Any other former incels trannymaxxing?

Any other former incels trannymaxxing?

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the pinkpill is worst pill to take right next to the blackpill. all you're doing is giving up on your porblems and chasing an image that's unattainable even after surgery and medication. godspeed you losers.

I don't hate trans people or anything, shit I used to regularly fuck a trans girl (she was fucking insane, obviously). But dude it's gonna mess up your life. Improve yourself and fuck off with those hormones, it might make you feel "validated" for a little while, but in the end you'll be miserable and likely commit suicide. You do you I guess though.

>all you're doing is giving up on your porblems
>implying thats a bad thing
I know I'm glad I stopped repressing who I am, its such a weight off my shoulders

I'm not attracted to males or trannys though. No biological woman wants a troon

OP here. I'm into men.

don't give OP (you)'s, this is part of a psyop. they want you to poison your body, mutilate your genitals and become an abomination unto nature and god

giving up IS a bad thing. you're letting your demons take you to the path of least resistance and remain stagnant. repressing any negative feelings isn't good either. all you need to do is reach out to someone who can listen and give you the right advice before taking drastic measures.

What if I'm 5ft 2in?

Tranners are cute to be honest.

i have no intention of slicing my dick off dude. im good here.

Why not just shave, work out, and go twinkmode?
It's hotter and you won't fuck up your brain and body.

damn. it's better to be a manlet than poison your body with chemicals. keep you pride intact man.



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haha just start transitioning user, you'll be qute~!

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incredibly brave and beautiful women

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reiko (op) would be so proud of you beautiful young ladies!!!!!!!

get it, queens!!!!!!!!!

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empowering beutiful wamen

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>be me
>shy, sensitive, unathletic, unmasculine boy
>prefer reading, drawing, and music over sports
>no friends, get bullied in school almost daily
>hated by even teachers and other outcasts
>develop depression before teens
>still keep trying
>always get rejected by girls
>somehow pull through the university and get a degree
>land a job, not my dream one but it's something
>feel stuck and underpaid, live in a shitty apartment
>other aspects of life remain the same (khhv, no gf, no friends, depressed)
>finally have enough one night
>attempt suicide by hanging
>feels good, see the bright light, etc.
>wake up on the floor
>rope has snapped
>vision is sort of blurry and distorted, see stripes
>they remind me of socks (funnily enough)
>decide to give life one more chance
>get diagnosed with gender dysphoria
>start HRT
>actually begin to look attractive
>[happiness intensifies]
>have legal gender changed to female a few years after the process started
>depression cured
>find a group of friends
>get a couple of raises and a big promotion at work, transferred to a more artistic department, actually enjoy work
>find a Chad bf, love at first sight (cliche but that's how it goes)
>buy a nice house
>been together a couple of years, will get married soon

not an incel and not trannymaxxing. i like crossdressing tho but i'm still straight so no, i'm not going to post pics for you to fap nor am i going to date you

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this guy looks so fucking funny, something about his dead, beady eyes

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do it qweens! it's not just a fetish, it's your LIFE!

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Trannypill is pretty based

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>haha based! it's based to be mentally ill

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So you're saying that people here should definitely transition

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yes qween, turn your autogynephilia into your whole life (and then kill yourself when your t-levels drop and you realize you let a psyop trick you into mutilating your genitals and turning your body into a literal joke)

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>why yes it's completely normal if your genitals start smelling like a rotten carcass that'll be 3 thousand dollars plus tip
l m a o



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not that dude but was your brain so fried by hrt that you're unable to see sarcasm?

the people shilling this shit are fucking disgusting, literally demonic

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holy shit you are such a dumb faggot lmao

>haha yes, i try and meme mentally unstable hiki incels into turning their bodies into a mockery unto god

shame on op

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>this is part of a psyop
One single shred of proof is all I ask sir

here read
i have other images but they're too big

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I think your brain is fried samefag

you should be transitioning with all this autism

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okay reiko, here's your (you)

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you faggots are literally demon possessed

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who the hell samefags other than weebs and autists? i was asking a legit question.

ctrl+w and fuck off forever

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i'm not into trannies but what the fuck kind of person wastes their life making pictures like this? like some dude had to go and collect these pictures and make a collage just to make a point lmao