I don't understand cucks

I want to be a white sissy for black guys, so its not that I don't understand weird and disgusting fetishes, its just that mine actually makes sense:
>be ugly smalldicked unmasculine male
>can't imagine myself ever being attractive to women
>for evolutionary biological reasons this is unbearable
>need a way to cope
>imagine myself as a woman
>lack of attractive male qualities now becomes positive
>its now possible for me to be found attractive (only by degenerate men, but the need to be found attractive overrides the need to be found attractive by attractive women)
>therefore, sissy fetish
>sissy fetish requires me to view myself as inferior to other men
>for evolutionary biological reasons this is unbearable
>need a way to cope
>imagine all white men are inferior to all black men
>now my inferiority is not my fault
>now I can view myself as of equal value to white men while being an attractive inferior sissy to black men
>therefore, bbc fetish
doesn't make it not wrong and pathetic, but at least it makes sense. Cucks, however, don't make sense at all - as we have just seen, the need to be found attractive is the most fundamental biological imperative - this is why incels are so full of pain and hatred. But cucks actually fetishise NOT being found attractive -
psychologically speaking this shouldn't be possible, you need to be found attractive in order to reproduce, you need to reproduce in order for your DNA to survive. I know the sickle cell gene confers immunity to malaria, and this is why it survived in africans - could there be a cuck gene that makes you immune to cancer?

tldr: ITT we post theories that explain why being wanting to be cucked is psychologically possible

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Cuck fetish is just a stepping to stone to sucking the cocks that they really crave.

>indirectly proves the whole concept of being transgender is invalid

based psychoanalyst sissy

>I don't understand cucks
>I want to be a white sissy for black guys, so its not that I don't understand weird and disgusting fetishes, its just that mine actually makes sense

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read the post you lazy fuck, its simple psychology

I guess it could just be a way of coping with your gay desires, but still the mental concept of another man fucking your chosen mate would surely still be disgusting? also their are other ways to suck dick and still think of yourself as straight - I prove that pretty well

I mean if you wanna understand cucks ask them. I just find sissies and cucks variation of masochists.

>I mean if you wanna understand cucks ask them
I am

i'm sure most of Zig Forums is not into cuckold . I would assume that cucks belive the idea that they can only find romantic partner if they let them fuck someone else. So pretty much like you belive you can only find partner by being bottom bitch of some nigger. It all comes down to inferiority complex

>grow up watching porn
>want to see woman fucked by hung studs
>get gf
>not a hung stud
>want to see gf fucked by hung studs

And the rest is history

but 80% of their fetish is specifically about being denied sex, like those cringy captions they make where your girlfriend tells you to lick the bull's creampie out of her pussy, then forbids you to jerk off for the rest of the day. inferiority complex would explain it if the fetish was that bull and the cuck would both fuck her and then she would tell the cuck how much better the bull was, but you don't see that anywhere

so thanks to porn guys can only get off when its a big dick that's fucking the girl? interesting theory

I don't have a cuck fetish (I'm a faggot and want to be fucked by a whole lot of muscular men) but i guess if we go by your whole logic
>be married and have subpar sex capabilities
>still love wife, want the best of her
>this includes obviously sex, which i cannot provide
>another men can provide it
>i am pleasuring the woman i love with this
>her being happy logically means I'm happy
>develop cuck fetish

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post more cuck captions op

>being a cuck doesn't make sense because you can't procreate if you fetishize being unattractive and let others fuck your wife
>my fetish makes sense because me being into black dick suddenly has nothing to do with procreation.
Both fetishes are a waste of genetic material you retard
>its simple mental illness

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still an enormous mental taboo to get over though. Most cucks actually enjoy the thought of their wife getting knocked up by another guy - surely wanting your mate to carry your own baby absolute most basic biological instinct, and surely such an instinct would override feelings of love and the instinct to please your partner?

I don't believe the instinct to fuck is directly tied to the instinct to procreate - it takes a while for human beings, the most intelligent creature on the planet, to figure it out hence "where do babies come from" is a common question for children to ask. When you fuck you're not thinking about ovulation patterns and spermatozas and shit, what matters is wanting to fuck or get fucked. while they share similarities the sissy fetish is about wanting to be fucked, which is a natural desire, the cuck fetish is about someone else fucking someone else, that's what I don't get.

It's an evolutionary function to enforce hypergamy, so the bottom males can cope, hell even enjoy that the top tier looking males get to father most of the children.

first explain the psychology of why you enjoy them

you are mentally ill and so are they, to me you're indistinguishable from them. both are psychological and developmental abberations and you all desperately need state-inforced beatings, compulsive therapy, or both
that said i want to see more of the girl in the pic, anyone got source?

One explanation I've heard is that a cuck questions the desirability of his partner once in a relationship (kind of like how a desired object loses its value once it's possessed) and seeing her being fucked by an "alpha" male is a way of confirming her desirability. It's his parter's attractiveness that's important, not his own.

Not OP but why not become a swinger in this situation , the cucks are not given sex right , so is denying sex also a way to strengthen the desire of a cuck ?

I think sex is kinda disgusting.
I rather not have sex.
But I want a gf I guess she could have sex.

think you're just jealous. I like white dick too user.
And if you're seriously such a coomer that you'll stay in this thread you claim to be so disgusted by just to find the name of that totally average looking girl then you're no better than a cuck or sissy. That said, if you'll help us solve the problem of how the cuck fetish develops maybe I could give you it

Youre a faggot and should unironically kill yourself
Not a haha joke, i actually mean it

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>just to find the name of that totally average looking girl
regrettably she looks like my past oneitis
>help us solve the problem of how the cuck fetish develops
emasculation and an inferiority complex. in doing this they think they liberate themselves and exorcise their demons, while in reality they compound the already existing problems. there

go back to plebbit, oregano

The cuck is focused on their partner and her desirability, I don't think swinging would satisfy them in that way. And yeah, there's a touch of masochism in there, I think it's the cuck confirming to themselves that their wife/girlfriend is alpha (for attracting alpha men and rejecting them) which then reflects on their own superiority, in a certain sense.

Ok faggot
Go shove more black dildos in your ass some more and being a disappointment to your family
Again go ahead and pull that trigger faggot
Youll get a red dick up there soon enough too

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Eh, considering modern technology allowing for in vitro fertilization, you can have a baby even if you don't actually fuck your wife but just fap to the thought of you being cucked

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>emasculation and an inferiority complex. in doing this they think they liberate themselves and exorcise their demons, while in reality they compound the already existing problems. there
Don't think it's that easy. Like I said, to have sex by any means necessary is the most fundamental instinct. I think it would take something more than just an inferiority complex, like being born with a hole in your brain, to overcome such a powerful drive
>regrettably she looks like my past oneitis
aww. now i kind of feel bad that I obviously just pulled that image off the internet and have no idea who she is. Try cropping it and reverse image searching