Tfw 5'8"

>tfw 5'8"
>not 6 feet

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>Yo white boi just say ur white manlet azz nigga

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my girlfriend is taller than you, haha manlet

Im 6 foot and am pretty okay with it

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>tfw 5'8"
>not short
>ywn have a closeted shotacon gf

I-I'm sorry Tyrone... it wont happen again.

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I guess this must be what black people feel like when they see white people talking to eachother with the chad meme

>ugly to the point women will rather stand for 20 minutes that sit next to me

It could be worse user. Height isn't everything

6'0 with shoes but still tell people I'm 5'11. The only ones that really care that you are 6 foot are whores you don't want to fuck with. Most women are alright with you as long as you are taller than them.

better than being 5"6, im borderline height of a women lol

>high cheekbones
>green eyes

I am 6 foot fucking 8 inches, height literally DOES NOT matter

You all just tricked yourselves into thinking your height makes you worthless, well, only sluts care and as far as I can tell you guys want some weird christian "virgin until marriage" bullshit so I don't see how it's a issue

trust me you wouldn't want to be 5"6. it's not even about girls, its the fact that your not even viewed/treated as a man. your just an adult with a middle schooler body, less respect and harder for people to take your seriously at times.

>Literally missed it by one inch.

for most girls it's ok, 5'8" is know that some girls feel intimidated by a 6 feet slendermanlooking ass creep?

That's only because other men are absolute shitheads and will do anything to one up each other
You can be better than them and just ignore the bullshit

>mfw went for a physical today
>nurse called me handsome

thank you user, i try my best to ignore what people think about me

If you really really wanted to, you could probably claim up to 5'9" and get away with it. I'm on the taller side of 5'10", but people typically guess me at 5'11" (and occasionally even 6' which makes me laugh). Or just wear boots or something.

>5'9 loser
>go to bathroom and look at myself
>tip toe to see what my life would look like if I was 6'3
>Instantly look more attractive

I don't blame women for wanting taller men. It only makes sense.

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>height literally DOES NOT matter
Then explain how almost EVERY girl would choose a taller man if given the choice. Fuck off man.

>tfw 6'4""
thank you GOD!

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>That's only because other men are absolute shitheads and will do anything to one up each other
It's been scientifically proven taller people are more respected and earn more money and perceived to be better people. You can cherry pick all the examples of shorter men making it, doesn't mean jack shit.

The guy who moved in to my apartment this year is around 5'7". Never noticed how much shit people his height get, most guys I know are over six foot. Every day someone has to make a jab at how he's a midget or a child while he tries to pretend it doesn't bother him. It's worse than an obvious birth defect, at least then people try to have some tact and not talk about it.

what kind of shit environment do you live in when strangers talk shit about a persons height lol this sounds like such a larp. the only time ive seen this happen irl is when close freidns make jabs at each other

I guess it is mostly just friends making jabs, but a couple of times he talked me in to going out for a few drinks and we were talking to random fucks at the pub, they would joke that he isn't old enough to be out drinking and shit like that. From what he's said about customers at his job, he gets comments all the time.

based fellow 5'9 bro.

But do you got a long chin high cheekbones and good jawline ?

short chin clwon cheekbones and whatevr jawline since im lanklet



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I've only had one gf and I'm 6'4" plus we die earlier