Can some fembots with boyfriend please tell me what your boyfriend is like? (Personality, dreams...

Can some fembots with boyfriend please tell me what your boyfriend is like? (Personality, dreams, relationships with his family)
I'm 28, and I need to know if I'm too hard on my own boyfriend.
When I think about him and his family, and what it would be like to have a child with him, I'm filled with a quiet dread. I just need to know if other girls feel the same way about their bfs, too.

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He got social phobia, awkward, sort of weird, stubborn but he is very smart, never gives up. Prideful but also very kind towards those he deems worthy. He aims to become a doctor and go for pathology.
He is quite mama's boy. I guess it's fine since his dad is kinda difficult. He got big brother that's kinda a chad that picks up shitty women around europe and they get him into trouble. He was always nasty to him.

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Thats a pretty big red flag. You need to stop wasting his time. Even if he was a piece of shit, you dont want his kids, tell him or leave.

hes funny and smart and everybody likes him including my parents and friends. he not only has dreams but PLANS and he makes things happen. he bought his house at 27 by himself as an example

So he has ambition? That's nice, my boyfriend has spent 6 years at Taco Bell and has never asked for a raise kek. How does he treat you and how do you feel about him?

He already knows, he doesn't want to have kids anyway because he's sure he'd likely fuck them up if we were to have one at this time.

That's wonderful, I take it you have a lot of respect for him. I wish my boyfriend was actually interested in homeownership, but it stresses him out to think that far ahead.

Why do you people come here? Why? In what way do you relate to anything here? Why cant you people fuck off and leave

I've been here since you were a middle schooler, you filthy zoomer. No one will take this shitty board from me, not now. Not ever.

It sounds like the writing is on the wall. You want more from life than your bf and it sounds likes he's made that clear. You need to either reconcile that fact or move on, don't bother trying to change him.

It might be painful to rip off the bandaid now, but wait too long and ten years will have passed full of resentment and then you really will be out of options.

see, women can't be robots

I care about him and if he could just apply himself we wouldn't be in this situation. It's just when he acts like a kid, and then I have to be around his parents who resent me for trying to push him, I feel bad. But I don't really believe in being out of options as I get older. Maybe if I was 50, but aside from that I don't believe in competing with younger women and I just care about looking good for my current age. I will say that I'm worried about that limited window for kids though.

By the way, what you are doing by asking for advice here is really adolescent and condescending to your boyfriend. I can pick up from the way you write about him that you basically already hold him in disdain.

Like I said above, if you continue in this way you will grow to resent him more and more. He has obviously signposted to you that he isn't interested in the same goals you are, you need to have the emotional maturity to confirm that with him if you're uncertain - but just talk to him. Don't ask a bunch of retards on an incel board.

Ooh, he is fine. I think he treats me way better than what I deserve. Though much has changed, I used to get away being much nastier. Now I don't.

Unfortunately with this type, they tend to fall into depression a lot. It is a big problem and I am many times even worried for it. I am not much of a help since I got borderlines myself. Yes, he got ambitions but I am not sure if he can reach his goals in state that he is in. It's a shame. He got into this one minor job and been doing well in there and is actually liked. Though now he also got laid off for this epidemic. I wish he could get back to his studies soon.

I have pretty much sold my soul to him. Many times I get annoyed with his ego and his whining but I wouldn't really trade him for anyone else at this point. Everything is quite uncertain.

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We've had several talks throughout the years, he knows exactly why I'm not happy. We just had a discussion yesterday, cried, and today it's just more of the same. I hold him in disdain because I was willing to do the heavy lifting to show he isn't alone, but he won't lift anything for me, so we're not really a team. He knows how I feel about all of this, everything I say on this thread we talked about. I want to ask other girls because perhaps most women feel dissatisfaction with their partners to a degree. I was hoping maybe my boyfriend is normal for being this way.

I understand. Well done for having the self awareness to make these assessments of your relationship together and alone.

To be honest, it sounds like you know what has to happen if you judge your ambitions as more important to you than your relationship.

Also, my girlfriend is a lot like your boyfriend. Aside from the fact that she isn't interested in developing her career (she has an entry level job), she also doesn't want kids. I don't care about the career part because I grew up in a traditional setting where the man is a provider. I do want kids, but I have reconciled myself to the fact that I won't be able to have children with the woman I love.

You need to weigh up your priorities. In my case, I care about my relationship with my girlfriend more than I care about having children. If you can't say the same about your boyfriend, that is a perfectly valid reason to end the relationship. That's just you pursuing your life goals.

there are some of us that 'been here since' stuff does not work on. this is a place where your presence is a taint and 'this shitty board' becomes just a little bit more shittier

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>my girlfriend

He is a good man with a promising career coming up and a wonderful family. Sadly he has come to have more dislike than love for me over the years.
I'm expecting the only reason he is still with me is that he doesn't have many female connections and it'd be silly to leave without a backup.

Are you afraid of what's worse out there? My bfs best qualities are that he isn't a violent man, or the type to cheat. I've attracted really unstable men in the past (never dated, but they took an interest in me) I fear that if I left in pursuit of someone who wants more, they'll have a really bad drawback like that. I fear I've resigned myself to my bf for this reason.

Thank you for this very mature post. I never viewed my ambitions as something that can be separated from my relationship, since I feel like my wins are our wins. But subconsciously, I guess I do separate my priorities. It is important to me that we don't don't end up falling in the same pattern of his family. His mom is borderline suicidal for giving up everything to work a mediocre job for a husband and children who are too self absorbed to really care. I think she had dreams at some point and then she just started going along with her husband who never accomplished anything and now she drinks herself to sleep most nights.

Kek ok zoomer *teleports behind u and shits all over your shitty board w my vagina*

6'2 tall
perfect square jawline
hunter blue eyes
thick eyebrows
broad shoulders
8x6 dick
dominant in bed, but kind and composed in social situations

Literally only men and fags care about shit like hunter eyes or talk about them in such obvious terms.

>When I think about him and his family, and what it would be like to have a child with him, I'm filled with a quiet dread. I just need to know if other girls feel the same way about their bfs, too.

Then you clearly arent in love with him or you arent attracted to him. Why are you with him in that case? No offense but I will never understand women who date men they dont want to marry or have kids by.

well im much younger than you at 18, femanon, but my bf is quite dedicated to his interests. he's about to finish his freshman year as a history major, works a simple job (his tuition is paid for and he lives with his parents to save money). we're LDR but he's going to be taking summer classes and sacrificing his free time then in order to move in with me sooner. he's some what "trad" in the sense that he wants a big family and for me to housekeep and such. but im very happy with him! he works hard to impress me and make me happy. i sometimes ask way too much from him or for him to go out of his comfort zone for me, and he always pushes himself to do so. i dont know what id do without him honestly...
but i do hope that your relationship get with your bf gets less tense(?) soon :(

I kinda know that there are many way worse than him. He actually has been only person in my whole life that was nice to me and never abandoned me. So there is that too. Also he doesn't do anything bad. Doesn't cheat, doesn't drink or do drugs. If only he could get over his depression, he would be amazing. It is really complex problem though and I don't know if I could be able to fix it the way I am still. Poor bf.

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What the fuck do women want. Is living together in the same apartment and having a car not enough? Stop being a little bitch. That's why you hate him [boyfriend] so much. You got food, housing, car and presumably internet. Why are women never fucking satisfied

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Because some women think about the long term and I don't want to fucking babysit a man who is doing the bear minimum out of fear of responsibility. I refuse to be more masculine than an actual man, and no, I'm not a feminist.

Sounds like a generic roastie answer. So you want your BF to take responsibility but YOU don't want to either.....

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women are never happy. they are ALWAYS grass is greenering and imagining a better life for themselves. You give them more and they want more, case and point, this bitch here.
Life is fucking awful right now, and anyone who remotely has their shit together is doing well. Notice how it doesn't matter to this thot what his personality is like and all his good traits are, it's literally just what he will have to offer in the future in terms of resources.
You are definitely a feminist because you seem to think you deserve everything from a perfect man.
Why is it his responsibility to look after you? Why don't you look after him? Why is providing 'masculine' if we're supposedly moving past arbitary gender roles?
Face it, you're just as bad as the rest of them. Why the fuck are you even here?

I can end all 3 of your problems. Just become my own personal harem. You'll get fed twice a week, give up access to your warm supple bodies any time and anywhere I deem fit, if I ever detect the slightest whiff of body odor, feces, period blood etc in my house all 3 of you would get beaten within an inch of your life one after another in the same room starting with the one I suspect the least, but the biggest pro in this arrangement is that you'll never have anything to worry about again, drop contact info so we can get started my dears

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Enough of my sexist rant though. What do you want out of him exactly? Have you ever thought about how its because he's insecure. I thinj you mentioned youre his first girlfriend in this thread? Try complimenting him every once in a while. Say you're proud that he's tryibg. Say he's hot when he's ambitious. From experience,, although false it really brings the mood up and very encouraging. You probably make him ferl like shit and discourage him with every talk. I get it yeah roasties can't stand insecure men but it's what you got and 80% men are insecurr anyways. Be more open. Find jobs for him then...

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I'm genuinely surprised you've stuck through with him. It's refreshing to see a girl actually be supportive and try to work things out.
In any case though I think that you're wasting your loyalty to someone that does not have the same values to you. If your boyfriend was 20 and didn't have his shit together I'd tell you to give him a break... not at 28 however. I'm all for stories where the man changes, but this realistically does not seem like it can work out. Family cannot be supported with love alone.

You did a risky move by sticking with him and it's not going well. Unfortunately I think you should jump ship.

I'm autistic so I'll go strictly by the things you mentioned.
He's pretty funny desu. We just get on really well together and sometimes it looks like we hate each other because we make fun of each other so much but it's really fun and it never gets too serious. He's also really caring and surprisingly introspective.
I haven't really asked him, he talks about a lot of things he'd like to do but I dunno if he's serious about most of them.
>relationships with his family
A lot of his family kind of sucks but I've met his mother and two of his siblings and they're all really nice and he seems to get along well with them.