On blackboard for physics class

>On blackboard for physics class
>Accidentally post my shorthair/tomboy folder
How will I recover?

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>he has a porn folder
But why? Its actually so gross LOL

>broadcasting your tomboy kink to the entire class like an absolute Chad
What is there to recover from, exactly?

>implying anyone would mind
You probably just made some new frens.

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Kek based af. As long as it's 3D

Fuck fuck fuck, the professor want's to talk to me after class, all the guys are asking for the names of the girls. Fuck fuck fuck. Can i get kicked out of college for this?

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>physics class

you're definitely getting an A+ from your professor

all my old science professors loved anime, so they definitely love hentai too

Literally nothing to worry about. Own up to it like a man and gain +5 in confidence and chadness

It's not anime, is 3d women, am fucked, this is it.

Obviously tell him your finger slipped and shit, but stand your ground.
And do give sauce to all your tomboy-loving bros.

>all the guys are asking for the names of the girls
Be a bro and deliver.

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I left, that online class turned into a damn riot.

Who the hell saves porn and class assignments on the same hard drive? Also user, if any girls in class change their look to be more similar to the ones in the folder its because they want your dick. You just may get your tomboy gf you lucky ass. God speed!

I hate online classes user.

I still have like 20 mins before the class is over. wtf am i going to say.

Before you blow this out of proportion, please do post your tomboys the next time you respond.

>all the guys are asking for the names of the girls
holy based

No bully, this is the worst place to post pics in.

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>all the guys are asking for the names of the girls
Based af. Those dudes have mad respect for your tastes. Time to make some friends, user.

drop the folder, OP. also at least they're real women and not doujin... don't think anyone will think you're weird for a little vanilla porn.

Am going to get ripped to shreds by my prof.

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say you're gay

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Let us know wether you get kicked out of college or not lol you dumb coomer

So fucking what? He's just some dude who probably fingers his asshole while wearing a cockcage. If professional wasn't sortve part of being a "professor", they would proselytize the most disgusting degenerate shit youve seen. You know that. So who is he to judge you for something that accidently happened? What respect do you owe him outside of him being a teacher? Do you have to service him like some king? He already gets that fron underaged classmates, the fucking degenerate pedo. Tell him to blow it out his ass or get on bored then hand him a list of the best girls you got and tell him to start lifting.

The professor probably doesn't care, just say you slipped up that's all, don't be a faggot about it
Also, drop pics

>all the guys are asking for the names of the girls
You can turn this into the ultimate power move, simply say your finger slipped and nothing more; push down your autism with all your might and keep a straight face with zero emotion while doing this, and from now on if anyone approaches you on it just brush it off.

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Unironically not a bad plan if OP doesn't mind being a rumored fag for the rest of his life

This. He's just obligated to give you a talking to.
People don't want to make more work for themselves than they have to. It'd be a lot of work to properly punish OP (assuming he deserves a punishment) and he's not going to do that unless OP forces him too.
It's not like OP posted something racist or sexist or porn. It's just normal shit.

>they want names
Absolutelly based

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Been 4 hours. Any update, OP? Or is this just another larp?

You'll get an A+ if your professor is a man of culture

The Professor and i just had a zoom meeting, he left me off, but tells me that a another student can still make a complaint or whatever. He's no longer going to have students post files on the collaborate board. Man that was stressful trying to explain to him how it was a mistake, and why i left the class aftewards. Fuck me man.

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