Really funu server for nice people /QaP5RyW

Really funu server for nice people /QaP5RyW

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It is indeed a.very fun server, would reccomend


Bigu, is that you? Please stop it, for the love of God.

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Comfy and nice server

really funu

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Ya it's me and what should I stop?

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No. This insanity must continue. Blood must flow. Lives must be destroyed beyond repair.

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Why you ban the ppl you ghost? :-(

The Mongolian Throat Singing Association has deemed this thread lacking in throat singing and has asked me to give some to you all:

It says the invite is invalid.

That means I banned you desu.

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so cold and cruel :cry:

Based /steppe/ chad

Bigu wouldn't be bigu if he wasn't like this

he ice cold, baby!

>Go in for 5 minutes.
>Bigu won't comment on making underaged trannies cut.
>Get banned for saying I like my series how I like my women.

Eh Bigu isn't the chad he is advertised to be. Just some psych ward autist who happens to make people cut and other autists swoop in for efame.
Just a faggot guys. Case closed.

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You were cringe and you only low quality posted.
Baka go away.

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excuses i say you just like to ban people like who tf looks for quality on the internet?

If I don't banu many people server will turn into a trash zoomer spam shitpost server like most servers are.

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one of your cronies banned me for asking where are the underage cutters. get your orbiters in check homo.

I banned you desu.

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who bans niggas when they're in invisible mode? i knew you were a faggot but not a bitchmade faggot.

He's not gonna share his underage tard cuttees of course.

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yeah i know that now. just wanted to ask.

damn we almost had them!

Quick question for spooks:
Since you're just going to rinse and repeat this shit, where should I go that's still a real website?

You are a faggot and not bigu

you one of his orbiters? kinda lame man.

bump for bigu

it's a nice server, I like it

Seriously, spooks should have to explain where we can go if we've just been normal people who happen to enjoy anonymous web culture.
So where?

Here is another funu server with nice people desu /J3GXNkY

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Eyy baka that's a nice mei picu but don't shillu in my thread.

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