Would Zig Forums ever consider getting a sex doll?

Would Zig Forums ever consider getting a sex doll?
Does anyone here actually have one?

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No. There's being alone and then being alone with a 5'5" silicone mute doll staring blankly at the ceiling. It is just a constant, physical reminder that I have zero fear of any girl ever walking into my room.

Why would a woman ever walk into your room without you expecting them? Just store it when you expect company

I want a bunch of them. I want to pick a bunch of video game characters if that's a thing.

yes so I stay virgin for my potential next gf

I considered it, but honestly I think I prefer simple easy to care for sex toys like onaholes to satisfy my urges then a full on doll. It just seems overkill for a masturbatory aid, and I am not really interested in playing dress up with it or the other activities people play with these dolls for.
It is just so much work and money for something that I doubt I would get full use out of.
So at this point in my life it isn't for me.
Maybe when I retire or something I might feel differently with playing house with a full size doll, but now I am happy with just the sexy bits (onaholes).

Because she obviously intends to rape me in my sleep but stops when she sees there's a decoy silicone woman and decides she cannot compete. Obviously.

Also, putting said silicone decoy under my bed is arguably more spoopy than just keeping it on the bed.

There are actually many guys in stable relationships who collect these dolls.
Who knows, maybe you could find a girl who's into it too

These just come down to money and opportunity cost.

If you own your own house, and have a good bit of disposable income then why the fuck not?

If buying one requires months of saving up, then you're probably going to be disappointed. .

Yeah, I want to have comapnies make replicas of girls I know by showing them instagram and facebook pictures. I don't know why it isn't more common already.

Because then people would sue.
You'd also have people making dolls of real life children

>then people would sue.
for what?

For using their likeness without their permission

The average person doesn't have their body protected by copyright, retard.

They dont need to be

How are they going to find out?

If your sex doll said "no", what would you do, Zig Forums?

that makes it hotter, user
would immediately fuck

Anything that's not aggressively protected by copyright can and will be copied by a chinaman with unmatched zeal.

I bought an onahole bc no pussy on quarantine and dryboy jacking off is getting old.

>its fucking awesome.

a sex doll would honestly be sick. the only issue is that it is socially unacceptable and I have no idea where I would keep that thing wherein no one would find it.

not shelling out thousands of dollars for one though

Why have a doll when you can have a robowaifu?

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I have one. Honestly, it's great. I have someone to cuddle with at night or whenever I want, no mind games ever, no coordinating when someone else is or isn't interested in anything, and no goddamned talking or any other noises of any sort ever. Okay, so keeping her warm is a bit annoying, and I'm sure cleanup would be tremendously annoying if I actually had sex with her, and she's not going to do anything for my lactation fetish. But on balance, she's still infinitely better than every girlfriend I've had, and a hell of a lot prettier, too.

I mean, maybe it's easy for me to say, because I have actually had relationships, I'm an introvert who absolutely hates noise or talking of any sort that isn't literally absolutely strictly necessary, and I've simply found that putting up with real-live-human shit isn't worth it. But still, if that anecdata is useful to you -- I got a doll and I should have done so years ago.

Yes. I want a huge squishy one.

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Hope you lift, bro, they're heavier than you expect, even when you know to expect them to be heavier than you expect. There are some "thick" models, but I can only imagine the back pain.

If your didlo said "no", what would you do, cuntoid?

I will find a way to lug her around. If I have to start lifting, I will.

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But I think that one user's dolls are cute.

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I see no point to having a sex toy that's so massive. I'm perfectly content wit my hand
I have a 2 foot tall fashion doll that I dress up and tell her she's pretty though

fuck that i want life like to prepare me for the real thing

>to prepare me for the real thing
You have more hope than I do then I guess