I thought making a video game would let me escape my miserable life an inceldom...

I thought making a video game would let me escape my miserable life an inceldom, but after spending three years making my game, it sold a little less than 3k copies.
Should I just kill myself now that my final escape plan has failed?

I'll always be an ugly, poor waiter living in the middle of nowhere.

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What is your game called?

Game name pls

Nobody here is going to buy it and I don't need screenshots making fun of me like a few other devs that complained about being failures.

Just post it you idiot. Why even make the thread if you weren't going to.

why did you release a bad game, and why did you spend 3 years making dog shit?

You are awesome you created a videogame, was my dream since a kid you're like a hero to me

>could get an easy couple bucks but the risk is loser NEETS might make fun of him
>chooses not to make an easy couple bucks

Gosh, I wonder why it only sold 3K.

it's okay user
i think your game is good
indie deving is really difficult

may i see it?

How about you let us help you with your game? We're bros when necessary, you know. We can give you useful feedback.

You created a video game, who cares how many copies were sold? You accomplished something great that you always wanted.

Fuck money and success OP, 200 years into the future we will all be nameless graves at best. Dont give up

I'm just a no name faggot who'll never make anything of himself or create anything of value.
I'd rather not be remembered as the incel dev to make $5.
The game is already out, I did everything I could to shill it but the sad reality is that the market is too saturated and game developing is only reserved to million dollar companies and roasties with connection.

A honest man with a honest game can't succeed.

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the happy reality is that incels make terrible games and terrible games don't make money.

It's probably shit and your refusal to link the game proves you think so too

at least tell us the genre. is it low hanging fruit like something made with rpg maker xp? or a point and click adventure or is it like an actual 3d game and stufd

>jealous that they can't accomplish anything and have no potential

that describes the OP perfectly. he wasted 3 years to make the worst piece of shit on the gaming market. even mobile tetris rip-off sell more copies.

You got me, I wish I could spend 3 years of my life creating something so shit I come online to bitch about it.

Genre doesn't matter, 95% of indie games just aren't financially viable.

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part of game development is marketing and reach.

this guy (and you) is an utter retard. the fact that it's so easy to publish a game to millions of people should be celebrated, and instead this guy is complaining that Steam doesn't advertise for you for free. maybe learn from the 5% that are viable instead of crying like a bitch.

you know, yandev's almost certainly made a shitload in donations
I wouldn't bring this up except the people saying that this guy sucks because he didn't make any money are probably also the people who think that yandev sucks because he's making a game about cute girls (or whatever the particular parallel construction slop they fed imageboarders to get them onboard with that was)

Nobody said he sucks for not making money, he sucks for not linking the game.

You probably had unreasonable expectations to begin with. Most gamers aren't fair at criticizing games. It either really resonates with them or they hate it. If you look at some successful game designers what's a random one Richard Garriot, so successful game dev second generation astronaut. Even he had an article with a journalist saying it was impossible in this day in age for someone to do what he did and make games solo successfully. Even his last game flopped.

3k copies sold isnt bad for a first indie game. How much did you ask per copy?

You should be proud of yourself. For every finished india game there must be at least 100 unfinished projects. maybe even more! you achieved what only 1% of devs manage to do. Money doesn't matter right now. Use the experience and skills from your project to work on another game. You can only get better at it. Eventually someone will want to hire you for their own project

if he'd linked the game, he'd have been 'shilling' and 'whining for money'

what kind/style of game was it? like one of those pixel art games or was it plat former or whatever i dont know just what kind was it. just for interests sake

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Bisexual anime style erotica adventure..

how the fuck did you manage to choke down the bullshit steam makes hentai artists eat? i'd rather take fucking bitcoin

I'm sure it's fine OP
What genre is your game?

Well I assumed most r9k is bisexual or gay so I just went with it


I got inspiration from the steam game "Coming Out On Top"

What do fag artist have to do on steam?