Be femanon

>be femanon
>have boyfriend
>boyfriend is well educated, has a career, owns a couple of flats, is fit and highly social
>I'm a depressed uni dropout and haven't had a job since June last year
>basically a parasite
>do some housekeeping and cooking but I'm shit at both and he prefers to cook himself
>really stressed out about this situation and expecting him to break up with me any day now

How do I cope with this? Honestly If I were a friend of his I'd be advising him to cut me off and I'm expecting that's what his friends are telling him.

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he's going to break up with you once your skin and tits start getting saggy

>How do I cope with this?
Be my gf instead and be my beloved servant that will be rewarded by cuddles and smooches everyday!

i suggest giving him at least one (1) tit job a day for a starter

If he's in love with you, he won't care that your a money sink unless he can't afford it, as long as you bring enough to his life emotionally. If you're also emotionally exhausting to be around, prepare to live alone.

I'm two years older than him (will be 30 in November) so that might happen sooner than expected but I doubt I have that much time

leave get out of here you are not wanted here





get outta here

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He is already seeing other girls sadly. Rip op.

>If you're also emotionally exhausting to be around
How can I tell if I am? I imagine it's no joy being around depressed people in general.

Men expect women to be useless anyway, dont stress so much about it.

>How do I cope with this?
By getting the fuck off Zig Forums you stupid whore

Probably not right now due to covid.

Get pregnant so at minimum he has to financial support you. Then since you're at home taking care of a child you have a "job"

just learn to cook and clean better
thats the way it used to be women as house makers and men the bread winners just do that and you'll begin to feel better maybe

Get fucking better at cooking/cleaning bitch, its not hard. Literally just practice dishes until you've perfected them and dust/vacuum every day

What if I'm as bad of a mother as I am a girlfriend?

Yeah it's that age anyway time to trick him into some babies whore. Might be your last shot

Our roomba does all the vacuuming and there just isn't that much housework to do. With cooking I might get better over time but I probably don't have that time. And he enjoys cooking himself so often he'll just take over the kitchen.

not for much longer

>whores blogposting about their uber successful chad bfs on Zig Forums
What the fuck even is this?

In all honesty, OP, if you're making an offer/attemp to do your share of household work, and having regular sex with him, your bf will almost certainly be satisfied. Being a partner doesn't necessitate being 100% equal; you bring things he wants to the relationship, clearly, or he wouldn't have started one in the first place.

If you're genuinely feeling insecure, sit down with him and ask him if there's anything he'd like you to do. Don't make it about your feelings, just stick to "Hey, is there anything I can do for/with/to you, to help make your life better?" Even if there's nothing he can think of, I guarantee you just asking will boost his feelings towards you.

You've talked a lot about how he feels about you but you haven't talked about how you feel about him.
Do you like him? Do you want to stay with him? Why or why not? Etc.

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Remember male psychology is different from female psychology. A study recently showed that female CEOs were most likely to marry other CEOs and very unlikely to marry down, but male CEOs had no issues marrying their secretaries. What is the situation like with his mother? Is she in the picture? Does she like you? If anyone will be advocating against you it will probably end up being her.


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>>be femanon
>>have boyfriend
Please just fucking leave, take your relationship issues to Reddit
>boyfriend is well educated, has a career, owns a couple of flats, is fit and highly social
>I'm a depressed uni dropout and haven't had a job since June last year
Man provides and women sit around and bitch? Whoa...color me surprised....

There's a difference between "needing support" and being emotionally exhausting, and everyone has their own limits and preferences. I'd say a warning sign for the person doing the support is that it feels like you aren't helping, that you're enabling the person or that your entire emotional connection to them is you supporting them, and they might not be there for you in the same way. Ie, if I can't vent about an issue at work because I always need to come home and emotionally support my gf, then I might get exhausted, might feel resentment, etc.

I think it's harder to tell from the other side, though, unfortunately. How do you tell if your partner doesn't feel safe / allowed to complain about their own life, vs just not wanting to? How do you tell the difference between needing recurring support and feeling like an emotional time sink?

Ultimately, you can't simply tell, I think. You'll need to communicate genuinely with your partner, and build enough trust to be confident in the relationship. You don't need to contribute "equally" to the relationship, just "valuably", and it isn't you that gets to judge that value, and not all men judge value in the same way.

I love him and I want to stay with him but the anxiety about being a parasite has been really driving me up the wall in the past few months or maybe longer than that (since I lost my job maybe?)

Anyway we started our relationship a bit randomly, he basically needed a date for a wedding back in 2018 but then we stayed together. His mother also died in 2018 so I felt like I was his important emotional support during that time (his father died before we met & he has no other living family other than some distant aunts and cousins) and it's probably what extended our relationship all the way until now.

Being there to support someone through a family death is not a trivial connection. Even if you break up some day, he'll remember you were there for him when he needed you until he dies. That kind of thing, many of the worst times in fact, are burned into your brain forever I think.

There is a good chance he is cheating on you, are you a 8/10? I mean I wouldn't keep you and I'm 35 I wouldn't even have you as a side girl lol.. Just go get a job its not hard.

Umm nothing is stopping you from getting or being someone's bf on Grindr?

This is Zig Forums nowadays. Blogposting about their chad bfs is fine, they don't even hide it. It's fucking gross.

Why dont you talk him about it?
I would tell you to change (you know its a problem that bothers you and your partner, and you are a neet for less than a year, normie tier at worst), but maybe your depression doesnt let you.
Ask him for advice, tell him how much it bothers you, and how can you improve to make both of your lifes better.

Also: you are a fucking female with a bf, get the fuck out. This is not the shit you come here to post.

You are safe.

Your bf doesn't need to impress you or do remarkable things to keep you. You have way more to lose leaving than he does. So as long as you stay that way, you're fine. Other anons suggested getting preggos and I cannot recommend that enough in your situation. You bring nothing to the table and if he ever does find a prettier, funnier, more attractive fuck doll, you're out. Heck, he may keep you so long as he knows he can juggle you AND Fuck Doll 2.

just shows how dead r9k is desu. like
>teehee my chad bf is SO successful it actually makes me insecure!

Also listen to the people telling you to get off this board, it's not a good place for anyone.



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