where they obviously go. It's fine. I don't have weird persecutory or superiority complexes that screw up my relationships with half of the population

You talk like a 12yo faggot from reddit, you should go there ASAP

Thanks for the (you)s fren I know you love me

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they think you paying attention to them is attraction. which is fair, i do it in reverse

Maybe it is obnoxious, but I guess it's better than leading men on the way most women seem to.

>be gril
>tell user I have a bf early on
>I don't, I just want friends
>we become friends
>develop feelings for him
>tell him I broke up with my bf to be with him
>calls me a whore and ghosts

>wuuuuh stop making fun of me

Considering you are a 12 year old roastie from reddit I am sure you assume everyone is around your age lmfao fungus breath

Femmenazis are starting young man sheesh

Only love here.
And seething incels raging impotently.

I'm calling you an incle because you have been incel posting this entire time. You got angry because a women dared to strike up a convo with you like a normal human being. That's peak incel behavior.

Also you sound autistic, I dont even mean that as an insult, more of an observation, but you dont have to be arrogant and autistic at the same time, especially if you know that you are socially retarded.

The only people raging here are the crying roasties begging incels to agree with them


Lmfao stop crying and find something to do

Don't care plus you're an incel.

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>But women are supposed to be hyper aware of social cues.
Women are just people user. They may be more attentive to bullshit female drama but when it comes to most interactions they are awkward just like the rest of us.