/uni/ thread

>wake up
>piss, brush teeth
>half bagel and eggs for breakfast
>two cups of coffee
>jack off
>study for finals
In that order

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lol i appeased my parents by taking one semester of spainish and now im failing cause i did int do any of the zoom meetings
are you more of a loser than me

I only missed one or two zoom meetings. I have an obsession with academic success. What are you going to do now that you're failing though

>Failed this semester
I will probably get put on academic probation or something again. I don't care about gpa anymore, just want to move on in life.

>fourth year design project coming up
>don't have a group
>dont have any ideas

i was planning on taking a gap year to get an internship and get some experience but the quarantine fucked that up too.

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I switched out of a major that would require a senior design project partly because I knew I wouldn't have a group of people to work with, nor the acumen to come up with anything worth designing. Neither do I have the skills to get an internship. It's fucked user.
What are you studying?

at least you ate.

>wake up
>lay in bed on phone until 12
>shower then endure "ooh you're finally awake!" comments
>check blackboard
>(black out)
>buy beer
>drink beer
>jack off

god i miss college and partying. cant imagine how some poor fuckers just waste away instead of fucking girls and drinking with your bros all the time

>>buy beer
>>drink beer
This too. I've put on a gut
I don't have the social acumen for that. Instead I'm in a sports club that meets 3 times a week for practice. It gives my time at school purpose, I genuinely enjoy it, and I've made good friends. That being said, I kissed a girl during the first week of freshman year and I have had zero romantic interactions since. Thinking of doing JET when I graduate since I'm fairly certain I'll get accepted

you have a great social network then,, im sure people in your club party often. not that you ahve to party to enjjoy school but it can be a lot of tun. good luck with JET i did TaLK in korea ages ago and lvoed it but doing those kinds of programs really is up to you to how enjoyable it is. i would also recommend doing it before graduating as a year off since most people in those kinds of elementary programs are younger

>im sure people in your club party often
We have club parties about twice a semester. That's enough for me
>i did TaLK in korea ages ago and lvoed it
That's like JET for korea right? I want to do JET in the countryside solely because I want to see and live in, to really experience, the japanese countryside
>i would also recommend doing it before graduating as a year off since most people in those kinds of elementary programs are younger
I'm in EE so I feel like taking a year off would be a bad idea. Do you think being 21 upon graduation is young enough?

Finale ended late week for me lol

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>got really fucked up over weekend instead of doing any work
>now have to spend the rest of today completing project that was supposed to take a whole month
>then have to write a 3000 word essay that I havent started tomorrow
At least Im fucking graduating after this shit.

Used to be one of you guys, got straight Ds my freshman year. Nearly failed out twice, literally only off by like .2 gpa points the 2nd time. Pretty sure I have an anxiety disorder now but at least I got my act together junior year.

Thanks for reading my blogpost gonna make it into a movie.

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yeah talk is jet in korea but i think jet is a bit stricter and my bad about my earlier post i think you might need an undergrad degree while my program didnt. 21 is plenty young i have no clue what ee is like in either the academic or career field but if you think taking a year off ager graduation is better im sure you know much better than i do. 2 of my friends did JET one loved it and said it was the best time of his life and the other was depressed during the whole year. as with anything it really depends on your mindset and expectations going into it. good luck though user i hope it can be fulfilling for you

>study for finals
user, don't tell me you weren't trying hard enough all semester and can't blow off finals and still pass?
they're even giving P/F options

>working on senior project through the summer
>Plenty of money saved up, comfy as fuck

If you take the p/f option it'll show up on your transcript. Employers are completely free to reject you over it, they aren't obligated to sympathize over the pandemic stuff
>user, don't tell me you weren't trying hard enough all semester and can't blow off finals and still pass?
I put in plenty of effort during the semester. However I go to a high-end, competitive school and study EE and students here actually have to try in order to pass their classes. The whole point of studying is to solidify your understanding of the material so that it's easy when you see it on the exam

I'm in my first year. Kind of undecided between medicine and engineering so I'm trying to get all the gen ed science courses out of the way and take it from there.

How many years are you in?
I can't imagine anyone making it very far and believing what your profs keep trying to convince you of.
My school is considered high end as well and they never let you forget it. I may not be in engineering, but architecture and accounting aren't quite easy enough to breeze through either. At some point you'll take a class where you're told the shit you nearly killed yourself studying last semester is defunt and worthless. I got told that by each of the big three accounting firms followed by them saying 'companies train you. you don't need to think of college as training'.
It's not like i don't try either. I'm pretty good at worthless memorization so i've got a 3.9+ gpa that no one gives a shit about. Even when they do, they only care because I don't have career experience yet. Soon as I have one job, that'll be what they look at with just a glance at my school's name.
If you think they'll give a single shit about 'P/F' being in your history, you've really bought too far into your profs autofellatio lectures.

Stopped reading there. It's a good degree but that world of employment is completely different from mine

I did two years but I have no idea what degree to commit to.
Fuck me.
What pays well and is always open?

I am considering not taking finals because I am the zoom shit makes me really uncomfortable.
I am also getting behind a class because every time I sit to study daydreams of being ashamed come to my mind.
It would be nice to give myself a break and start again in a year or so.

>What pays well and is always open?
Unironically petroleum engineering/petroleum science. However it's only offered at a handful of southern US universities and the material is (as I have heard) dick dry. If you can manage to get into one of those schools and you can manage the ordeal then you're looking at a 6 figure starting salary

Are you a motherfucking retard? Oil is so fragile, they get raped every recession

I don't see how that has anything to do with what I said

I find jacking off before doing work to be disastrous to my productivity.

This quarter has been amazing for me. Since my classes were all changed to being online at the last minute all the instructors had to change up their syllabus and class. This quarter is pretty much a freebie so I loaded up on required classes. This virus has been the best thing to happen to me in a while and because of it I'm now finna finish my degree a quarter earlier than expected. If you didn't load up on classes when they're just passing everyone then you're pretty much a retard.

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How did you fail this semester? They're literally passing everyone in Uni right now because of the virus. Did you forget how to spell your name or something?

>and is always open
You can't just ignore the second part of his request

Glad it worked out for you. I got pretty depressed after moving back home so my classes fell by the way side. It's so easy to forget assignments and shit when it's all just some email instead of a real class. One of my classes was recorded so I literally never attended it after going back home.
I've managed to patch things up in these last couple weeks so I'll graduate fine and all that, but my grades could have been a lot better. Sucks, but I guess it's my own fault.

>Neither do I have the skills to get an internship. It's fucked user.

the job market will also be fucked after graduation. it's like the system is working against me

>What are you studying?

im studying mech engineering

My uni is cancelled now, I don't have any lessons or anything. I'm already in my 2nd year too, they disregarded this semester and have now used only 1st semester to mark us