"Eugenia Cooney"? More like "Eugenia let a big fat load loose between these hunks of silicone" now

"Eugenia Cooney"? More like "Eugenia let a big fat load loose between these hunks of silicone" now

Attached: butcheredemobitch.jpg (684x720, 103.83K)

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Lord forgive mev

Okay im going to fucking cum for real has she done a stream with those bad boys yet or is she still hiding them?

>mfw I heard she got these because her creepy little brother told her to

Attached: 1586718936186.png (486x446, 177.19K)

Is this real? This genuinely looks like a photoshop. Can her body even support sacks of silicone that large?

Yes it apparently is people found out about it and flipped shit and shes been trying to hide it for the past month or so

Also silicones ironically lighter than it looks but ive heard shes slouching a lot now

Attached: eugeniadramaleak.jpg (1357x560, 123.18K)

Source for these. I don't believe you.

This cant be real, holy shit what happened to her

Its been making rounds on various discords and the chans, the various subreddits for her and people like her have been auto removing posts about it after she dmcad some post a week or so ago I believe

normally id never believe this but knowing how fucked up her body image issues are i can see this being a new arc

She's got a 5 day old upload with no implants and what you've been posting has a lot of photoshop indications

of course this is fake you absolute fucking retards

She had another mental episode a few months back after people were stirring up shit about her not recovering at all/her recovery being a lie and this was the result

Shes been posting nothing but old pictures of herself under the pretense of it being before corona hit, all her latest videos are also obviously old prerecorded shit if you pay attention

Wouldnt be surprised to find out hes pumping his shrimp dick between those 4 or 5 times a day now jesus christ

She hasnt posted a current photo that wasnt from the neck up in literal months

would be amazing if this was because she was bulking up and she reveals that shes a body builder now

Attached: 123443216.jpg (213x237, 6.59K)

who wouldnt thats like prime titfucking meat or...plastic I guess

I love how she tried backpeddling and hiding this shit when she literally has an onlyfans waiting in the wings onlyfans.com/eugeniacooney


ok now im listening...thats incredible

Wasent there some kind of video like that out or am I imaging things?!

Why the frick didn't you save her?

Attached: 13712754_1053669221396211_1460578364_n.jpg (612x612, 86.49K)

Former anorexics often cross over into bodybuilding, I guess because it also takes a lot of obsession with your appearance, self control and dedication.

I really like her better with her new big tits

Her skin would be way too fragile and thin to support those things unfortunately.

You really dont know what your talking about, her skins probably hyper elastic from her eating disorder shes ironically a prime canidate for breast enhancement which obviously shes taken full advantage of

Wound healing is a problem for many anorexics. They bruise super easily and their skin becomes papery like old peoples skin.

Yeah theyre looking butchered af in the picture as expected

pretty sure that kind of scarring is from an uplift rather than just straight up implants. I also hope to god this thread is just a samefag playing with himself and not people actually believing it,

We tried to tho

intresting. do you have any numbers?

You can get that type or scarring from a few different operations involving the chest including oversize silicone implants though you have to get those overseas most of the time as only a few surgeons will be willing to put them in the us