He thinks abusing drugs and alcohol makes him less boring

>he thinks abusing drugs and alcohol makes him less boring

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>he thinks not doing drugs or alcohol makes him less boring

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I understand, OP. You want attention. You crave it. You want people to reply to your thread. I honestly get all that. You should look in a mirror and think about your life: you are posting useless threads on a loser board. You can't get attention in real life, and thus result in whoring it in an loser board of all places. You are not funny. You are not unique. SAGE. Do not reply to this thread any longer.

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Is this a personal attack towards me?
Heroin didn't make me less boring, but it certainly did add "excitement" to my life.

well no but it helps me cope with the dull modern setting i live in.

well im quiet af unless im drinking, although if im drinking all that really comes out is dark/morbid sarcasm so maybe better if i just stfu.. idk

>she thinks watching Netflix and eating pizza like a gluttonous sloth makes her interesting
>she thinks zodiac signs make her interesting

>I understand. You want attention. You crave it. You want people to reply to your thread. I honestly get all that. You should look in a mirror and think about your life: you are posting useless threads on a loser board. You can't get attention in real life, and thus result in whoring it in an loser board of all places. You are not funny. You are not unique. SAGE. Do not reply to this post any longer.

It allows me to scream into the void without feeling embarrassed

>he thinks being a stoner is a personality trait

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It doesn't make me less boring, if anything to others it makes me more boring, I don't do it to seem exciting. I abuse drugs as a poor coping mechanism for chronic emptiness that doesn't seem to leave me otherwise.

It makes other people less boring. Sober people are so shy that talking to them is a chore. Drunk girls just sit on your lap without warning and start going
>all my friends have boyfriends except meee :( :3

>he thinks calling himself TRAD and being a teetotaler makes him superior to others

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man i wish that bottle was my dick

Why do normies get so triggered when someone doesn't drink or do drugs?? Genuinely curious. Is it because you feel ashamed?

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This. Drug use and drinking is peak normie behavior and seeing so many "robots" defending it really confuses me.

normies don't do drugs either than weed lmao

>normies instead of normalfags
Because it's obvious you're an underage Zig Forumsshitter and you don't care for the community here beyond the funny meme arrow stories. Also because the way you state it and parade it about makes it seem like you think you're superior to others for it, which makes you seem like a massive cunt. Really hope you don't act like this irl, for your sake.

>hey user come ride the merry go round with us
>"no, i'd prefer to sit in the shadows by myself"
>"heh... really triggered them normgroids huh..."

>she thinks shes a tradgirl even though most people have her nudes

>thinks being less boring means abusing drugs and alcohol

Being a teetotaler literally does make you superior. Bitch all you want but you're still the pathetic loser who can't be happy unless you fill yourself with chemicals.

Being sober is the best because nobody can take advantage of me under the influence

its not the drugs that make me less boring, its the stories and experiences I've had with them that do. Weed though is lame lol weed actually makes you MORE boring :)

It does not
But abusing alcohol makes me more outgoing

>he is such a weak beta that he fears he will not be able to fight off unwanted advances.

>stories and experiences
All your drug stories are insanely boring to anyone that isn't also high. No one wants to hear about the time you pissed yourself and passed out on the street.

There is literally nothing more excruciating than listening to someone tell a story about a time when thye were drunk/high. They act like it comes across how "fun" it was but really you just listen out of politeness.

I don't use drugs or alcohol, and I'm very boring.

I would be stupid if I was not afraid of people taking advantage of me

>it doesn't make me less boring to others

>It makes me less boring to myself

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I know someone that was alone and virgin, since he started to take drugs and drink he fucks more than a chad (true story)

I hate drugs as a whole and have disdain for people that constantly drink to get by but you can't deny that it dulls the pain people feel. It's bad, sometimes addictive, damages your mind and body and so on but it feels good for a bit.

That being said I think the shame aspect is a big part of it. When I went to college there was this absolute chad who was involved in all sorts of student organisations and political things, great speaker but didn't drink alcohol ever, never mind drugs. People in the first year dorm always accused him of having a superior complex out of nowhere when issues came up about cleaning the communal kitchens, seemed clear that they all felt inferior because he got by without alcohol. Plenty of people in that dorm disliked drugs and cigarettes but the alcohol one seems to bother people a lot because it's sooooo socially acceptable despite it being bad for you.

I've had 2 instances where I jokingly said 'because I'm not an alcoholic' when asked why I didn't want to drink with family, that makes it sound very confrontation but it was completely relaxed, then my family suddenly got defensive despite my just joshing. I don't think of it like some huge own but it just made me think a lot, I drink very occasionally but not on a regular basis and I've never had so much to lose consciousness or throw up.

I'd say it's because alcohol is such an ancient thing, the tradition goes through families so to be up front and talk about the negative effects leaves people taken aback.

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whoops *superiority complex