Anyone Ever Actually Been Unwillingly Cuckolded?

And by that I mean a girl that's clearly a slut before you get together and just kind of sniffs out what a bitch you are. And subtly proceeds to try and seduce you into this lifestyle.

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leave, leave and never come back. No one likes you cucks, no one asked for you to be here. Go post your cuck shit on the porn boards or reddit and stay the FUCK off of Zig Forums

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I am not a cuckold, are you perhaps projecting?

This. Fuck off my board forever. Cucks are subhuman.

How can people tolerate this? These whores should be sterilsed and the niggers should get fucking mutilated.

yeah its a little obvious op is fishing for some fap material. Of you really need to get your rocks off just go on a cuckolding subreddit

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cuckholding as a fetish is always a fantasy of the dude. Never met a girl was into this, only some that tried it because their husband/bf begged.

>only some that tried it because their husband/bf begged.

And did they enjoy it?

Can we get a round of applause for the momentous display of autism seen here today?

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no, women who want to cheat don't need to be asked. Women who don't want to cheat who do this for their partners either really don't care about their partners or if they do they suffer as a result, the trauma is usually enough for them to end the relationship.

No and 2/3 I know eventually ended the relationship over it

Did they do it with black guys?

>2 white couples
>1 asian couple
No black guys were involved but I do know one case he tried to get her to sleep with his black friend and she shot that down.

Cucks do yourself a favor and just off yourself I've seen first hand that women are utterly disgusted by this fetish and your relationship is fucked after it. R9k likes to meme that women will do this but it's literally only fucked up coomers into this shit.

They will do it, but usually only after being married to a guy and having been in a loving and committed relationship for years. They need total trust and total sense of security that you're not going to leave them before they can actually be open to enjoying it.

there is literally nothing wrong with being an original cuck

>Anyone Ever Actually Been Unwillingly Cuckholded
It's impossible to be unwillingly cuckholded. You are a sick masochistic fuck that enjoys it. A cuck.

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Kind of. I met a girl online who admitted to having a high body count and low standards. She said she wanted to be with me and that she could be monogamous for me but she fucked some random guy three months into the relationship and casually told me like it didn't mean anything. Needless to say we are no longer together. I regret developing feelings for her and don't intend to ever give another woman with a promiscuous past a chance.

Was he black? Or was she into black guys generally? I hear from a lot of guys these days girls constantly say stuff about black guys being so hot to them or making jokes about black cock and various other things. That's something I find incredibly hot.

I've been cucking my current boyfriend for like a year now. He hates the bull so much, they used to work together I guess.

Is the bull black? What made you do it? Do you like it? Would you be willing to post a timestamped pic proving you are a woman, no face?

Every subhuman faggot in this thread needs to shoot themselves in the face with a shotgun. Cucks are a genetic abomination.

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Anyone who likes to watch niggers fuck white women needs to kill himself immediately. Niggers should be our slaves and do what ever we say or be beaten

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Zig Forums is Zig Forums jr. get that cuck nigger shit out of here

did you think some random black roastie sitting on white cock is the opposite of cuck?

No he wasn't black, and I have never met a woman who was openly into black guys specifically. That literally only happens in porn and your cuck fanfics.

He is black, yes. I just really find him sexy, he is probably the sexist man I've ever met. I love it obviously.


Cope harder cuck. You like black men. You are a gay man. Tell your parents and come out of the closet you cowardly faggot.

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Damnnn, how's his cock? Do you have Discord? Also who first brought up the idea, you or bf?

It's honestly gorgeous. As big as my forearm, uncut, smooth as fuck and always immaculate. It's 100% my idea, the BF is very much not into it at all. Technically it's an open relationship at this point but he can't really hook it up so he just kinda sits at home and sulks about it.

I do not have a discord.

Would you like a bf who was extremely into it?.. Can you make one? Or do you have kik or snap?

Probably not honestly. I would rather not keep in contact after this thread dies.

You have a pic? xD

Fair enough, just desperate to grill you on this lmao. So you prefer your bf hating it

Please tell us the story of how this arrangement came about.

Final question, British?

0/10 troll. Typical woman