White incels don't exist

You can't be an incel if you're white since so many asian, brown and black girls are lining up to have sex with you. "White incels" are just racists that don't want to have sex with non-white girls.

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eur*ngutans won't touch this

>have been white for 10,500 days
>0 asian, brown or black girls have expressed even the slightest interest

Go away.

>daily 'if you're white you should race mix' thread

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Same. If you're ugly, you're ugly

why don't you approach them instead?
i know it's in your genes, but stop being a pussy wh*te boy

You'd be an even bigger bitch to depend on one.

At a club once I pulled some halfcast girl and took her back to my place, I remember her saying ''you must be from London, no white guys are this confident with black girls."

I think it might be true lads.

This only applies to the USA tho.
Here in easter youropoor i see like 1 non-white person every 1-2 months. They are basically rarer than a ginger nigger

Complete bullshit, collared girls are taught already in school that white men are evil and they stay away. Only non educated or FOB ones will date white guys.

Why do white guys think being married to a white woman is ideal? Most guys I see in marriages with white women seem miserable and cucked.

if you're white you should not have children. but it's objectively true that all whites cannot be lonely.

oy vey goyim, let's get you away from those white girls. We don't want any more white kids in the world do we? No, that'd be racist, trust me goyim. Marry a shitskin instead.

>6'3 racist white guy
>have been flirted with by a lot of black girls
>completely ignored them every single time
The idea of sex with a negress makes me want to puke. I have a fetish for cute brown girls, especially middle-eastern ones, but do I get any of those? Hell no. I only get attention from female pavement apes and it's the most unarousing shit ever. If you want me to racemix, give me a cute shortstack muslim girl who doesn't actually believe that shit and still has a clitoris.

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>implying ANYONE is lining up to have sex with me

I don't believe in race-mixing, simple as.

>Why do white guys think being married to a white woman is ideal?
because then your children will look like you instead of racemixed freaks

Only a very, very small minority of "incel" are completely unlovable. There problem is that they don't know how to socialize, especially with women, which means they simply won't find themselves in a situation which would let them attract a mate. They fact that some women could theoretically be attracted to them is irrelevant.

racism is a dating preference, change my mind

who are you to tell me to have sex with niggerwomen, you ain't even paying me

Do you honestly think we haven't tried that? Are you completely retarded? If you are unwanted you are unwanted, it's that simple.

a shame I'm not interested in the lesser, inferior races then.

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based and redpilled.

poos and chinks are the only true incels

black girls don't like me either nigger

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>brown and black girls are lining up to have sex with you
Only if you're hot and we're obviously not.

Because I care more about my future children than I do about some women who could leave me at any time

As a brown girl please shut the fuck up. You guys are disgusting and think being white is a quality. IT IS NOT.
we wanna date people we like regardless of race, is it really that hard?
nothing against white men but they dont even wash their ass after shitting.

>asian, brown and black girls are lining up to have sex with you

Asian women are superior. Only betacuck roastie orbiters disagree.

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>29 years of no GF says you're incorrect, and I'm not even racist.

White women still prefer white men so you have no excuse
For someone who claims to be superior, you sure are retarded

>"White incels" are just racists that don't want to have sex with non-white girls
Well yeah, I don't want to have non-white kids one day.