Why shouldn't i get as fat as possible and just never go outside?

why shouldn't i get as fat as possible and just never go outside?

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that's what I'm doing. Eat shit and play classic wow all day.

Because you will never find out what you could have achieved.

Because this post is bait, skinnyfat people exist and most people dont get obese even if they shovel the most food they can into their stomachs. They get overweight but not dangerously obese

Being fat isn't pleasant

or you can just go vegan, eat as much as you want on a whole foods plant based diet, and be skinny

but whatever, enjoy being a fat pig

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How do u resist the urge to eat meat when you've done it you're whole life? I want to try veganism but meat seems too necessary for me

i actually made this thread because i was supposed to start a water fast this week but i already ordered 2 breakfast meals from ihop

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you will suffer, trust me.

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How you gonna earrn money for your food

well, you can just switch over to fake meat vegan alternatives

they taste just like meat, and some of them are very low calories, and have no dietary cholesterol or fat. particularly veggie dogs. beyond meat and vegan chicken nuggies, atleast where im from, are very calorically dense, but some imitation meat tastes virtually identical to hot dogs, and are very low calories. im talking 500 calories for 450 grams of veggie dogs. shop around and find what you like

and you can just switch meat with beans, lentils and tofu. personally i eat green split peas everyday, i find them to taste better than any meat or fake meat. id rather eat green split pea soup everyday instead of beyond meat, and i literally do, pic related

as much fruit as you want, eat alot of berries everyday, especially starberries because those are the tastiest, some walnuts, whole grains, and vegetables and stuff like onions and garlic. easy weight loss


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Yeah, but the downside of being vegan is that it turns you into an insufferable faggot.

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yeah okay fat pig, enjoy being an obese piece of shit

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You don't have to go vegan to lose weight. All you have to do is not eat a ridiculous amount of food. It doesn't matter what you're eating, what matters is how much you're eating.

god there just has to be one of you losers every time someone mentions anything about veganism or vegetarianism

why do you care so much about what other dudes eat, faggot?


here, heres this guy who lost weight eating nothing but mcdonalds. i honestly do think that if you follow his exact plan you too will lose weight

have fun deluding yourself that you can lose weight eating unhealthy, you fat pig

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>why do you care so much about what other dudes eat, faggot?

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So my options are go vegan or binge on Maccys? Nice false dichotomy you got going there, semen-junkie.

Actually it's quite easy to lose weight eating McDonald's. It's very satiating, easing weight loss. As long as you don't go overboard on the McFlurrys or whatever.

i literally didnt say that. i literally agreed with you and gave an example which supports your statement where you said "you can lose weight eating anything"

>Nice false dichotomy
nice fucking strawman, you LITERAL FUCKING RETARD. great job putting words in my mouth which i didnt say

i just said statistically, you will gain weight eating meat and processed foods, although technically you can lose weight eating absolutely anything

have fun being a obese diabetic pig disgusting lard-gurgling salad dodger


mhm, sure

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I haven't even said a single thing expressing any opinion about dietary decisions that don't concern me

the absolute irony of complaining about vegans being insufferable faggots while you butt into genuine discussions about other people's choices just because you don't like them

Look, it's simple. If you burn more calories than you take in, you lose weight. That's all there is to it. It doesn't matter where the calories come from. You can still eat fast food, just don't eat it all the time. Cook a nice steak for dinner with olive oil, that's nice and healthy. Oh, but you're a gigantic pussy, you literally don't have the balls to eat meat. Have fun dying of AIDS. Because you're a faggot. You may not eat meat but you sure do love sucking it.

This faggot has made endless threads about how he's sooooo much better than people who eat meat, he has it coming. And he butted in first.

mhm. how many different diabetes medications are you taking, you obese pig?

>how he's sooooo much better than people who eat meat
vegans are morally superior to anyone who eats animal products

vegans are also the only dietary group which arent overweight on average

>he has it coming
the only thing anyone here has coming is you dying from a heart attack, you fat pig fucker

>you can lose weight eating anything, you just need to eat less
>in the presence of a vegan, im instantly a weight-loss expert, i dont need advice on how to lose weight, or any scientific evidence, if its uncomfortable to me


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See what I mean about veganism making you an insufferable faggot? Fuck you, you aren't the arbiter of morality, what makes you think you get to decide right and wrong for everyone?

>you aren't the arbiter of morality, what makes you think you get to decide right and wrong for everyone?

first of all, this thread was about weight loss, and i posted statistical evidence that eating meat makes you fat

second of all, im sure you can think that eating meat is perfectly moral. im sure that some people think that raping and killing children is perfectly moral

but i dont think you, nor the child killers are logically consistent with the ways the apply their morals. they hold double standards for what is acceptable behavior for people, in my opinion, and thats what i usually try to show in my threads

you can still believe doing whatever you're doing is moral, but i just dont think you are being logically consistent

and heres some weight loss help, you obese lardo. eating a whole foods vegan diet is statistically the best way to lose weight


copy and paste the link in your browser to see the entire playlist

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On that chart you posted, VEGAN potato chips are by far the worst food while yogurt is the best. Looks like the evidence doesn't support your case, bro.

Eventually, you'll have to leave to get food and new clothes. Why purposefully become an invalid?

Who supports you?

Dream of originalization

god, why do meat eaters have to pretend to be dumb whenever you speak to them?

i said a WHOLE FOODS VEGAN DIET is the best for weight loss. processed foods are not whole foods, you fucking moron

obviously there are vegan foods which are very fattening. processed oils, potatoe chips, oreos and coca-cola are all vegan, but if thats all you will eat, statistically you will be fat

even some whole foods make you fat, like potatoes, corn and peas. but most whole plant foods are strongly associated with weight loss

foods like all fruit, all whole grains, all vegetables, and nuts are strongly associated with weight loss


pic related are fattening whole vegan foods. most whole plant foods are associated with weight loss, but there are some deviants

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Does it piss you off that people keep eating meat and you can't do anything about it. Does not being able to force your will on the world make you tear out your hair in frustration? Get fucked.

>Does it piss you off that people keep getting obese and you can't do anything about it? Does watching me guzzle down pizza and double bacon cheeseburgers until im so obese i need surgery tear out your hair in frustration? Im going to eat so much meat that i will get so constipated that they will need to do surgery just to remove the shit, and ill be eating friend chicken while they do it. Get fucked.

okay, i guess. you live your life. say hi to diabetes for me

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Lmao I did the same shit. I'm so fucking addicted to fast food god fucking damnit.

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