Times you were cucked/ get heart broken thread

i'll start:

>be me
>16 virgin
>just walk on the street then i hear someone call my name
>some guy that hangs out at a bar i regularly go to
>barely knew him, i think we talked like 4 times total
>with him was a very attractive girl, she was 18
>let's call her stacy
>they just strike up a convo with me
>bear in mind i didn't know this girl at all
>she tells me she really likes my hair
>i just keep walking with them until they have to go in a different direction
>i just go to a place where i know a lot of people i know hang out
>as i expected, many people i knew were here
>just hang out with them
>after a while the guy i knew abd Stacy come here too, cuz a lot of common friends
>stacy tries to talk to me alot
>ask my age, zodiac sign, stuff
>cool i guess, i'm kinda into this stuff too
>all the while i think she's super attractive and cool and think to myself "man, it would be so cool if i was a cooler guy, maybe i would have a chance with her, she seems really cool"
>gang splits, we all go home
Ffw next 2 days
>see some guy who was friend with Stacy
>"hey user, stacy told me to tell you she really likes you"
>"yea, i mean she seems cool, but i have a gf"
>"oh, ok"
Ffw few days
>guy who i knew but never called me to hang out just calls me
>mfw didn't even have the guy's number and don't know how he got mine
>"hey user, wanna come to bar?"
>"sure, who is at the bar?"
>"oh, well, there is A, B, C, D, Stacy, E"
Ring a bell
Stacy is plotting on me
>"sure i'll come soon"
>get there
>only free chair is near Stacy
>sit down, and guy tells me, to talk with Stacy.
>strike a convo with her cuz yea, i liker her too
>talk for a few hours
>at some point we're the only people at the table
>she was super touchy the whole time
>clearly hitting on me
>start making out for the whole night
Ffw 1 day
>search her on fagbook
>add her
>message her to arrange a date or something.

I'll continue

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part 2

Ffw 2 days
>go at the bar we all hang out with and wait for her
>friend tries to tell me it'll be ok
>chugg 3 beers while i wait for her
>she arrives, seems distant
>goes to grab a beer
>sits with me and my friends and we chat
After a while my friends leave and we start making out again
>some friends of her arrive
>they're cool
>we keep talking and shit
>after a while she turns to a girl friend of hers and says "should i ask him?"
>she turns to me and asks me "are you a virgin?"
>she hugs me and says "ooow, that's so cute, a virgin"
>start making out and talk through the night
>at some point some guys i knew that were friends with her sit with us
>apparently Stacy's parents weren't home
>we're throwing a party at her house

i'll continue soon

>get some weed and beers
>get there, we all smoke a joint and drink some beers
>Stacy gets on top of me on the couch and start really making out furiously
>i've had like 8 beers and a fat joint on an empty stomach
>feel like i'm gonna puke
>somehow manage to keep my cool while she's on me and tell her i'm going to the bathroom
>no one found out i think
>puke silently
>pop some 3 chewing gums so she wouldn't notice i threw up
>come back and make out with her
>5 mins later feel like throwing up again
>tell her i'm going to the bathroom again
>puke some more
>at this point she just sits on another couch when i come back
>she goes to smoke a ciggarete on the balcony
>come join her
>we talk a bit then it's silence
>she leans her head on me
>i swear to god it was the most complete feeling i've had in my life
>really start to feel something for her
>we party a bit more then the guys say they'll go home
>i say "hey guys i'm coming too"
I noticed much later that i couldn've been alone with Stacy if i stayed, yes i'm totally retarded and deserve my fate
>tell stacy good night
>she gives me a long tight hug
>feels like eternity in her arms
>after that we kiss and i leave with the guys
>laugh and make jokes with everyone

>keep going out with Stacy
>everything is fine,
>we're hanging out with her friends at the bar.
>go to bathroom
>when i come back she tells me one of her friends was talking shit about me
>let's call him nick
>She defended me the whole time i was away
ffw some days
>i became friend with her bff
>he tells me more about Stacy
>tells me she's a massive whore
>i tell him i don't care what she did in the past and that maybe she's changed
>he says she didn't
>more and more people tell me she's a massive whore
>tell them all i don't care about her past and that i trust her totally
ffw a few days
>get out of school
>she also got out of school and was hanging out with her bff
>randomly see them tghen we are all hanging out
>spend some time, laugh and shit
>she tells me "hey user, i planned to meet with an old friend of mine, it's ok if we meet tommorow?"
>her bff who wanted me to see for myself what a massive whore she is tells her "why are you telling us to leave? can't we hang out with you and her friend?"
>she reluctantly agrees

op cucked himself from having sex with a girl
good job bro

>we go pick up her friend
>mfw he's a literal definition of Chad, 1.90m tall, all made of muscle, 22 years old, beard and long hair, face of jason momoa
>mfw the moment i saw him i realized i lost Stacy
>all the way to the bar Stacy was only chatting with him
>mfw tried to hold her hand and she just pulled back
>mfw i tried to get involved in the conversation and straight up get intrerupted
>we get to the bar, meet with more people
>i sit in a chair
>mfw she just sits on the other side near Chad
>her bff offers me his chair which is near her
>mfw ignored and intrerupted the whole time
>they were clearly flirting while i was standing there mortified
>chad goes to the bathroom at some point and >i try to joke about how she's flirting with Chad
>"haha, don't be silly"
>at some point Chad asks her if she wants to go for a walk somewhere
>mfw she agrees
>she asks "hey user, you wanna come too?"
i've had fucking enough of this shit
>"no, have fun"
>she kisses me one last time and goes with him
>everyone at the table just say "dude, you got cucked really hard lol"
>some were supportive "man, don't be sad, Stacy cheats on all her boyfriends, you're not the first"
>just finish my bear and tell them i'm leaving

ffw a few hours
>i'm crying like a huge bitch
>see Stacy message me at night
>asked me how long have i stayed after she left
>tell her i left shortly after her
>she plays the fucking victim and asks "why didn't you come with me and Chad?"
>just tell her "i didn't want to ruin your fun"
>she tells me it's not like this and they're just friends"
>i tell her how she literally just ignored me all,the time and that all the shit she did was obviously intended
>she says she didn't know and just apologises all the time
>i can't just believe any of the say she sais
>i confront her about this shit and tell her "why are you even messaging me, did Chad turn you down?"
>she plays the fucking victim even more
>"omg i can't believe you justg said that, if i wanted to fuck chad i could've done it years ago"
>i don't believe a fucking word
>just tell her i'm breaking up with her
>she says "ok"

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a week passes
>mfw cry every single day about Stacy
>i start thinking maybe she didn't cheat and i'm just retarded
>start to think i just ruined everything like a huge retard
>mfw i regret everything i did
>one day hang out with some friends at the bar
>everyone visibly sees that i look like i'm gonna kill myself
>at some point see Stacy
>She hangs out with Chad
>they sit near some friends of mine
>mfw she hugs me and tells me to sit with them
>i go to the bathroom and try not to cry and just punch a wall until i almost broke my fist
>i come back and ask her if she wants to go outside and talk
>i literally apologised for everything like the beta bitch i am
>i ask her for a second chance
>mfw she agrees
>mfw we're together and i think i unfucked everything i did
>i just hug her and tell her "i really missed you"
>hug for what feels like eternity
>we kiss then we go back inside
>everyone sees i'm happy
>we're chatting and kissing and holding hands and everything feels just like everything is finally normal

ffw a month
>everything is really cool between us
>didn't see eachother much this month, because she was studying for her final exams.
>didn't have sex with her yet
>just taling every single day this month and everything is just getting better in my opinion
>she finishes her exams
>happy that we can finally hang out again
>ask her if she wants to hang out just after she finished her exams
>she says "it's it's gonna rain outside"
>i said "so?"
>"well, ok, i'm already at the bar with some friends, come here"
>i came there, she's hanging out with her bff, a girl friend of hers and Nick
>nick still doesn't like me and talks shit
>we have a brief fight and he leaves the table
>it's just me, stacy and a girl friend of hers
>it's pretty quiet today
ffw a few hours
>nick asks her if she's home alone
>she says "yes"
>we all plan a party at her place

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>at this point it's raining and we have to go to her house now
>she's distant again
>mfw she's under HER umbrella with Nick
>mfw she let me walk in the fucking rain while she walks with nick
>we get close to her appartment and she asks me "you wanna come too?"
>i say "yes?"
>we go inside and again she ignores me totally
i catch her alone and ask "are you ok, is anything wrong?"
>she says "no" then quickly goes
>some more people come, with more drinks
>we welcome them
>drink and laugh with them
>at some point i notice Stacy and Nick are missing
>i go to grab my jacket and at the same time see if they're in the livingroom
>mfw they're in the bedroom
>at some point stacy comes and tells me "are you sure you still wanna stay, you're getting drunk"
>in say "yea"
>i actually didn't because i was really sick of this shit, but i wanted to see how much this shit would progress
>she says "but you're drunk, don't you want someone to get you home?"
>mfw this bitch is trying to get rid of me just to fuck Nick
>she just leaves the room and i keep drinking with these guys
>we're talking about her
>they all tell me that she does this shit every time
>i'm really sad
>i just smoke the last cigarette in her pack
>at some point she comes back and wants to smoke a cigarette
>tfw no cigarette for Stacy
>at this point she's furious
>she tells me "you're just a kid, and you're drunk, and i want you out of my house, now"
>mfw i go away
>mfw she fucked nick that night
>mfw she cheated on me all along

it hurts really bad, these guys talked with her for 2 days or something and got to fuck her and i genuienly cared about her and got nothing. And the fact that she cheated on me with Nick, who she said is an asshole, and was defending me from him in my absence. i can't help but think about all this shit, she could've just broken up with me, but she chose to hurt me like this

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listen op bro.
stacy and nick are retards.
you are a retard as well for putting up with her shit all the time.
i had girls playing with me as well but i cut them out before they fucked around with my feelings too much.
i am sorry because females are mostly trash and know what you feel like but to be fair it was your choice to stay around her instead of looking for a girl that deserved you.
take it as a lesson my friend to not let females play around with you like that, hoes will be hoes so just leave them like that in hope they will get violently raped one day.

Of you know how i feel then you know it's not easy to let a person go once you get attacher to her, she is the only person that ever made me feel some kind of intimacy. it was the second "relationship" i've ever had. i know i was a retard throughout the whole thing, and i made a ton of mistakes and regret a ton of stuff. after i broke up with her i just completly lost interest in relationships and became a huge alcoholic, can't say i learned anything from it desu, just that i can't have normal relations with people from all the isolation i've had all my life

it happens to everyone at one point or another no matter how attractive or social you are

i know its not easy but its not impossible, and yes, it does hurt a lot.
but still you have to learn from this or else you will stay on the same spot and when you dont find a female that deserves your kindness and good character you will find one that abuses it again.

i also understand that you dont think you will ever have a normal relationship because im a diagnosed sperg and people avoid me when they can so i am lonely as well

Okay so I never thought I'll read this whole shit.
I honestly feel you user, and I'm unironically sad for you cuz you seriously sound like a good lad.
Stacy's a whore, and all those guys who fucked her are massive assholes.
You don't have to feel shitty because you tried to fix this up the first time, it doesn't make you a beta bitch but just a guy with a heart, and that's important, even if it didn't work.

I'm not even trolling you if I say that I'm sure you'll find someone else, someone better, cause you really seem to be a cool dude and you have some social life, so I hope you'll meet someone else who will actually cares for you and your feelings.

thanks user, i really needed that. it's been 2 years since this happened and barely now i'm starting to get fully over it. i stopped missing her around a year ago, but the way she made me feel just can't leave me. i've tried being with someone else last summer and she broke up with me after a week, she lost all her interest when she found out i'm a virgin and a really bad kisser. i appreciate what you said but i would need someone with a ton of patience to actually have a real relationship. i'm too much of a broken tard to be with just anyone

fuck her man. sounds like a complete and utter bitch.

I'm not saying it's an easy thing, but just try to be honest if you get in a relationship user. That's not a shame if you're an inexperienced virgin. It may be a lil cringe but just find someone who will truly love you and I'm pretty sure she'll show you how to kiss her the way she wants.
You'll probably never forget this, cause it probably was your first real heartbreaking love story, but you just can learn from it.
Wish you the best pal

lesson is if you barely know a girl and her friends call her a whore, you listen

If you accepted a normal girl and not a fucking stacy this wouldn't have happened to you, you stupid retard.

>bar I regularly go to
Immediately stopped reading

How the fuck was i supposed to know she's a Stacy, we only talked for a bit

It is a pub actually, i'm a retard

yeah 16 year olds can get into pubs with little to no hassle especially in more rural areas

You already know by
1) the way she looks
2) the way she talks
3) their attitudes toward other people
You can tell inmadetly that her friend was a chad and you couldn't tell that she was a stacy, common...

In Spain everybody can get into a bar, getting alcoholics drinks is another thing. Ameributts are retarded.

OP did you jerk it to the thought of Stacy cheating you
If not you missed a trick

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Something similar happened to me this weekend. A girl I really liked hid her boyfriend from me and lead me on, I found out and told the boyfriend. They broke up, but she promised him I was nothing to her and that she'd cut all contact with me so he took her back and now I feel like worthless shit. I was always there for her and now I feel used.

Ok fellas, here's my story
>Be me
>You live in Europe and it's Carnevale season, which means dressing up in costumes, drinking, smoking and getting lucky with women
>Meet one, literally my type
>She wasn't drunk and we start talking
>Find out we have the same interests, the same goals in life, want the same job, etc.
>Literally made for one another
>Make out for the rest of the night
>We exchange numbers and meet at other carnevali, always kissing throughout
>Carnevale season ends
>We still see each other at least once a week, go for strolls holding hands, talking, smooching, etc.
>We still keep in touch but she's slow at answering my messages
>Talk on the phone, she tells me she is confused about what she wants and wants some time alone to ponder
>Haven't heard from her, but I still wish her a happy Easter
>She writes that she's back with her ex and that she doesn't ever want to see me ever again, refuses to explain why
Moral of the story: no matter how much you're made for one another always meet pople under normal circumstances, or else you'll get dumped via message on Easter.

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women only care about dick. you should have given her a good dicking so that she didn't miss her ex