People who cheat are subhuman. Never been cheated on but I can't believe normies tend to disagree with me

People who cheat are subhuman. Never been cheated on but I can't believe normies tend to disagree with me.

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I've cheated before and promised myself to never do it again. Hate me all you want, but I think insecurity plays a whole lot in whether someone is able to cheat or not. Men don't cheat because they don't love, but because they want to feel like they're attractive. I made a mistake cheating, I should've talked about it with my then GF. The worst part is she forgave me but I ended up still breaking up with her.

1. You don't actually feel bad, you just convinced yourself you do bc that is the only way your brain can process the horrible act you committed. If you didn't have the cognitive dissonance, you would have to accept cheating is ok to live with yourself.
2. You have one path to redemption should you ever actually start feeling bad for the person. But I don't think you will ever take bc you don't actually feel bad about it

What's the path of redemption, killing myself?

I do not mind my girlfriend cheating on me because I obviously could never satisfy her sexually. As long as she stays with me in the relationship and tells me that she has cheated, I do not mind it. We have been together for 2 years now.

Hey you said it not me. Looks like there's some hope for u

I'm pretty sure, even after everything happened, killing myself would make the person sadder, not happier. So I do not think it would be useful for anyone but you who likes it when people die.

Only cheaters disagree.

People like you should be 3rd class citizens

agree, can't imagine not clapping the same set of cheeks daily desu

There you go again, rationalizing it in a way that preserves your ego. You will never stop being a negative addition to every relationship you are apart of. It's just a matter of time before you do it again

Yeah I'd never forgive someone who cheats. Just talk to me about the issues or break up, it's that easy. There is no need to cheat at all. If you cheat, it's because you want to cheat, not because something I did. In a free society like this, the only reason is greed, because the cheater wants to enjoy the benefits of a relationship and the passion of cheating with another person. You're fully aware it's much more likely for the relationship to be dismantled after cheating than it getting repaired somehow. There's no other way around it. So if you really can't stop yourself from cheating, you're by definition subhuman.

At least I'll be a part of a relationship. I'll share a time with someone and there will be happy moments and good memories.

And all you're doing here is raging against people who have made mistakes while you could be working on yourself to live the same happiness I've had and that I will have again. But that's too difficult isn't it? Actually getting out of your chair and doing something is too tiring. You giving up because of your flaws doesn't mean that everyone should, user.

I have a gf lmao. I just made this thread to understand the mind of a subhuman. Enjoy your degeneracy

I agree, but normies dont want to feel bad for only caring about their own pleasure, one of the most egotistic shit you can do.
They need to frame it as "natural and healthy", or that the problem was their partner for not giving them what they "needed".

Related: This last month Ive seeing a bunch of netflix, and it surprise me the amount of cheating that goes on in the plot of their OC series. Its almost sickening.

I cheated a few times and I can't say I particularly feel bad. It's no worse than any other lie you can tell your gf. It's just sticking your dick in another woman. You're not murdering them or anything. We were young, weren't gonna stay together anyway. Don't think I'd cheat on my current gf though, mostly cos I do want to actually marry her.

based and kingly

I can't comprehend how this way of thinking isn't the norm. Just use your words and always be willing to let the relationship go if the other person isn't happy. How hard is that?

Only an extremely insecure person whose issues will innevitably find their way into any relationship can think like you and say something like death being the only redeemable action for a cheater

One is exalted and honorable when he deposits his trust on their friend and any future betrayal does not being a stain upon your character

The reason you wish for overwhelming shame to the point of death on the betrayer is because the value of your character and actions of whole heartily trusting them are not enough to satisfy your fragile and insecure ego

I find normalscum SAY they agree about cheating but when it comes down to it they'll do it anyways and have some kind of justification

You will cheat again because you have no impulse control. The part of our brain that deals with impulse control doesn't improve from when we're teens. You are destined to eventually give in again.

I don't even know how you managed to see those things from the text that I wrote. Nowhere did I even hint that any betrayals will stain my character.

Nice performance, here are your (You)'s

My best friend's girlfriend has cheated on him TWICE and it absolutely fucking baffles my mind that he hasn't dropped her already. I can maybe see forgiving her the first time but TWICE?

My impulse control is fine lul, I made the active choice to cheat. But even if I didn't - of course you can learn to control your impulses better. Stop being a doomer faggot and accept that change is possible

It's not fragile nor insecure for me to suggest you to accept the pain you caused to others and offer a path to redemption. Once again, for the third time this thread, your mind preserved your ego by having you come to that conclusion.

I agree change is possible but there are reasons why the strategy for addiction recovery is to remove yourself as far away from the temptations as possible. Are you intelligent enough to reflect on that?

I have never cheated nor will I ever

I would not give half the fucks you give about being cheated on because I am not an insecure twat

The pain of betraying the trust of my companion is far far greater than the pain of being betrayed for the simple reason that the first is my failure and shame to bear while in the later there is nothing to bring me dishonor

I'm not and never was addicted. I can still be around hot women without trying to fuck them. Most humans who aren't genetic waste have enough self control to be around temptations and still not pursue them. You are genuinely retarded and do not understand people on even a basic level.

If you know the chick will cheat on you, why not cheat?
Fuck those whores.
They don't value you, will never value you and will cheat on you with random men off the internet and half her co-workers.
Why not do a pre-emptive strike?



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You act like Im afraid of it. If it happens it happens. I will feel bad for a couple days and move on to someone new. What I'm not ok with is the cheater thinking they are the same quality of person as non-cheaters. They certainly are not

Because there normal humans out there that will drop hints that the relationship isn't working instead of cheating. Which is the way it is supposed to be .....

I wonder what OP's feeling are regarding open relationships and consensual non monogamy.

>there are people this fucking terrible just walking around
>and they actually think they are the good person in their life story

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Not OP, but I have similar views regarding his on cheating. I don't have anything against those as long as they are consensual and well-explained. I'm not into them and I would not want to be dragged into them, that's all. They can do what they like because they're explicitly allowed to, or even encouraged, so it's different from cheating in monogamous relationships.

Idoit, I did not suggest that you are addicted. I am saying that most people's instinctual habits(unique for every human) are nearly impossible to eradicate once they have revealed themselves. You will find a reason to cheat again, just needs to be the right place and time

it is a bait you idiot