is he /ourguy/?
Alpha male strategies
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yes. His advice on dealing with women is 100% correct, that's a good video too. I think it's blackpilled more than anything.
He is a misogynist. However, there are those who are even more misogynistic.
This guy is a perfect example.
BLK btw, thats how I found both
Black dating advice usually involves questions about some girl the dude has already banged in the past. I've never heard a white dating coach answering questions about how to get back together with some girl.
i have no idea who this nigger is, also there is no /ourguy/ it's a marketing shame for fags tryna sell you there ideas for jewtube ad revenue
No worries, I'm black.
Based black man pls fuck my wife
Post hand.
>Claps and rubs hands
>See, here’s the thing,
Yes. I wish every man finds him. He’s helping me right now. Found him a couple years ago, liked the videos but didn’t really practice his preachings or advice. Now I am, but also when I start fucking up watching his shit gets me back in place. I’ve also been able to figure out what I want through him (purple pill ultimately, but red pill for now until I meet a quality chick and get my shit in order). AMS is a god send.
He’s a realist. You’re just unironically a true beta cuck lol. Nothing about him is misogynistic. The man loves women, but he understands how they work. Unlike you. You call his teachings hate because you’re a sheep who’s bought into Disney princess movie narratives saying you have to save her. Guess what, she don’t wanna be saved, Nathan Nonuts
I'm half white half black, but that may as well be 100% black
>he is A NIGGER.
>>Post hand.
Not me
Oh, coon then. Carry on.
No, he is a certified misogynist. The only good lessons he has are the "be on your purpose" ones and other lessons that follow from that.
Coon? Nah bruh I'm polish nigerian
>misogynist is anything that’s not coddling and protecting, worshipping women
Okay whatever dude
As a black gangster type character he only has experience dealing with black women and low level hood rats, his reality is not my reality, I've been dumb enough to listen to crap like this in the past, I won't fall for it again.
wtf is wrong with your toe nails. that looks vile
All women are the same. Dude all he preaches is about female nature, hypergamy. I understand you want to cling to what’s comfortable, the idea that she’ll love you, but let it go.
I have aids
Fire them
Not true, succesful people understand that it takes consistency over the long term. Hood rats, whores, strippers or whoever else in that realm have no concept of this.
what does his gf look like or his past dating history? theres your answer
>Hood rats, whores, strippers
You’re not really saying anything relevant. The guy doesn’t fuck with low tier women like that. He says this constantly. Idk what part of your gaping asshole you’re pulling this out of, but it’s irrelevant. The dude doesn’t mess with those types.
I’d ask you to elaborate on consistency over long term and whether you’re actually suggesting that in order to get laid one has to try hundreds of times, but now that it’s clear you don’t watch the guys vids I pretty much understand.
please wear socks when you have sex
them digits
>Taking dating advice from YouTube coaches
>Black YT coaches at that
If you are a sub 80 IQ nigger at least i can understand, the rest of you need to be lobotomized
that's 'cause black guys are always banging whte girls who already have boyfriends
You think a nig has any idea of the concept of long term gain? Lmao look at current day blacks in America