What is it like going to a prostitute? I'm seriously considering it, and I wanna hear some experiences

What is it like going to a prostitute? I'm seriously considering it, and I wanna hear some experiences.

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Don't bother, prostitutes are only marginally better than just jacking off. Save your money and save yourself from the risk of getting an STD.

I understand that it's just a frivolous way of masturbating, but I want to at least try what it feels like to be touched by someone else.

Do it man. The more you remain virgin the more you will be mentally deteriorating. I say just do it once, unless you're very religious then wait until you find some dat trad to marry

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It's worth paying for a high class escort who will pretend to like you. Don't be the guy who has his first time with a worn out, drug addicted whore.

>pretend to like you
Maybe not guys that are out and out rapists or try to scam a lot of sex workers are actually quite fond of their clients. I know a lot of dommes and escorts lol

Speaking from a country where it's legal (the prostitutes here are clean, pleasant and you don't have to worry about getting tricked) the experience is pretty nice. It won't fill the void in the long run but it's a good way to make you happy temporarily. It's literally the only way how I spent my money since I moved out from home and got a steady job, one could even say that visiting prostitutes is my "hobby".
What exactly do you want to know additionally? I've got 7 years of experiences

*scam them, but a lot of

Is it just a "get in, bust a nut get out" -type of deal, or do you get to cuddle and such as well? How do sex workers think of first timers? I've realized that there's no way for me to get a loving relationship, so at least trying what i'm missing out on sounds like the next best thing.

>Is it just a "get in, bust a nut get out" -type of deal, or do you get to cuddle and such as well?

It depends on the girl and the time you pay for. Usually when you pay for one hour you get foreplay, kissing and cuddling automatically.

>How do sex workers think of first timers?
They are used to them. You wouldn't believe how many men actually lose their virginity to a prostitute or how many young men only experience sex with escorts. I've heard many such stories from those girls, they have regular customers who are in their early 20s, who visit them every week.
Prostitutes are the type of women who care the least about their clients shortcomings (like insecurity, virginity, small penis), they're only really uncomfortable with clients who have bad hygiene, are morbidly obese or violent/disrespectful. If you're under 30 and polite they can actually like you as a customer, cause most other customers (at least here in my country) are past age 40 and visit them because they're too old to get a decent woman.
Just go for it if you're still young

Thank you, I was worried about being a bad customer. But I guess I wouldn't be that bad then. I'm 21, in okay shape and take care of my hygiene.

This image reminds me of my GF.

It's pretty nice and a semi-useful learning experience. If you can handle the nerves, you'll even enjoy it. It will not however fix your problems. Losing your virginity won't fix your head, it won't give you confidence or change your worldview, it will feel like a short term high that will fizzle out permanently within days. Worse if you begin to feel guilt, because you will forget the actual experience but you won't forget the fact that you've fucked a hooker. It'll stay with you forever.

I went to a prostitute when I was 19 bc I had browsed this board too much and thought I would die a virgin otherwise.
It was a really weird experience and I felt bad for her.
I couldn't get hard and asked personal questions about what it's like to be a prostitute and she got really upset and cried.
I payed for 1 hour but we lied in bed together for about 2 hours.

Do it, but after everything calms down. It would suck to get the rona because you saw a whore.

This is true.

One important change I've noticed is also that I became completely indifferent to "regular" women after I became a full-time joe

>I couldn't get hard and asked personal questions about what it's like to be a prostitute and she got really upset and cried.

Actually that's kind of nice because you managed to break through the facade, that's not and easy thing to do with most people (since everyone of us is just acting as soon as he's around other people) but it's especially hard to do with a prostitute since they're so used to sell you a fake image.

Don't tell them you're a virgin.
Unless you want to know what it feels like to get rejected by a hooker.


It's not very nice to lie to your fellow anons.

tradwifes dont exist, they're all whores, maybe in the 50s when women were more conservative he could find one, but back they weren't tradwifes they were just normal women

I tried to tell an Eastern European escort that this was my first time with a prostitute but the language barrier was so thick she thought I said this was my first time having sex. She then made every effort she could to make my "first time" as good as possible and constantly took the lead, took us through multiple sex positions and gave me feedback on how I was doing along the way.

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It's digusting to think that EVERY woman in the world has fucked. At this rate, i'm proud to be a virgin. Seriously. How the fuck are people better than "Incels" (I'm as volcel as it gets) by having everyone's sloppy seconds? Disgusting animals and THEY have the nerve to virgin shame? The cheek of it!

Has any user seen any escorts recently? With this virus shutting people up, how has it been? Is it really worth the risk?

Getting Covid-Aids isn't worth it.

That's absolutely ridiculous. They'd probably find it charming.

Definitely Bait but if not then you are one stupid motherfucker

No, since the lockdown it's basically illegal here. I could call one girl tho since I have her private number but I did not cause I don't care about sex right now

It's okay. I thought it was gonna be an amazing experience but it was just that, "okay". It didn't really help with my anxiety either, but YMMV in that regard I suppose.

Imagine paying to do something as natural of a human function as taking a dump.

Took you long enough. I have yet to hear a valid argument against and individual making use of a prostitute. It's rarely ever anything concrete like maybe an STD. There are anons on here that get offended that someone would dare to pay a whore for sex.

Dudes I'm really itching to see one. I've been weighing the risks for a while now. I'm because of the quarantine, and I have the money and means to do so. I need to coom.

Brothels are legal here but they're obviously closed now because of the chinese virus. This is painful, I've been dying to go back to my favorite brothel.

Maybe regular women also find it charming and we've just been propagating lies.

>tfw can't stay hard with a condom on
How difficult is it to find a qt escort who'll do bare oral and kiss me on the mouth? I've already had sex, I really just want that and an hour or two of cuddling.

You misunderstand, I'm against sexual mores like monogamy as well since it's against human nature. Paying for sex is like paying to breathe.