How do you cope?

i'll be forever a shit

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This is a safe place user, tell us what's up with your life.

fuck off to r9k you defeatist piece of shit

im 20, ik its a young age but never had a friend, a girlfriend, a role model for something, im always here trying to "improve", still a fatass, trying to understand things, reading books, waking up in the morning, trying to be a nice person to stay with, everything i do is worthless and 0 results, whats the point when other people have already everything without making an effort

why should i? i dont belong there.

you cope by changing yourself into not being a shit
but we all know you're too weak-minded and lazy to do anything about it so just hang yourself already

because you are a retarded r9k defeatist loser
fucking kill yourself

fuck you i am not lazy im just pissed of about working out so hard for even being so "brave" enough to look a girl in the eye, why i am like that

i am not

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what have you done to improve yourself?

Obviously you do if you're posting this incel "teen love" crap.
That's nice that you're trying to improve and all but reading books, waking up on time, being a nice person, etc won't make you lose weight and I'm not sure why you'd think it would.
Instead of dismissing other people as not making any effort, what you need to understand is that you already put in more effort than you to not eat everything in sight. That's what got you here.
You need to own your mistakes before you can move and fix them. Stop worrying about what other people are doing or not doing. You have to live YOUR life, and they have to live theirs.

*meant to say THEY put in more effort than you to not eat everything in sight, I type too fast

Try fasting

Lmao it's cuz you don't work for it and try is why you fail.
>fat and autistic throughout highschool. Most of my life I only had a few friends, always bullied, socially anxious.
>part of the loner group at school, social outcasts that made their own group cuz no one wanted them
>start lifting seriously when I was 18
>took care of my appearance, good hair cut, skin care, cologne, okay fashion sense
>still autistic, would start blushing and sweating if a girl would talk to me
>force myself through that anxiety.
>little by little, start talking with girls online, that gets easy.
>if you're truly autistic, read the mystery method to learn social cues like IOIs, simple convo starters.
>get hobbies, read a wide range of topics so you actually can talk about stuff and be interesting
>just go out there and be social at bars, clubs, festivals, talk to everyone
>I embraced the zyzz ideology a bit too much where I'd do what women do, look pretty and wait for girls to approach me.
>i can now usually get at least one girl if I go out

I went from a social outcast to a chad. I was a kissless virgin at 18, now at 20 I've gotten a lot of girls.
Now the hard part is making something lasting and not a one day thing but that's up to you.
If you work for it you can get it brah. It takes time and it's hard but in the end anyone can make it if they try. It's never too late to start.

no, i dont go to Zig Forums, anyway; i did lost some weight, i am very close to my goal after 30 kg, i need to lose other 10, but i feel really tired and just with no point, even if i lose weight i will never be capable of having a family and friends so why even bother?

fine for the lifting part, how do i do the rest? i think from your story you were already attractive esthetically atleast, where do i start

>Wanting to be a normie NPC

This image is just a cope for retards who are too lazy to get their shit together

Why do you think you'll have no family or friends?
What does that even have to with anything, even if true? Why not lose weight for yourself so you're healthy and not a fatass?
But you know something? I really don't care what you do. If you don't care about your own life and future how do you expect anonymous strangers on Nepalese yak taming forum to care?
You're literally just words on a screen to me. Do what you want. But you'll have to live with your choices, not me.

You can motherfucker that's the point. I could do it. You can too.
You have to get out there and go against your fears of rejection. You have to think fuck what all these cunts think. Get out there. Make mistakes. But don't ever be a defeatist cunt, especially not to yourself.

That OP pic really is retarded

>WAAAA If I can't get everything I want without even trying, I shouldn't try to improve myself or even try at all WAAAAA

post a pic of your face, with your eyes blurred out or whatever, i don't care
chances are you aren't cursed with ugly genes, you just dress ugly, have some shitty beard or hairstyle and generally just don't take care of yourself
most people on this site are butt ugly because of the way they take care of themselves, not because of their genes

That's right. Superior genes get most things easily and without trying and then they proceed to earn hard things because they don't feel stuck.

Not only that, even if you take the pic at face value it's ridiculous.
r9fags seem to think high school football players just spawn on the field like in a video game. They don't seem to realize there's a thing called "practice" where they work their ass off. Then when it's game time they have to face off against a whole team of rival players who want to push their shit in. They don't get a participation trophy for suiting up and existing.
The whole incel mindset is so far gone and removed from reality that you have to break them down completely just to get through to them. Only then can they maybe (MAYBE) be brought back up.

>chances are you aren't cursed with ugly genes, you just dress ugly, have some shitty beard or hairstyle and generally just don't take care of yourself
Wise. I am in my late 20s and only recently I've realized this as well. Wish I had known earlier

I have a suspicion it goes beyond the incel mindset though

Yeah you're right, a lot of these guys are just completely fucked in the head.
Being a whiny incel is just the logical conclusion of that, but that's really just a symptom of an underlying larger problem.

I always find IMPROOOOVERS way funnier than other retards like nofap worshippers or carnitards.
Because while the latter obviously have some form of brain damage or just a low IQ overall, the former are just desperately coping against a world that lets you see that some people can actually lead a good, fulfilling and pleasurable life, while you are stuck with mediocrity or straight up failure.

go back to r9k, faggot

Uh oh stinky

Mewing helped unironically.
Good haircut, learn to style it well.
Do your eyebrows.
Skin care, face masks.
Losing weight is one of the biggest factors in increasing your facial aesthetics.
There are a lot of ways to looksmax.
I'm still an autists though.
And my legs are shit I know

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It seems that you're trying to "improve", but you're looking at the outcome of things. Put less focus on the result, and lay your eyes on the process.
Lift hard, be nice to others, move towards your career and personal goals. Your results will come eventually.
Don't compare yourself to other people because they aren't living your life nor you are living theirs. Compare yourself to whom you were before, and see where your progress lies.

Since lockdown started

>lost muscle
>kicked out of uni
>lost job

Tell me why i shouldnt kill myself

Eat less? Move more?
>lost muscle
Lift at home faggot. Calisthenics are free.
>kicked out of uni
How did you get kicked out if they're all closed anyway?
>lost job
So have lots of people. If you were laid off because of the plague try to collect unemployment.
So just stop jerking off so much. For fuck's sake, coomers happen because they have nothing else to do all day and no sexual outlet.
Stop watching porn you cuck, and keep yourself busy and maybe god forbid talk to a girl for once.

There. All better options than killiing yourself.
Your problems all have solutions.

Lol this thread was moved from Zig Forums