Imagine falling for the don’t go to college meme

brb be me
>in fraternity
>in the wrestling team
>studying easy as fuck business degree
>party every week
>hit the gym everyday
>gonna get out of school with a guaranteed 60,000k cushy job, although most likely 80,000k because of target school
>potential to go up to 250,000 as I advance in my career, multiple six figures

be you
>low iq
>too stupid to become electrician
>life of manual labor
>chain smoking and alcohol to cope with bullshit job
> hair is always itchy
>everyday come home in sweat, and dirty clothes
>physically and mentally exhausted, no energy for the gym or self improvement.
>making 10,000. A year.
>advancing means 60,000 a year at most.
>co workers are criminals and drug addicts
>mfw dies in a work related accident

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nice fitness thread
also buisness is cringe and low iq

sure bud, my money compensates for my iq.

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>be me
>laugh at you both from my comfy bed

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Maybe if you just post more gay men in suits it will raise your IQ

>no thanks

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Nice projection there bro

>Studying business

Enjoy being a recruiter or account executive. You're doomed to be either a white collar used car salesman or work B2B customer service

Post face and body

I’ll enjoy being none of those things, once I graduate I’ll be working in corporate finance. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Be me
>epic double major in economics and political science
>hard as fuck
>still lift
>still do jui juitsu+Muay Thai
>still work a job
>fast track to law degree
>gonna make a shitload

Be you
>cringe hedonist
>lazy as fuck
>has to suck dick to advance
>retard faggot

Not fit related.
Sage faggot

>enjoy having a gun to your head
>also I’d fucking smoke you in a fight lol

Why corporate finance, was actual finance too STEM for you?

I don’t want to work 100 plus hours that’s why, I could of done engineering if I wanted to but I didn’t, I’m having a blast in life and engineering requires rigorous study.

>>making 10,000. A year
Lemme tell ya...., you know shit about manual labor.

>t. former plumber (youth) now in a high end white collar job

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>not studying for a career related to fitness


that’s skilled trades not manual labor. just because you clean shit from pipes doesn’t make you any different, you’re still a dumb nigger

no you're gonna start at about 65k with corporate finance
>eventually making a 1/4 mil
no you're most likely gonna stay below 6 figures. It's not very common to break it in any field that has such a low point of entry. Basically unless you're the best of the best and your entire life revolves around work you have 0% chances of entering the 6 figure field.

I'd also like to remind you that we are in global recession. Stock market is only correlated to GDP by 7%, not 30-70% pre 2008 housing crisis. Not trying to burst your bubble, you're doing good to be going to college, but quite frankly you're a complete air head if you think youre gonna start making 250k a year without sacrificing your entire life just to churn out more profits for Mr. Goldstein

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lmao you are retarded, I have friends in corporate finance making six figures, you’re obviously just a dumb manual laborer

College is the biggest scam, just to spread liberal agenda and making midwits like you feel intelligent. What's the use of earning 60K if half of that is used to repay your debt.
>be me
>drop out of high school
>learn coding from the internet
>work on open source projects
>is enough to get me a high pay at some company
>climb up the ladder quickly from there because other college graduated inexperienced code monkeys can't do shit
>start earning six figures just at the age of 22, dabbing on all those debt ridden, Bernie voting graduates.

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That's the exception only through connections.

I used to work for a hedge fund. The finance people (not the partners) worked around 40 per week. I hear that's not the case with investment banking though.

I see you brother. Self taught devops here, no bachelor's and making 120 at 26.

ask me how i know youre not white

youre definitely some kind of spic or indian

im making 127k and graduated may 2019.
im 22

good for you though not trying to flex. it prob wouldve been easier going to college

are you both in silicon valley or some shit?
regardless both of those salaries are great, no need for flexing, that's more then my senior network eng dad makes

They just making shit up.

I have worked in finance for decades. Make a shit ton. Soul sucking and crushing time commitments. It is not worth it bros, believe me.

I laugh every time some loser on Zig Forums is flexing, making shit up to impress nobody lol