
hows it going bros? fried dumplings and beer for lunch today.

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its 1200 right now, i'm teleworking until 1600.

gotta stick it out until then

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good luck bro, any plans after work? im still waiting for unemployment to come through fuck

no, probably just drink some beers, watch youtube and go to bed

post gusic


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sounds nice hope you enjoy your time. this is a song from the movie im rewatching, one of my favs of all time

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comfy noir detective vibes desu

Blackflies are swarming today so can't go outside had rice and chicken for lunch, wouldn't mind a drink but stopped 2 months ago looks like a good lunch enjoy!

highly recommend. korea has a lot of thrillers about gangster but new world is the best of the lot imo. what kind of films do you like bro?

my favorite movie is probably barry lyndon

i torrented parasite and 1917 recently, enjoyed them both

thanks bro! how did you cook the chicken? ive had some thighs in my freezer for a few weeks and i dont have an oven so ive been just pan frying them
havent seen barry lyndon or 1917 yet i have such a backlog but every time i drink i end up watching movies ive seen already

blade runner takes second place to barry lyndon imo. barry lyndon is absolutely required viewing in my opinion

what kind of movies are you into? what have you seen recently?

alright thanks ill have to torrent it. hm recently ive seen
not a lot desu. been rewatching a lot more like i said. i have the last dance downloaded i think ill swithc over to that actally

I wanna drink but I'm much too lazy to walk to the liquor store, and I am eating nothing because I just woke up. Drinking coffee. I have to go to the store to buy cigarettes so I'll buy probably circle around and get something to drink. Probably just a 12 pack of lager, simple.

sounds like a plan. i picked up some cigs too earelier. fuck i need to quit though


based, i haven't seen predestination however.

I know man, it's getting bad for me too. I've been smoking pretty much all the time for over five years. Feels crazy, At first it was just drinking with friends, then it became on weekends, then just drinking and while at work, and now it's every day.

>I know man, it's getting bad for me too. I've been smoking pretty much all the time for over five years. Feels crazy, At first it was just drinking with friends, then it became on weekends, then just drinking and while at work, and now it's basically every day

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its..ok. a bit wonky but fun. if you liked parasie watch memories of murder, by far the director's best work
its been a decade for me now fuck me. cant believe how quickly time passes


longest i managed to quit during that decade was 3 months, almost 9 months ago. quitting is so hard because its like saying goodbye to your gf or best friend who has been with you for every hard or good time for years. man fuck

bump. anyone having a nice day drink today?

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here's my stock
>20 oz asahi
>20 oz kirin ichiban
>20 oz sapporo
>2 16oz bud lights
>a tall boy of rolling rock

i don't plan on eating dinner tonight, just drinkan

eat something bro, just beer is going nto be no good. just have a snack at least to mjucnh on

i'm snacking on crackers and tuna salad. i'll probably snack a bit more before i start drinking

Smoker user here, just got back from the store. Picked up some cigarettes and a 12 pack. Cracked the first one now. It's good to have just a regular old beer after only having liquor and craft brews for a while.

chers bro! abotu to tamek my first smoke of the day. fuck me im drunk

Cheers, user. Enjoy your smoke. I think I'm gonna have a few more beer, on my 2nd one now, before going out for another little stroll around the block and a smoke.

what beer you sippan on user? how is it?

I dunno, I kinda see an ugly Jew in your fri d dumplings..

I drank 4.5 gallons of pruno last week. I vomited so hard as my blood pressure was so high that I now have a hemorrhoid.

cleverly used

It's an ale, I think it started locally but it's pretty big around where I live. It's called Oland but everybody call it's Olands. It's very good, 5%.