What does it feel like to be loved by a member of the opposite sex?

What does it feel like to be loved by a member of the opposite sex?

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Take it or leave it

like dopamine response from your brain telling you to mate

Being wanted/desired by a female is such an alien thing to me. I can’t even imagine myself in such a position in my own brain.

Probably one of the most fulfilling and comfortable feelings in the universe.
t. divorced guy who misses it deeply


This is a guy who has never actually had it. It's different from the "I want to fuck and have babies" feeling

It feels like nothing when you don't care about her

I've had it a couple of times but I always sabotage it because I hate myself.

i only know what it's loss feels like

fuck you


Entirely justified.

I dont know.
t. 28 kv

It feels like sand and salty coins

>What does it feel like to be loved by a member of the opposite sex?

Even someone did love you, your inherent distrust of others and subconscious pessimism will never let you be fully convinced that they do, and thus you could never wholly, completely, passionately, and in truth and faith experience that feeling.

Alternate answer: Thrilling, but then eventually fucking annoying.

True, i do believe that every girl would leave after knowing me better.

Have you tried being lovable?

i'm not a virgin but i genuinely don't know
you've ruined my day

So just be other person?

Pretty good but nerve wracking at the same time
One girl in high school told me she loved me
Even though we talked a lot I never asked her on a date because I was nervous I was going to fuck it up and eventually after 2 months she lost interest

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I'm being glib. If you don't believe you are a person possible of being loved then you have issues with yourself and, yeah, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Why the opposite sex?


Because I am not mentally ill.


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I'm about to turn 24. I have only one year left until I am officially no longer a youth, I am truly the biggest ghost loser nobody you can imagine. It's going to years to unfuck myself, and who knows how long this coronavirus shit is going to complicate things. How can I get over lost youth? It kills me that I will never experience young love, or have memories with friends. It just sucks wasting your best years.

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Perhaps. Im have a hard time evaluating the question why girls should stick with me and i dont have any noticeable advantage over other guys.

Sorry guys I forgot incels are b& on Zig Forums

Thread here will die in 2 posts

It feels like denial. You hear sweet words but you have to rely on your own brain to convince yourself that they are real and not just a figment of your imagination. You have to constantly remind yourself that you have made this happen, your feelings have merit, you as a person have value and are desirable.
It's tough. Don't enter a long distance relationship if you're an anxious virgin.

Probably pretty cool but screw that when you have vidya and other shit

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>Don't enter a long distance relationship if you're an anxious virgin.
Why not?

It's exhilirating if I share the feeling.
If I don't, it lays a burden and a sense of guilt.

Because it's like not being in any relationship. Conversations with your loved one feel like watching porn. Step away from the computer, turn off your phone, and your life is still just as empty as it's always been. Your only hope is the idea of reunion, and if you're unlucky that might not even be an option.
I won't give up my gf because I love her and it's not like I have anything to lose by committing to the LDR, but damn is it frustrating sometimes. I'm a touchy guy and I crave being able to hug someone at night today, not in 2 years or whenever we'll be able to see each other.

You forgot some smug Wojack.png or a Rick and Morty reference.

Fuck off.