Why exactly do we hate them already?

Why exactly do we hate them already?

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People there generally have different attitude than people who post here. I don't like it because of the lack of anonymity.

They're cucks and like the same recycled, shitty memes over and over again.

bootlickery, moralfaggotery and normalfaggotery in one place.

Edgy 14 year olds think it's cool to hate reddit. That's literally the only reason.

t. Been here for 10+ years and I also browse reddit

Big subs like r/memes are cringe as fuck, and you have to do the most unoriginal and unfunny shit to get upvotes. Smaller subs about more specific and niche topics are actually good.

Point based system encourages hive mind thinking. To win you just need to parrot the viewpoint held by the majority and don't dare contradict anything for fear of punishment. It's like living in a village in 1500 where exposing yourself as a dissonant gets you burned at the stake but on a global scale. Even the small sub categories are cancer full of brainlets that rule the roost through majority control.

I never use the place only when looking up specific things and a reddit page pops up with answer is only time I've been there. But from what I've heard of them and seen when watching youtubers who make me cringe by using reddit in their videos since they're too lazy to actually explain things themself I kinda feel like it's a shity place full of retards who get offended if you said nigger or something. I only watch those videos because it's about something that interests me, but neither the less feel like it's just in are blood to hate them or something.

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This, everyone who mindlessly shits on reddit started posting here 2015 onward, guarantee you.

This. It doesn't matter if you made a valid point, if you have low karma you lose.

cos they're gay

Exactly. I can't stand the place, such a moral circle jerk and you know half those people would or do...the same shit they pretend to condemn
I hate reddit because I had an ex who used it and I felt like that was the huge fundamental difference between us. I have an Sa account from 2003 and came here and felt home in 2013 :/

For clarification I dated the reddit guy in 2011 and honestly I feel like he is the personification of someone obsessed with that site, or a typical reddit user. So his attention whore faggy personality is the exact type of person I associate with it.

They take their time to write lengthy posts, which make me feel uncreative and inferior in comparison. When I retort with my usual way by posting "go dilate soiboy cuck" for the 200th time, they ban me.

>They're cucks and like the same recycled, shitty memes over and over again.

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newfags hate their strawman redditors. Zig Forums focuses too much on the social aspects of the site.

Gee, i wonder what that sounds like

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>millions of normies
>upvote system suppresses dissident opinions and creates hive minds
>shitty reaction image memes
>shit memes in general
>recycled memes
>Have to have an account which means that some kind of online persona is created, destroying true anonymity
>lack of true anonymity means lack of true freedom of speech
>account history can be viewed by anyone and used against you
>mods are shit
>new design is shit
>old design doesn't have night mode
>owned by chinese companies
>mods are retarded
>shitfest communities like r/antifascistsofreddit and r/againsthatesubreddits exist
>harsh rules restrict fun
>good memes on Zig Forums get posted to based subs which then get posted to shitty subs which then get posted to normie subs like r/dankmemes and r/pewdiepiesubmissions which then get meme reviewed which kills the meme even further, the meme will make it's way to snapchat then instagram and possibly even facebook, killing the meme.
>wholesom chungus 1000 ebic reddit keanu monent ecks dee xD r/beatmetoit r/beatmeattoit lemow hahahahahahahah

Attached: reddit moment.png (190x263, 47.94K)

They enable and reward regular women into being whores and posting nudes publicly for attention.

Normies, sir. We hate normies.

>>millions of normies
>>creates hive minds
>>shitty reaction image memes
>>shit memes in general
>>recycled memes
>>mods are shit
>>new design is shit
>>owned by chinese companies
>>mods are retarded
>>shitfest communities exist
>>(the wearing out of memes)
>>le meme buzzwords
so, Zig Forums

Probably because they're about to turn this whole website into redd*t 2.0
Also Zig Forums became a political shithole since the 2016 election and this fueled an anti-redd*t dialogue like never before, but like I said above, this defence response probably only formed because so many normals flooded this website

The upcummy system creates an environment where you really have to watch what you say. You can get into a minor spat with someone on there and the asshat will comb through years of comments and try to get you banned or worse doxx you because you made them a little peeved about your opinion on the latest vidya.

On Zig Forums everyone just calls you a gay nigger and moves along. Know how they say the nice guy isn't actually nice? That's what Reddit vs Zig Forums is like.

They see us as retards, we see them as inbred normies, everything's fine.
I don't really hate them, I just don't like their way to steal memes from here two years later and behave like they invented it

i understand non anonymity discouraging people from saying completely fucktarded things, but in actuality, people will just use it to fuck your shit up if they don't like what you say strongly enough.
that's outside of the upvoting system they have, even

They have a robot as their logo and we really hate robots.

Propably true, but the biggest reason is because most newfags came here from reddit. From what i know they made this place shitty. But its not like it's their fault r9 has changed so much, it's mostly just the flow of time. It destroys everything - good multiplayer games, people, things, boards. So the answer is - nobody knows

Reddit is one step away from Chinese social credits system.

Idk, poeple here are just stupid and want to feel good about themselves
Most users screech like autists about freedom of speech, it is ironic that they only use their freedom to call each other a retard/fag/nigger/tranny and never discus anything.

The simping and white knights are really bed.

"AITA, I let my dog fuck me in the ass while my dad filmed, I also use my mother's vibrator and don't wash it, AITA reddit"

The replies are: "omg your so brave it is so important for Wymen to explore their sexuality in the year 2022-2, was the vibrator black"

Or retarded political opinion from people that have no idea what they are talking about

>they like the same recycled, shitty memes over and over again
>anyway here's 20 threads about trannies

They are peak consoomer cuckold beta onion faggots

agreed, i never go on reddit for big subreddits but i ocasionally go on it for small things i like.