Incels don't exist. Chance my mind

Incels don't exist. Chance my mind.

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Only volcels exist, every incel could easily get TOPPED on grindr

damn wtf *disappears*

You exist, OP

>Chance my mind.

So howcome girls reject me based on traits I cant control?

Why do you normies care so much about incels? You hate us so much yet you are on here every day trying tpo convince us that everything is our fault or that we dont exist ot that we need to ask girls out or some such other shit.

Ill never understand normies. You hate incels yet you go out of your way to get out attention.

Free market effect. Girls are no longer bound to their immediate surroundings in order to meet up with potential mates thanks to the internet and tinder is basically a Victoria's Secret catalog but for manmeat instead of cute lingerie.

So in other words I am rejected involuntarily and mDE CLEBIATE BECAUSE OF THAT. Therefore I am incel. So incels do exist.

Nice thread faggot

Weird non-sequitur and I'm not OP but okay

You've never asked a girl out though, so you have never been rejected.

No mate.

Incels exist, OP is a fag. Normies ned to give up trying to gaslight incels into accepting some kind of guilt over their existence. Normies created us and they can deal with the consequences of it.

>You've never asked a girl out though

Like pottery. I actually have btw and she turned me down.
>so you have never been rejected.
Yes I have

Try again cuntoid. Ill be over here cleaning my AR-15.

You asked a girl out once in your entire life and it was in middle school.

>You asked a girl out once
>and it was in middle school.

Guess again cuntoid.

Why are you not on tinder? More women than ever are there now because they are lonely and bored. You could so easily get a girl from there.

>Why are you not on tinder?
How do you know Im not?
>More women than ever are there now because they are lonely and bored.
That doesnt mean they are any less picky
>You could so easily get a girl from there.
No it doesnt.

Would you like to hear about the jews?

>How do you know Im not?
Because you identify as an incel. It goes against your belief system. You actively avoid doing anything that would get you girls.

>Because you identify as an incel.
Are incels not allowed to use tinder? Two posts ago you told me to get on tinder and now youre saying I cant use it. Which is it?

Why do you care so much about incels? Do you want to have sex with an incel?

Do you think all man are wanted by women?

The incel belief system says you're not allowed to use tinder. If you started using it you'd get girls and no longer be an incel.

>The incel belief system says you're not allowed to use tinder.
Where does it say that? How would you know? Are you an incel?
>If you started using it you'd get girls and no longer be an incel.
OR Ide get rejected and still be an incel.

Two posts ago you told me to get on tinder and now youre saying I cant use it. Which is it?

Why do you care so much about incels? Do you want to have sex with an incel?

Why are you not on tinder? You would get girls and stop being an incel. It sounds like you want to be an incel.

>Why are you not on tinder?
How do you know Im not?
>Why are you not on tinder?
Ide get girls and stop being an incel if girls stop rejecting me

Why do you care so much about incels? Do you want to have sex with an incel?


We should not have to live in fear of being gunned down by some unhinged psycho because we chose not to open your legs to you. Either make you existence work or of yourself.

I hate being posted to this board.


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I think you dropped this darl.

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Positively based and unarguably redpilled.

No thanks. I got shit I want to do.

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You are not on tinder because if you were, you would not be an incel.

Why do you care so much about incels? Do you want to have sex with an incel?

Fucking idiot goddamn low life incels. None of you will ever get laid. I only start these threads to remind you your are pathetic pieces of shit and to encourage you to kill yourselves. God knows I want nothing to do with you nor does any girl and neither should we. That doesn't mean we're responsible for you guys being pathetic and not up to our standards.

Learn to accept that we women have the power now and w are gona use it against you.

Fuck off.

Why are you not admitting that you're not on tinder because you do not want to get girls?

>I hate being posted to this board.
Whats keeping you here?

Alright. I'm just gonna continue eating my breakfast, I guess. I hope you find a way to stop being so angry. It's not good for you.

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Why are you not answering my question?

Why do you care so much about incels? Do you want to have sex with an incel?

>Whats keeping you here?
Orders. My shift ends on 2 hours.
Shutuo you pathetic moid