
Fuck Wagies Edition

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For me, it's grinding wumpa til the day I die

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we are all in here lads

>mum and brother have had a fight
>mum now keeps moaning about it to me
bloody hell

i want to kiss andy samberg

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What is wumpa lad?

lol this whopping great poof trying to get the lads into his gaybar of a thread. Fuck off you poo mashing cunt, go burgle turds somewhere else.

My mum and brother had a fight over me. Now he doesn't speak to her. Hasn't even checked up on her in this corona thing. Fucking bell end.

turns out I wasn't scammed at all, nice

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What were they fighting over my good lid?

got a sunburn lads what do i do now

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Embrace it lid

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>video game dunkey single handedly ending the FFVII remake sequel and nearly bankrupting squaresoft

listening to hunky dory

My favourite Bowie after low

listening to Sir Gawain and the Green Knight read by Terry Jones

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listening to ziggy stardust. very wumpa.

Had the therapy people on the phone today. Getting referred to see an occupational therapist and also getting a support worker. Anything that helps keep my bennies right is fine by me.

>enjoying the music of a known paedophile

youre mistaken lid. bowie was a paedoPHOBE.

The attitudes were different in them days lad

and i want to lick his armpits
yeah i know
but its sexual

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I walked out in a huff one day to clear my head (live with mum) and mum immediately thought I was gonna kill myself and complained to my brother about it. So she was in the wrong there. And then all he had to say was "you're the parent, you sort it out" so he was being a cunt there too. I wasn't trying to an hero but it I was I would have felt really let down by the pair of them.

Just try not to get too much better lid or you may actually lose the bloody bennies.

Why would you need an occupational therapist, isn't that for people with like brain damage?

>>enjoying the music of a known paedophile
i didnt know that

RIP my pal ziggy

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whats for dinner lands? thinking about getting ordering some pizza desu

whats actually wrong with you mate?

Just finished S2 of Code Geass. Didn't like the deus ex machina shit towards the end but I did like the ending. Poor Nunnally :(

chicken and roasties with some gravy. why not make your own pizza for a fraction of the price?

i dont eat much any more but im stillfat because i drink a lot

Nah he fucked children that would go to his gigs. Same as pretty much every musician back then, but it doesn't make it ok.

I have severe PTSD from bullies calling me a chumba in school :(

Just polished off yesterday's curry.

Occupational therapists are for people with severe learning disabilities or mental health issues (not just 'oh I feel a bit unwomfy :(' but schizophrenia and the like), so take your pick.

a japanese girl moved to america and got a white boyfriend, turns out the boyfriend was a cuckold and persuaded her to fuck a black man
he then posted the video all over the internet and now the girl is suicidal and has tried to kill herself

For me, it's finally finishing Binding of Isaac

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Something about a toll for burning coal. Sad to see it but it is the immutable law of the jungle.

Corr cant lie lads, felt proper nice coming out

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You mean horny pubescent teens who were gagging for it. Pretty sure it was just one girl who was 15 btw, Jimmy Page shagged her too

This is the guy who always spams gay shit in your threads

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nice log lad

Sounds like a silly thing to fight about desu. If I had to pick I'd say your brother was in the right. I had to stop my big brother killing himself and it really felt like my mother and father should have been the one talking him down. Not his turbo autist of a sibling in a pikachu onesie.

How did the fight get so bad? How come he hasn't checked in?

love making my own pizza but havent been to the shops since this corona monkey business started, fuck standing in line

>Why yes, I do cheat the benefits system as much as I can in order to ensure that I never have to work a day in my life. How could you tell?

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Proper aesthetic poo lad. Looks like a sosij.

For me it's Ella. How about you lads?

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This is why schizo are schizos.

He is a romani burnout who posts here because people make fun of him for being a gypsy on /brit/

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>it was just one girl
Still a child. He's a nonce and a rapist.
And you're defending that.

If you really think about it, sausages and poos share a lot in common.

is that some hardcore homosexual pornography you got playing there lad? know anywhere for decent torrents? I only have one Helix studios collection.

>And you're defending that.
yes I am

stop doxxing people

Yeah I'm still confused as to why my mum didn't phone me at all that evening but whatever. She's not known for her sense.
Mum goes mental at anything so he probably didn't like her screeching at him. I still talk to my bro but I think he's a nob and I don't look up to him any more. He never apologises for anything, hate people like that. Think it's childish.

he posted it himself

Source on this? Hope that guy gets his head caved in but she has brought immense shame upon her family and nation, so she should do the honourable thing and kill herself.

you're still doxxing him by posting it again retard

Oh and he also married this bitch of a wife who is horrible to me and mum. Feel like she's just stolen him and turned him into one of her clan (her massive family of drunks). Oh well, nothing I can do now.

Got my taters garlic and cheese in the oven. I think it should taste nice with my leftover chicken and veges.

Another good day fixing the bikes laddos, just changing tyres and fixing brakes etc but its nice not to completely fuck things up for a change

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>fucking children is ok but don't dare call out a spammer

can you stop posting loli please

I separate the music from the musician. I take music on it's own merits.

Morrissey is a bit of a twat some times but I like his music.
Kevin shields is a onions boy but I like MBV and I dont even know anything about stuart braithwaite other than he is the guitarist in my favourite band mogwai... so yeah. They can enjoy the music of a peado.

I like Polanski movies but think hollywood letting him off being a nonce is a joke.