Do you see yourself enjoying anime as you grow older user?

do you see yourself enjoying anime as you grow older user?

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Me already old. Me still like.
Although it made me realize words like shounen/seinen are so often misused that I can't even pretend they should be genre descriptors.

That a VA-11 Hall-A poster? Nice.

I'm already 30. At this point I doubt I'll ever be a real person, so sure.

I still enjoy it in my mid 30s, so I don't expect things to suddenly change now.

I'm old already. I used to enjoy everything, even generic shit, but now I'm more selective.
I get thirstier every year as good anime gets rarer and rarer.

No I'm going to kill myself

I've been more selective since 18.

Well, I know this feeling.

I'm already in my mid 40's, and I an't stopping anytime soon.

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Definitely not. I already only watch 1 episode a day, on my phone on my lunch break. I stopped buying merchandise years ago and sold almost everything I had because it was just taking up space around the house. It's pretty depressing watching the passion leave and knowing it will never come back.

>I'm already 30. At this point I doubt I'll ever be a real person, so sure.
Please don't do this to me. Your words cut deeper than any blade

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I'm 22 and I've already stopped caring about anime tv shows

Have you unlocked your lich powers yet?

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no, I already decided I'm going to kill myself when I turn 30 in 5 years. i'm not going to be a pathetic virgin loser old fart

Their not genres but demographics.

I've watch anime for a majority of my life. I'm not going to stop any time soon

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I'm already 29 that means I'll me an old man in less than a year. I still love anime but I have a much lower tolerance for garbage than I did when I was younger.

Imagine a 60 year old man sitting in his room watching anime with lewd teenage girls in it.

>Entry-tier weeb shit like FGO, SAO and Va11 Hall-A
That's how I know she has shit taste

I'll be 30 in less than a year and I'm not an anime fanatic like I was 5 or 10 years ago. I don't think I will enjoy the medium in the same way in 10 or 20 years, but I also think that I won't stop. It's a hobby that has been with me since childhood. I am just very picky now, and watching/reading Japanese stuff isn't my only activity in the free time, I extended the passion for anime and manga to Japanese culture in general.

I wish, but I'm having considerable trouble enjoying anime even now.

I got banned for a week for making this thread last week, OP.

Well I've already done about 20 years of growing older since I started watching anime in earnest and still enjoy it, so I'd say so.

Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu

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>killing yourself when your adult life actually starts.
Pathetic and weak

Possibly. I'm already old by the standards of this board anyway

Not yet, maybe in 5 more years when I reach 50

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I'm 48 so yes

You know on his deathbed Isaac Newton said the thing he was most proud of was remaining a virgin his whole life!

I doubt I'll live to some advanced age, but if I do, probably yes.

31 here, can confirm its no return

I'm 32

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by the time I'm old, I'm sure anime (the way it is now) will be an archaic media form and it'll only be enjoyed by old people and hipsters (kind of what Jazz turned into)

user, you would be getting rid of your chance to become a wizard. You wouldn't want to do that, would you?

Sure, it's just another source of entertainment for me at this point because who the fuck cares what you do in your free time, really. The only thing that really has changed in the 18 years or so since I started to watch more than Pokemon etc. what was on TV is that I am a lot more selective and don't really keep tabs on what's currently airing. Just remember if you're young and think it will get better, it will actually get worse.

I have nothing else that I enjoy, so yes. That Vallhalla poster is pretty nice by the way


>They thought they could leave
You were warned long ago.
Forever ago even.

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I don't see myself live that long.

I'm 32 and I still love anime
>he's literally as old as Zig Forums itself

oh nononono

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I hope I die in a few years

Contemplating suicide everyday

not really, i already watched all the good ones

You wont do it. I had the same idea for years but now I'm 31. It's ok to just exist without doing anything in your life. That's what I tell myself anyway.

>be a business owner

pick one

I am 19 and I already don't care and only come to Zig Forums for titles I watched when I was younger and less snobbish

Leave and never look back, that's a good first step.

I just turned 18 a few months ago, how do I prevent myself from turning into one of you?

I'm 26 so I'm already old as fuck. No point in stopping now.

Mods doing fine work.

Nothing wrong with liking anime. But if your life is already shit, it won't magically get any better with time.
Except you still care. Anyone that says they don't care about anime but comes to a Mongolian basket weaving forum dedicated to anime cannot say that they don't care about anime.

I'm 31 and I don't consider myself old, how is 26 old?

I hope you at least got your wizard powers, user.

It's okay until your parents are still alive to support you like a freeloader. When the choices are either living like a hobo or killing yourself I'd go with the second.

You could be my dad haha.

Around when I turned 25 I decided I'd stop trying so hard to fit in with normos and just enjoy my nerd shit so yeah.

lol faggot

Focus on your studies, on your future jobs, and so on. Don't waste your years on here if you don't want to become a miserable piece of shit.

We can't all be lucky to get disability checks for severe autism

It's hard to imagine a 45 year old man posting this. Are you a virgin as well?

Bruh I just turned 21 a couple weeks ago, literally living the best of my life. However, I don't want to be one of you guys and my mom will be sad if I do. do I stop myself from turning into otaku

Not gonna lie, I feel like I'm starting to outgrow anime because modern generation's taste is just so bad. Seeing unironic chinkshit and gookshit shilling on Zig Forums everyday is just so goddamn disgusting. I may enjoy anime in my later years of life but I'll probably just be re-watching the good ones.

Yeah,why wouldn't i? I see myself enjoying most forms of art as i get older, i don't think anime is any different.
He is still a teenager at mind,anything before 40 isn't really old.

Damn you're old enough to be my dad

Yeah you have to live with autism and no check. Sucks being you.

Human life expectancy cut short due to corona-chan.

That's major cringe, user. Killing yourself is like being a literal cuck because you're punishing yourself for things you don't have any control of.

I went back to college when I was 25 and it made me realize that internalizing all my interests wasn’t a great idea. Some people are actually interested that you read 200 chinese pocket brush books

Interesting post.

Imagine asking jaded fucks this, have you seen the buyfags? that's where your hard work will go.
>I'll outgrow it
You'll be back.

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I too feel this feel.

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Tbh I haven't really changed since my childhood, so I'll probably continue watching anime and reading manga till I'm dead.

The thought of still watching chinese cartoons at 25 disgusts me. Hopefully I can get over this shit in the 3 years I have left.

If my life evolves in a way where I still have time, I don't see myself stopping, because I don't enjoy the medium anymore. Tastes will change, but there needs to be a major change for me to give up on the whole medium. (at worst, when "adult" shows with a decent writer and director make way for cheap mass produced garbae, I would only watch comedy shows anymore)

I wonder how things will change in the future. Yesterday I was reading posts from 2009 Zig Forums and it was already pretty different from how it is now.

This would be actually pretty funny. I will pull the "I was there" card on all the youngsters if I survive until then.

This! Zig Forums thinks that not hiding your power level is cringe as hell. In fact, most of people would enjoy your company if you are truly passionate about something. Not at all, sometimes I felt like I make more friends when I talk about anime and share my opinion.

>and that's when I told them that asuka is *cough cough* clearly best girl

You probably won't.

The truth of getting older is that you get less to do the older you get, not more. If you think you will magically become a different person than you are now, think again.

I mean, I'm 34 and still enjoy anime, vns and manga. Though when I started at the age of 18, I was certain it's a fleeting interest that wouldn't last through uni.

At this point I doubt you ever outgrow your interests. You might get tired of them, but it's got more to do with you changing as a person than getting older in and of itself.

>it made me realize that internalizing all my interests wasn’t a great idea
Fuck, this hits too close to home. Were you brought up being shunned for taking interest in non-mainstream hobbies and culture? I always had to hide my weeb side from my parents and friends and as a result I'm irrationally terrified of letting people in on my interests.

I love this sort of coping. At 25, watching anime is disgusting, but it's totally not disgusting now. Just stop watching anime, retard.

I go through phases. I think I'm past my absolute peak where I used to eat, sleep, and breathe anime, and I've been through a few slumps where I only followed a few shows (never zero, though). But what really re-ignited just -enjoying- anime has been watching anime in VR with my friends. Having live shitposting commentary and reactions with people you like is an amazing feeling.

Yeah. Although I may masturbate to it less often.

hiding your powerlevel is the stupidest meme that came out of this hobby. Most people who ONLY talk about THEIR ONLY interested get shunned by society - as they should be - but if one of at least half a dozen hobbies/passion of yours is chinese puppet theatres, go for it, nobody you want to hang around with will care. And if you care about the opinions of people who make fun of you for it, you're an insecure manchild. (Advice for people age >18)

I'm 34 and there's fewer and fewer shows that interest me. I've actively started to create a collection of old cel anime because Internet may be dead soon etc., but the gist is nuanime is just generic, derivative and computer made. That and globalism killed it. I knew it was over the moment they started to censor loli, fanservice and violence to appeal to normalfags in the west. Even moreso when they started rebooting old anime like Sailor Moon, NGE, CCS etc.

The glory days of magic and wonder are over, only normalfaggotry remains. In digital shading, done with digital tools. The innocence and naivete, the honesty of anime is wholly gone. Now it's just Hollywood 2.0

My father is in his 60s and still watches anime, he's the one who got me into it as a child. 34 myself and still watching as well. The garbage normies watch isn't any better.

>it's totally not disgusting now
But it is.

can't wait for N1RV Ann-A, ngl

>still seething about ToG
lmao what a retard

ok boomer.

>this user could've started browsing this site in his 20's

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Did she barge into a young relative room and made a video to shame him?

What you need is a way to reveal your power level in a way normies can't detect.
One of my coworkers wore a SNK hoodie that just had the survey corps symbol on it and nothing else. Normies wouldn't know what it was, but I did.

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Do you have any idea how old Disney was when he was making his last movies? How old Moot's grandpa (pic rel) is and yet he still makes/watches animated shit?

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I'm used to a higher quality of life than living with my mom and eating government cheese, so it can't be helped

Is there anything both a boy and young man wouldn't like?

Mostly I have no idea how to bring that sort of thing up. But I don't really know how to start conversations on anything. I'm just socially retarded.

If Tomino can watch Kimi no nawa and complain about the protag not going for mitsuha’s pussy then so can I.

>Digital shading
"He's autistic isn't he?"

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Sort of, my friends were all into anime/manga/games but my family wasn’t. So at home they would get annoyed at me for hanging out with people who sit inside all day, and even after all this my sibling would say stuff like , “I’m glad you’re not like them anymore” if we drove by a place like GameStop.

It just feels weird that 10+ years ago I’d get called a dyke for playing video games and now it’s just another hobby for anyone

Implying that most slice of life anime aren't aimed towards older adults.

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Normies love snk

Difference is that they were/are making quality animation, and pioneering the industry. Both had an aiblity to inspire multiple generations of animations, and were pioneers during their times. Both hated the industry that they were in because of the conformity and lack of interesting ideas. Ghibli films are still to this very day unparalleled in some respects.

If you are above the age of 20 and you watch top charting MAL moeshit then you should actually consider offing yourself. If you have some self-awareness then you are probably alright.

Guss what, in Japan, where cringe moeshit is produced, it's normal thing to see people over 40 enjoying this kind of shows.

I don't even like anime now.

snk is literally the biggest brand there is, not counting 80s/90s shit like dragonball z, pokemon and naruto/one piece.
But it's the biggest with teens, I see tons of 14-20 yo running around with appereal with the survey corps logo on it.

The state of this thread

>Difference is that they were/are making quality animation, and pioneering the industry.
They drew animated movies and shows because they liked the medium and still do. And I'm not sure what plaent you're living on where they did not find their passion for this through the absurdly simple animated shows of their time in their young adult years.

Son, a loser is someone that hates there life and never gets to have fun, I like drinking beer, jacking off and watching anime, and I get to do that a lot.
Comparing yourself to other people will just leave you stressed out and miserable all the time.
"You need a girl friend, user." fuck that, having a person living in your house that you have to schedule your life around and you can't get away from sounds awful.
"You need to have kids, user." fuck that, kids are gross, loud, expensive, stressful problems that ruin your life.
I work my easy job, come home and do what the fuck I want because it's just me and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Do you at least look like the typical faceless NTR ojisan? If not then you are a horrible failure and you should feel bad.

I've been exposed to anime/manga in some shape or form ever since I was 4-5. Quite literally can't imagine my life without it to be honest.

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Imagine being this angry and bitter about people enjoying something you once liked.

>not realizing its fairly easy to lose virginity without paying for a whore
>literally just not be fat and have basic social skills
>hang out sometimes with people and go to bars.

Do you anons think sitting inside on your computer and talking to egirls is gonna get you pussy?

This. Watch mature deep aniemes for mature teens not your moeshit or r*ddit shit

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>basic social skills

I've been into this stuff for nearly 20 years now. I don't see myself ever falling out of love with it. Even if I read a point where I don't watch anime or read much manga I'll always love the art.

tf no gf...failed normalfags unites ITT!

I'm almost 30. I spend more time watching anime than ever and enjoy it more than ever.
I enjoy it a lot more than when I was a lazy college student/NEET. Sound strange? I thought so too, but I realize that being a listless student or NEET just sucks the joy out of life. Anime is much sweeter now as are other things.
I'm watching pic related right now and I'm quite sure it is going to be one of my new favorites, I woke up this morning (at 6AM to start work) literally shaking with excitement thinking about it.

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It's for adults with the minds of children AKA manchildren.
No, orctakus aren't normal.

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who is she? genuinely interested in anime grandma's take on anime

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What would I want one of those for? Sounds pretty fucking gay.

This. Imagine being manchildren instead of real adult who doing real serious things like very serious.

>Not having a pussy
Its real pathetic how pussy is all you guys want.

I didn't think I'd ever get sick of anime but I disconnected from the internet for 2019 and since I came back I've watched like only 2 or 3 shows when I'd watched 12-15 seasonally as well as whatever I was working on in my backlog, and now have such a disinterest in catching back up. It's very... strange losing interest in a hobby that you've kept for over 15 years.

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I still got 2 years

Yes its very easy. You can learn by just talking to people. Even if you don't have the same interest just ask them about their hobbies and why they like it etc. Then you can bounce off from there and explain yours. Talk about life experiences. Crack a few mild jokes and then you're off to the races.

If it makes you feel any better I ruined multiple chances for a long term gf. One of them being because when I met her I got drunk, forgot her name while making out and that was the end of that.

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And the defense mechanisms begin. Being a 45 year old virgin isn't normal. If you're going to be a loser at that age, at least have some fucking money. Christ.

Same thing happened to me. I'll watch maybe one or two shows every other season, but haven't felt the need to since like 90% of shows are either recycled tropes, shows pandering to otaku, or poorly written schlock.

I don't just want pussy. I have a lot more than that in my life. Such as friends who i'd rather spend time with than having sex. This user was talking about killing himself because he was a virgin and coming close to 30. Learn context.

Me except 10 years ago. I don't watch anime anymore but I've read thousands of manga. And I mean thousands.

I'm not manchildren. I'm mature adult. I do mature things and wear mature clothes, kid.

>all these oldfags shitting up Zig Forums
You fucking grandpas need to fuck off and raise a family or some shit. You're a big reason why current Zig Forums sucks now what with your insufferable clinging to "muh tradition" and other le epic board culture that hasn't been applicable in years.

Honestly anyone under 25 should be denied entry to this place. I guarantee quality would skyrocket overnight.

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I've also found I read much more manga than watching anime over the years. It's easier to pick up and put down in a busier lifestyle, and binge reading gets you much further along in the story than watching anime for the same amount of time.

>Do you anons think sitting inside on your computer and talking to egirls is gonna get you pussy?
Nobody here does that,nobody here even cares about that.

I think I'll bounce back cause every few years I slow down and try some other hobbies, but I always at least stayed current and plugged in. Now I didn't even know Cells at Work was getting a season 2 until a few weeks ago, or Re:Zero was (supposed) to be airing by now. Maybe when I finish all my painting projects or finally get fired.

To be fair, most anons probably have things that bother them much more than 3DPD, but it's more convenient to write a 30 yo virgin loser than to blog about the specific thing it is that is bothering them.

"Catching up" to shit is always a bore and a pretty shitty mentality to go into anything. It's why most people can't handle backlogs.

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It truly is a horrifying feeling

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not to mention quality doesn't jump all over the place and you never have to wait for a continuation that never comes.

>I guarantee quality would skyrocket overnight.

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I hate every 20-something who says they'll off themselves at 30. Absolutely cringe desu.

I enjoy 90's anime like Initial D, Patlabor, Cowboy Bebop, NGE etc.
I think I will since I'm not huge into it but I enjoy the odd episode of it on a calm rainy aesthetic night.

I grew out of anime when I was 5 about 30 years ago. It's a shit medium. Manga is superior.

>being this defensive

Catching up might have been the wrong phrasing, but there's a lot of shows I'm interested in from 2019 that I don't even care about. I haven't even watched Mob Psycho yet.

ESL as well? Lmao

Kind of ironic to complain about oldfags when posting a reaction image made by Nightow.

Silence underage

You'll still be here when you hit 30 too

Liking anime is fine regardless of age. All you have to do is not be autistic about it. Some people will judge, but that's true of most hobbies.

Imagine the poor bastards that did all that and found themselves at 50 yo knowing that doesn't solve shit, but they still have the kids and wife so they couldn't change even if they wanted too.

Same. I didn't watch anything since FGO. I just scroll threads.
>You fucking grandpas need to fuck off and raise a family or some shit. You're a big reason why current Zig Forums sucks now what with your insufferable clinging to "muh tradition" and other le epic board culture that hasn't been applicable in years.
What are you talking about? The Zig Forums is exactly opposite. Your Zig Forums posting and Zig Forumsshit threads with aniem generals are everywhere. If anything the oldfags, who don't pretending" are in small minority. I trying to not seethe and have fun in Zig Forums with others by posting "quality shit" but it is sometimes just too hard. It's like when 5IPs out of 200 calling out OP who made shit sankakucomplex tier thread. When lewd pictures in ecchi anime thread/niche reported by bootlickers. When jannies are not even belong to Zig Forums or Zig Forums. If you don't die, turn into normalfag or failed normalfag you will understand someday. After maybe 5-8 years

>Valkyria chronicles
I think it's easier for most of us here to enjoy it even as we grow older, since most anons here probably grew up watching animu and you usually remember stuff you grew up with fondly.
Not to mention that most here probably have been watching animu for decades, doubt that's going to change.

fuck off back to Zig Forums

Remove generals, phoneposting, Zig Forumsposting and we can talk.

Sounds exactly the life i want. I can hardly stand being around women (people in general) while working so why would i want one in my house where im trying to relax

>I'm interested in ** that I don't even care about.
... Ahem?

I haven't watched Mob Psycho, either. If you can't be arsed, then don't be arsed. Wait for Zig Forums to drop a fun thread about the show to get you to try and you'll most likely end up marathoning the shit.
I knew about Rokka no Yuusha for a long time and it seemed extremely interesting, but the impetus to watch the shit (twice, and then read the second book) was some user starting a thread about it since we were all high on Passione's newer project, Ishuzoku.

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Success breeds jealousy

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>just don't be autistic bro
gee thanks

When Zig Forums is at the top of your chart you know its worthless

quantity doesn't mean quality user. Just because Zig Forums and Zig Forums have more underage spergs than Zig Forums doesn't mean they are better, it just proves the fact that they are cesspits

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Seconding this, although I really doubt that stuff is actually hers.

I've reached the stage where I'm mainly watching sequels and spin-offs of franchises that I'm already invested in. I start maybe 4 new franchises a year and they need a really good hook to lure me in. Summoning the energy to watch new anime is becoming increasingly difficult.

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at the end of the day autism is just self-absorption or lack of the ability to understand others. It's why Zig Forums is a bunch of people calling others slurs or trying to state why their better than others. It's not to gain a better understanding of their own perspective or others, just to practice self-exaltation with tautological justification.

If you have awareness of yourself then you'll be alright in the end, but if you're like above the age of 30 and you don't get this then you need to grow up or get out of your ideological bubble no matter what your situatiorino is.

I've seen literal autists (medically diagnosed) learn how to do this. Its harder but you can do this unless you have severe levels of it. You are just looking for excuses.

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Past a certain point the faster a board is the shittier it is

Fanservice censorship depends on the show and channels, but you say that like there haven’t been any of those types of shows.

I turned 51 years old last week, my first anime was Starblazers (Space Battleship Yamato).
I have all the time and money in the world to watch anime and indulge in buyfaggotry

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This is good post. Look for example at successful, big people such as artists. Everyone told Bowie to stop doing music shit because it is for fags and retards. Did he listen? Another good way of "redpill" is thinking about death. If you die no one ITT will even notice your existence. Your actions, existence in grand scale worth nothing. If you turn off internet and shut yourself for year the world will not die, not stop moving. Even yoru votes are nothing. You're not center of universe. You have no weight. So why not just enjoy doing things what you like to do I hope you're not serial killer? You have one life. One pov.

By that logic, Zig Forums is more of a cesspit than Zig Forums.

Describe what you look like and what your life consists of outside of anime. I'm curious.

Same. My mom thought of the same when I collect figures of girls, but I just pretend to keep it in the past when I now have my own apartment (or just my room) to display my stuff as I please.

Absolutely. I don't see why not.

I'm 22, I don't see myself ever growing out of it and see it more like a cycle of taking a break from anime to focus on games/ manga/ other forms of media then coming back.

Good for you user.
Don't just follow the sheep, be you!

I'm largely ignoring seasonal anime these days. Seeing ToG threads on Zig Forums's catalog is the clearest indicator yet that the anime landscape has changed too much for me. Thankfully my rate of consumption has slowed down in recent years. I could get another decade out of my backlog before I'd have to watch something that I have no real interest in.

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>slow board good
Spoken like a true redditor

who says it isn't?

I've been into anime for a decade now. How much longer do you think I can avoid buyfagging?

I guess it's fear of death what makes most people focus on spreading their seed as the most important thing in life and the basis to evaluate everything. I guess it's necessary for the species, problem is we don't die at 40 yo anymore so once they have done that only decades of existencial crisis are left.

oh no you called be a redditor, what will i ever do to recover

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lol so many losers who wasted their lives watching anime on this board. ahahahaha imagine being one of them ,what a fucking clown world.

>big numbers good
Spoken like a true 13 year old who was raised by a smartphone

>I hope you're not serial killer

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Hiding your power level is very important as an adult. You'll learn that soon.

t. Corporate drone who ostensibly has no hobbies.

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Guess it depends on what they like and there’s nothing wrong with introducing your kids to it, but that’s just me. No family is the same.

I suppose it depends on how much you want to pursue those or not (by which there’s nothing wrong with both), but let’s agree to disagree.

34 here
Even when I'm married and have a child, I still like anime and the "You're here forever" meme is true. I'll be in my 60s with grandchildren and I'll still visit this cursed site

>to appeal to normalfags in the west
This is a growing concern of mine. I fear we haven't seen anywhere near the worst of this yet.

It's not a coincidence that one of the most chill board is /an/ that doesn't even make it in the autism list (and it's still inhabited by shitposters and crossboarders).

>Zig Forums was bad when it had an actual diversr userbase
>we need to have the same 20 coomers direct board culture instead

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I'm in my 30's and I've been a hikki that hasn't been outside for the past 5 years.

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I will never become a buyfag.

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I don't see why it should change just because I got older, You enjoy what you enjoy.

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How do you live?

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You'll grow up one day.

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Probably not. Still read manga regularly, but the last anime I watched was either Happy Sugar Life or Inuyashiki.

the more diverse it gets the more shittier it gets. Anyone who says more=good is an absolute retard

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does your wife share the same interests as you?

If you think that at 25 you'll become some short of old man then you better off yourself for being a retard coping. 25 year olds are fags who just finished puberty two years ago.

Honestly by the time your 30 you should switch to a more intellectual and respectable interest like literature.

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Something really needs to be done about phoneposting on this site. I think more than anything else it's responsible for the increase in casual shitposters.

>but if you're like above the age of 30 and you don't get this then you need to grow up or get out of your ideological bubble no matter what your situatiorino is.

That's a good question.

Not sure.

I already read that shit in high school and got perfect grades. No need

I already read all that shit for highschool. Anime is in, /lit/ is out.

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>That guy that has to tell people he reads "super serious" books to feel better than others
So happy I passed that stage in my life.

You're supposed to read all this in school and uni bro

Not an argument.

Grandpa....easy on the Zig Forums threads.

Does this include your family, if you have any? I’m curious, as I love them dearly but am more or less in the same boat with preferring to be alone

she watched the normie stuff and I introduced her to some comedy anime like nichijo, but its not like she's fan of it. We are both veterinaians who met in college

Unless you go to harvard or oxbridge you won't have read all of those in school. Get over yourselves you fucking pseuds.

let him have his fun user

I'm heading towards my 40ies. As long as they have cute girls doing cute things shows, I'll be interested.
However, with Netflix and FUNi gaining control over the japanese creators, and 2D animators starving to death, this may change.

>Les Moserables
opinion discarded

The only people who think this shit exists are literal children. I felt really hurt when I grew up and realized that adults are children with a few gray hairs.

37 years old here. I've been watching more and more anime for the last 10 years, seasonal shit (waiting for the new PriConne episode) and old shit (currently watching the Neo Japan arc of G-Gundam and the first season of Birdy The Mighty: Decode). I also like toku shit, even though I haven't completed a Super Sentai or Kamen Rider series in years. Sorry for the blogpost.

At this rate, China pandering is more likely than Western pandering even if it’s not any better than the latter.

Killing yourself should work dumb normalfag

Couple who are both vets and weebs, nice.

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I browse /lit/ and Zig Forums, I am interested in both. I read about 50 books a year. The two interests complement one another, one serves primarily the intellect, one primarily the senses. They balance each other out.

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I unironically did read a solid majority of them. Different countries have different school curriculums

>Unless you go to harvard or oxbridge you won't have read all of those in school.
What? You do.

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The Funi business seemed more like PR fluff than anything, as there’s no definitive proof and they broadcasted shows that were violent and sexual (albeit toned down by their standards).

But user, I'm trying to help him. He's living in the past.

Can't you see? It's escapism! It's not healthy!

>one primarily the senses
Oh cmon, get over yourself and just say,"gets muh dick diamonds".

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They're both equally concerning prospects. We've already seen how Hollywood has started pandering to China.

They're on the production committees for some shows now. There was an article where jap publishers said they'd appreciate FUNi's input and information on what is liked in the western market. It's only a question of time.

So true. It was a great disappointment, thinking adults are actually people with deep personalities and interests. When 50's and 60's yo, with money and good jobs, tell you that only reasons to live are sex and drugs like a 15 yo would say, you see what an enormous lie was all.

I only read fantasy books. Why would I read a book about real life? I already live in real life. I don't want to dwell on the horrors of the human condition.
I want something to excite my imagination and take my mind off things so I don't kill myself.

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top lad

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>normalfag cope
Enjoy paying child support forever so your former "love" burns it on her new husband, all while you have no hobby other than angry shitposting about how you hate anime on an anime board.

idk, maybe i wil, ill probably kill me self before i get old

That's wrong dude. There are more senses than just lust and arousal. Liz and the Blue Bird was a treat for the senses but it was not something to watch with your dick out.

Attached: escapism.png (480x320, 38.04K)

dumb normalfaggot crossposter

Why? I have enough brain power to have more than one hobby

just leave the site if you dont wanna become one of us, im here since my early teens and i dont regret it much, but it hasnt done anything positive either

came back to this website after not being on it for 2 years and I have to see replies like this.

so happy I grew up

Hahahahah, oh user. The only anime that matters is the type you watch with your dick out.

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Same here. But when you pay your own way through things and you can afford the things you want, I feel like you've become a real person. What's more real than burning cash on shit you love because you can?

I'm at the point where I'd only want someone else in the picture purely to afford housing in this dumpster fire of a tri-state area. Friends are great because you can leave them at the door. Imagine wanting to be alone for like a day, but you can't because there's some person living with you. Now, Tim Burton and Helena Botham Carter lived in separate-but-adjoining houses and that sounds like the fucking dream to me.

I've never understood this impulse, nor the "you've failed evolution and the human species if you don't reproduce" thing. So what? It's the most useless thing to try to "win" at. People want to be remembered, but for what purpose? Your kids' kids' kids won't even be able to recall your name. And your genes are the furthest thing from special. Just live your own life to the fullest without stressing about if people 100 years from now are going to know how you liked your steak cooked.

I wish I still watched anime. I used to watch so much back in the day but now I have issues looking at seasonal charts and seeing even one that appeals to me.

It'll happen to you.

>so happy I grew up
Nice bait underage.

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>I feel like you've become a real person. What's more real than burning cash on shit you love because you can?
Capitalism, ladies and gentlemen.

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Is this tech user making 2 million per year or landlord user making nearly 1 million per year?

Another way to approach this bait is the fact that literary fiction is fiction and not different from other fiction. Just wet diary from writer who want to tell you his agenda, opinion and other shit indirectly. The real intellectual pseud will read non-fiction only. But again in the same time reading non-fiction will not make you professional in the field, especially when non-fiction has a lot of "quality" garbage too. And you will forget all useless information from non-fiction with time because it is not your job.

Where do you see "maturity" in that post, retard?

Ugly fat smelly balding manchild on disability with a lot of anime figurines around

They might as well be two days lad, that's how fast years will go.

>Astolfo figure & lots of waifu figures/posters
Must be her grandkid's room.


Say what you want, but I'd rather be a 46 year old normalfag than be a 45 year old virgin whose last fond memory was when he was 15, thirty fucking years ago.

ToG is better than whatever pretentious garbage from the 90's you drool after.
Kill yourself and stop seething in every ToG thread.

Quit projecting, that’s not what he said.

I watch about 1-2 shows per season now, which is a far cry from earlier years. I don't find a lot fo the shows as interesting. I collect figures and I enjoy them still, but I'm not as passionate about them as I was before.

Really, I just wish that there were more long-form series that I could be interested in, like light novels or regular novels. But Sturgeon's Law seems so strong with the LN scene, and I'm also lost so much tolerance for hamfisted fan service bullshit that there's not much left for me. I'm also dislike most fantasy and isekai, which has really been pumped out by the dozen these past years. I think my tastes have changed too much to keep interested in most shows these days.

Not him but normalfag > that guy

You're shitposting poorly in Zig Forums, user. It's over.

>Another way to approach this bait is the fact that literary fiction is fiction and not different from other fiction
There is no anime or manga as great as the greatess tbooks.

Holy shit where did all of these normalfags come from?

How can you have the audacity to make that post with a fucking oreimo reaction image? Fucking hell, some of you eat shit and are totally unaware.

They forced everyone read all the normie "classic" bullshit in school as if they were trying to actively make everyone hate reading.
If it wasn't for my parents giving me fantasy books they would have succeeded.

“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

― C.S. Lewis

And? Zig Forums is mainstream as fuck lol.

>Holy shit where did all of these normalfags come from?

Attached: 8-3(:%22:(!90.png (474x540, 264.53K)

go back you normalfag scum

So fucking based. I forgive Lewis of all his Christian bullshit just for this one quotation.

>Capitalism, ladies and gentlemen.
That's fine with me. Some things makes me happy, and I like having money to spend on those things.


Oh god yes, absolutely.

Yes, I'm mid 20s and can see myself enjoying this shit in the future, don't know about the fandom.

>harvard or oxbridge
The fuck are you talking about? I went to a totally average high school and we read The great gatsby, 1984, To kill a mocking bird, etc...

I'm dumb enough to not be able to appreciate the greatest books so anime and manga level is perfectly fine for me. I tried to read Proust once and it was insufferable.

Being dumb is nice for that kind of things.

And? You're here on site for loosers wasting your time with poor baits. You're done.

mainstream? mainstream between the niche and the weirdos, most people dont know about it, and most nerds dont even use it.

I bet you're a moralfag too
Go back to Zig Forumseddit and your discord circle jerks tranny

I ship it

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They have been here for years, how you didn't notice?

Nice try Satan. Escapism is the true path. We were given the power of intelligence so we could create better worlds than this trash heap that passes for reality.

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Lmao I've heard people in my college and workplace talk about it. Look at the posts per minute up higher in the thread too. This isn't some secret place.

>Zig Forums is mainstream
Yeah I bet you tell all of our friends you spend hour upon hour on Zig Forums shitposting
No one believes you

>crossposters openly advocating for normalfaggotry
absolute state of nu-Zig Forums

I've always heard you don't change that much after you turn 25. I'm 26 and Its been years since I've had the desire to watch anything besides anime.

As long as my friends don't abandon me I can see myself enjoying anime until I'm old. But if they all drift apart and shift focus to kids and stuff then the loneliness will probably kill me.

Where do you work that people talk about Zig Forums?
I've only ever heard it mentioned in relation to Trump and QAanon.

killing yourself isn't healthy either

Attached: miyanophone.png (456x446, 208.37K)

*Zig Forums is mainstream as fuck

epic Zig Forums meme
kill yourself, scum

Not him, but I personally haven't been an Zig Forums regular for years. At first things feel like good 'ol Zig Forums, but I notice some reactions/sentiments you would have never have seen/would not have been acceptable back then.

I'm not even mad, I don't live on this board anymore.

Who is your favorite jashin-chan girl,grandpa?

fucking based


>missing entire point
You're still here. Wasting your time with poor baits. I don't visit gay clubs because I'm not gay. But everyone jokes about gay clubs in media and news.

Not liking pretentious garbage doesn't make you dumb.

I'm referring to the particular concentration on this thread and on this board. Usually they stick to their containment boards, Zig Forums and Zig Forums

yeah never heard of Zig Forums outside of the internet, he is probably baiting

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stop using buzzwords you don't understand, crossposter-kun.

I haven't had friends in about 5 years. It's hard but you can become a stronger person and learn to live on your own terms; the loneliness will become bearable as long as you're not a NEET. I don't think any human being could handle that without being terribly lonely. I watch anime with my mom sometimes so I do share it with someone else to a degree. And of course I have Zig Forums.

>do you see yourself enjoying anime as you grow older user?
I'll probably have killed myself before I get old so no.

Where I can read and watch literary anime and manga?

It's ok, I'm fine being dumb. Do you know how exhausting is being smart? You can't like lots of things and you need to be cynical most of the time.

>tfw someone suggests a non-fiction book
Why the hell would I want to read a biography? If a book doesn't have fantasy or sci-fi elements I start to lose interest pretty fast.

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remember, user
you're here forever

Shut up and spheal with it newfag

Anime is not literature. Even the greatest films are not "literary."

These pretentious arguments are made by people who have low self esteem. I don't feel the need to be a "sophisticated" person. Besides I've read some of these when I was 15, so you look very funny.

>implying a 45 year old virgin can't be happy
I can't imagine how much you must spend on whores.
>normalfags happy
Normalfagginess isn't a major discriminator of happiness. Although it's important if you need to pretend to be happy. Got your house? Got your wife? Got your kid? Got your expensive car? Normalfag status symbols.

aoi bungaku

Started watching anime when I was 17. Now I'm 33.
You tell me.

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Don't remind me. I'll be 28 next month and I've been here for 13 years.

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When we get old watching anime and using desktop computers will be the old person activities like motorbikes and watching TV is now for boomers.

No I'm not. I've grown disgusted with Zig Forums's normalfaggotry, generals, and shounenfaggotry over the past 5 years and come here less and less.

There is no literary fiction as great as the greatest movie or anime.

At least Oreimo is actual anime.

yet you're still here

I've grown out of anime couple years ago. I keep browsing this shithole for manga threads though.

They're great in a different way. You're comparing apples to oranges.

I'm just on the lookout for imouto threads.

There's a fair bit of people left from that era because of all the CG shitposting.

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27 yr old here
I mostly read seinen manga and occasionally watch battle shonen
I simply cannot digest romcoms or moetrash anymore

People who watch anime on phones disgust me.

As long as none of you go full Rusty Brown I think we'll all be okay.

which shows are you watching this season?

That depends on what you define a loser as? A lot of us have great careers , how do you think we can afford to be buyfags.

I left Zig Forums for /jp/ when the split happened, I hardly even go there anymore either. This thread is probably the first thread I've posted in in weeks.

I hang out with people that used to post on Zig Forums, but Zig Forums itself has changed just enough that it doesn't quite feel like home anymore. Probably a generational thing.

t. almost 30

I'll be 32 next week and this is my room, so yes.

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Wrong, you can get laid, you can get a job, you can do better.
fucking faggot, "its not my fault, that i can do things every fucking one, normally can"

Well user, brain/lit/s are problem. They're searching for validation for reading their books and compare them to every existing media. You don't see opposite. They can't just read books, they need to show everyone they're special by doing this across Zig Forums. The pseud effect.

>Tower of God shills
Is this the RWBY controversy 2.0?


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japan is shit, almost anyone living there are shit too

I'm 27, I started browsing in '06
I don't visit Zig Forums much anymore, /g/ and /m/ are my main boards now, mainly read manga. Don't watch/read moe or shonen much anymore.

I'm also approaching 30 and have a similar problem. /a is incredibly slow now unless it's the weekend and people only talk about seasonal shit.

Been here for 13 years, I miss when hiding your powerlevels was more of the norrm.

>space for a figurine case, but not a proper desk with two monitors
and is that a cock sleeve on top of the case?

Attached: is this guy serious.gif (379x440, 139.87K)

>/a is incredibly slow now unless it's the weekend and people only talk about seasonal shit.
The weekend just gone was the worst few days of Zig Forums that I've ever encountered. I couldn't find anything worth posting in for 3 days straight.

Don't need two monitors and it's and air freshener.

The man understands his priorities

>t's the weekend and people only talk about seasonal shit.
can't believe you're approaching 30 and can't understand why everyone talk about seasonal shit instead of seasonal shit from past.

1. OreImo is a masterpiece and Kiririn is an angel
2. There is no irony in the post since no one in that show is a pleb who only watches seasonal anime

This whole quarantine affair has been a disaster for board quality.

I don't really find it a huge issue to be honest. I've found a new home and new (oldfag) friends.

It's not like I had any illusions about how Zig Forums is great or anything the last decade or so. I've been here since 2006, but we've gone through so many "things haven't been the same since" events that I simply don't care.

>Don't need two monitors

Attached: those words.jpg (300x300, 101.08K)

Oreimo is the best animated shitpost I've ever seen

Yes. Even if I've almost entirely lost interest in it, I'd wager that my children will be into it, and I'll be able to watch it with them without being completely bored.

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>Ayn Rand
Well memed, my friend.

>being such a newfag

are you from germany? because the furniture reminds me of that what most poor families have here

It's good for board. I want to see everything in fire so I can stop posting.

There's a reason we call other people normalfags. Pretty sure most of us know we're not normal. Where do you think you are?

>/a is incredibly slow now unless it's the weekend
We have archival stats to prove that's not true. Zig Forums has kept a steady posting volume since 2008 or so.
It's the rest of the site (and by that I mean Zig Forums, Zig Forums and Zig Forums) that has sped up.

Everything on that list is entry-level lit

He's slav.

No, that's an IKEA desk and I specifically didn't want a computer chair so I chose a nice comfy box chair.

Things have changed a lot regarding translation and sourcing stuff like raws for manga. Anime subbing groups are almost entirely dead and we all rely on Horriblesubs for torrents. Even all the old webring sites the japanese used to make for their art are completely dead, it's not the same hobby it used to be.

I'll be 25 in 2 days, is it too late for me?


It's already over once you make your first post.

Too late for what?

so this is who I've been arguing with all this time.
I don't see myself getting tired of anime anytime soon, finding new stuff and rewatching my favorites is all still enjoyable to me.

Came here to post grumpy ji-san

too late? of course if you have reached this point its already too late a while ago.

It's top comfy, user.

Attached: DSC_0579.jpg (5504x3096, 1.5M)

You can check out any time you want
But you can never leave

Erika Furodo is MY waifu. She's a very cute and nice girl/.

Attached: erika_angery.jpg (825x968, 106.54K)

Are you kidding me?
Whatever the anime equivalent of a "Big Dick is Back in Town" shirt is, I'll be wearing it in my final years.

I want to joke about trannyfication and you can't stop me.

Cool blog faggots.

And you're an entry-level poster.


Better than

Fuck off. Let us grieve over our fading youth.

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Are those railroads?
It took me 2 years to switch from annoyed to comfy when listening to trains running deep into the night.

Attached: 1577912063220.jpg (640x480, 33.21K)

>ground floor
>no light
>metal screen
NHK-tier, user
Mine has metal bars

31 here.

Obviously, grew up with anime and will stay that way until I die
There's this myth that you stop enjoying anime once you got old and replace them with other hobbies. Fuck that shit. The older you get, the more money you accumulate, the more hobbies you can enjoy.

Zig Forums, wristwatches, cars, fragrances, boots, guitars, anime. They are not mutually exclusive.

What the fuck wrong with you?
>inb4: Japanese Amazon cage


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And you will end up coming back to your old hobbies in the end. That's why old people watching old movies from their golden times

Nope, just cables. Fuck living near train tracks.

Not ground floor, user.

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what makes you not "normal" though? I don't think I have met any people who I would consider that in my whole life

Those streets are so clean. I don't understand the Japs.

>rewatching favourites
Some of the series I like, Black Lagoon and Bartender, Kaiji etc, just got better with age, desu. A lot of older characters and their stories become way more relatable as you mature.

I've been watching anime since 1994. I'm 31. I'm not stopping.

>turn 30
>afraid I'll ever amount to something, so I cut most my expenses and move away from parents
>think that living along will open many opportunities into being 'normal'
>4 years later
>the only difference now is that I masturbate in the living room now

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Hiding your powerlevel was the best advice Zig Forums ever gave me. It got me through college and my working life so far without incident.

and by "that" I mean normal, just to clarify

I'm 29 I am still watching anime now. If anything it has gotten worse since I started buying figures.

Attached: drink.jpg (1280x720, 84.93K)

I'm turning 27 this year, but I'll walk this path of torment with you, aniki.

Failed normalfags should just rewatch Big Lebowski and stop being failed normalfags.

Apartments having bars/screens across windows on the lower floors is common in any city.
Oh, was just the perspective.

Wow, there are a lot of oji/baba-sans in here.

Why wouldn't I? Are you younger than 20 or something?
This seems like the type of retarded question asked by teens and who feel the need to look "mature" by their own standards.

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How do I move to Japan?
I can't speak japanese

I watch anime secret and hardcore hide my power level.
I'm fit, outgoing, and have a good circle of friends. So I see no real reason to stop watching anime or reading manga. Just have to keep it well hidden as a hobby.

Good for you I am going on 10 years with mai waifu. How long have you been with yours now?

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>I started buying figures.
Don't buy junk user, just invest your money.

Despising 3DPD and behaviors connected with them, being almost 30 while still living with their parents as a NEET. Having garbage, dirt, and mold all over the room. Tapestries of my waifu on the walls, her figures on the shelf, her daki on the bed.


Please don't laugh.

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Depends on your purpose (i.e short term, long term, career goals, etc...)

For me, I planned well ahead and got my N1 while I was in college, well before even attempting to come.

this. I'm already dead.

I know you zoomers think Zig Forums is your website, but it's ours. Your generation, frankly, does not belong here. We are constantly fending off your attempts to inject your reddit zoomer memes and behaviors. Zig Forums started in 2003 and most of us are still here. Where were you in 2003? A womb? We're not going away. Either adapt to our culture or kill yourself.

Normalfag detected. I just bought one for 240 dollars.

Learn Japanese
Have some money and an education.
Try to find a qt you can marry so it's easier to get citizenship.

>this whole thread
>my face when

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>being almost 30 while still living with their parents as a NEET
renting room is not special achievement. You just paying money for apartments.

>Still have the same type of immature humor that I had 10 years ago
>Still can't keep anything substantial in my savings for more than a year
>Still live at home because of this
>Haven't watched or read a new series in over 3 years

Attached: CTIQfR3UwAMNjWR.jpg (480x320, 25.91K)

I never understood why you have to stop watching anime when you get older.

I've been watching anime most of my life and everything I do circles around it. Most of my friends are weebs. I visit japan every other year since I have friends from uni there that are otaku as well. I'm part of a local anime circle and do anime related activities twice a week with them. What else would I do with my free time if not something anime related.

>inb4 trash of society

I have a job and a gf. I can hang out with normies if I have to. I'm even buying a house this year. so I don't have anything I'm really missing.

Otaku culture is such a big part of my life that I would feel empty without Anime/Japan. I'm still in my 20's but some people I know are well over 50 and still love anime as much as I do.

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>that pic
>that filename
I think you might actually be the oldest person here

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You'll never be rid of us, ojisan. Accept it.

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About a decade here as well.

I'm trying to retire in my mid 30s user.

Nice r9k thrwed

What money, as a NEET? It also means you have to obtain your own food and do your laundry.

>Where were you in 2003? A womb?

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At an insurance company. Unironically heard a couple of they went on Zig Forums, but none went on Zig Forums.

>mid 30s retirement
That's a pipe dream.

t. silver spoon baby

Only freelancers, gigolos, people with good job and money can do this. You can just moving between countries like in Hollywood movies. If you're freelancer you will have better time in your cheap country than Japan

32 here I've tried the normalfag life shit is just tedious and stressful and I'm not immortal so I'm not going to waste my time on that nonsense.

I mean It's not shame living with parents.

>Where were you in 2003? A womb?
Yeah, in your mum's womb with my dick.

There are so many sad, angry misanthropists like you in this world to the point that being calm and full of love is a minority behavior. Just because you don't clean your room and sleep with a loli pillow or something doesn't make you a special case. Someone can be a famous celebrity beloved by millions and the same time a fucking mess of a person (Marlon Brando).

Congratulations, you have the biggest amount of teenagers and redditors!

I'm kinda already old, not fucking old but I'm sure I ain't having kids unless I adopt kinda old.
I enjoy shows and what not but became more picky of what I watch although lately due to work because "essential" am limited on how much time I get free to watch shows.


Except that they sleep around with 3D pigs.

My life is just work and anime and reading. Since I like my job and it pays well it all works out pretty nicely. No friends, don't have time for them. Planning to write a novel sometime.

>join military at 18
>retire at 38
That's what you should have done.

I make a lot user

Let me tell you Zoomers this. The old Zig Forums you masturbate over is nothing like what you think it is. It was cancer of the highest order filled with image macros, fells guys, stick man, dumb catch phrases like "fapping like the motherfucking fist of the north star, cumming with the force of a thousand suns," words like GAR, YOOOOOOOOOOO, FTW", and the multitude of nicknames we used for anime, we had weekly r/a/dio threads and all kinds of fun Zig Forums shit, tripfags were actually making Zig Forums related shit songs shit. It was cancer of the highest degree and I fucking loved it.

The truth is Zig Forums is still Zig Forums underneath it all. The Mods were always terrible, you think board quality is bad you weren't here before captcha when actual spam was everywhere.

No the issue with Zig Forums is the fact that we fell into a purity spiral around 2012 that only got worse and worse until things that were uniquely Zig Forums were considered not Zig Forums. Though threads like the Hydraulic Press give me some hope in this place.

Also stop fucking typing out fucking essays that no one fucking reads!

If you can't convey a thought with 2 sentences and a reaction image or a tl;dr if you must go over. You are a fucking newfag and cancer.

tl;dr You all should have lurked moar you newfags.

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But how do you fund yourself through the remaining 40 years of life expectancy?


I'm not even that guy. But anyone who says
>renting room is not special achievement. You just paying money for apartments.
in this day and age is a silver spooner. The world is fucking shit for most people. Wages have been stagnant since the goddamn 1970s. For anyone who genuinely grew up poor, independence is as difficult as getting a PHD.

The only thing getting older changed is that now I LOVE 2D girls in school uniforms and panty shots. I can't believe I couldn't appreciate their greatness before

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If there are still decent shows coming out then why not?

Military welfare.


28 here, and in the same situation. I don't think I'll ever turn my life around and become a normlfag so I'm probably always gonna be here posting about anime until I die of old age or until Zig Forums dies.

>I hate popular things

Hate to break it to you but being calm and full of love has always been a minority outlook. Humanity's history is rife with plague and death, self-loathing and misery.

I've long since abandoned trying to keep up with seasonal shit, at this point I only watch something currently airing when it's causing a clusterfuck on Zig Forums because those threads are always fun. Otherwise I just keep plugging away at my backlog.

I talk about act of renting room. It's not ancient normalfag only skill. Just money question

We're going to die like this arent we?

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Is that enough to live on in the USA?

Okay, silver spooner. Your take on the world is really relevant to reality, you out-of-touch middle class cattle.

Anyone stopped reading ongoing manga? It's such slog reading story little by little for years.

I do this but I don't drink beer, kinda allergic to hops so whiskey it is for me.
Just sucks that I'm stuck taking care of my old folks since they are kinda really religious and shit but they help me whenever I'm down so it's only fair to help them out too.

>Under this system, your retirement pay is your final base pay times 2.5% for every year of active duty. Under this system, if you retire at 20 years you get 50% of your final base pay
Plus all of the bennies. If you were smart, you'd save money and invest during your service as well. There are tremendous financial opportunities in the military in terms of investments and avoiding taxes.

What's that supposed to even mean or have to do with anything I said? They literally find a woman hole to cum in, nothing deep about it. They literally use it as a way of advanced masturbation.
Also you're a 3D person yourself so why feel disgust for real people? Do you hate your face everytime you look in the mirror?

So nothing has changed?

Nah, I just decided to pick up more manga to fill the downtime.

You miss me

Would you prefer to die a normie instead? That's the alternative. If you can't beat it and all the alternatives are just as retarded, embrace it.

The older I get, the less I care what others think about it.


Sex should only be out of pure love with one person in your lifetime.

How much do you make/save to retire in 30s?

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>he doesn't know

Sounds cool.

>Also you're a 3D person yourself so why feel disgust for real people? Do you hate your face everytime you look in the mirror?
What a stupid question. Of course I do.

>Do you hate your face everytime you look in the mirror?
Yes, isn't this normal?

its been 11 years... very casual watcher now but definitely won't quit until 6 feet under

Asuka mom!

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Who's the oldest Zig Forumsnon, I wonder?

Not him but
Zig Forums was at it's best from 2011-2014. 2008-2010 were hellish years.

If you're EMO from 00s

Just want to say thanks for everything, Zig Forums. You guys have been alright most of the time


Grumpy jii-san

>i'm not going to be a pathetic virgin loser old fart
Don't get it twisted user, if you weren't already a pathetic loser virgin you wouldn't want to kill yourself

What about if you're just ugly?

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>not wanting to have children
That's just a biological desire. If you can't even do that then you're a waste.
Wow the janny was really hurt by that post huh?

Show feet first

I'm 37. I consume less anime than I did in my youth but I feel like it's more enjoyable than ever. I also read more manga than I ever did before. The competition (western shows, western comics, etc.) is terrible -- worse than ever, it seems.

Nigga I own two monitors and I'm starting to feel I need one more.
I can't imagine using a computer with just one monitor.

My only goal in life is my own place, paid for and do as little as possible in terms of work so I can enjoy my hobbies in peace. Prioritize what makes you happy, nothing else matters.

>die a happy old man with a wife and progeny
>die an autistic virgin from alcohol poisoning at 40
haha, I sure did see a lot of cute cartoons though.
unironically, no regrets. Some of us just wernt made for this world.

Think about janny in Zig Forums. You're not him at least.

I read online novels and try jap VNs to learn Japanese.

What do you even use the second one for
I've got two at work but it's a hassle, much easier to get stuff done when I only had one

Of course and I imagine i'll be watching more shounenshit than ever.

Still nothing special about this then. Others just hate their face for not looking like a model's instead of 2D. Different excuse, same type of illness.
Know what?
It's not and being ugly has nothing to do with it. Some people even loathe their face despite being beautiful.

I make ~160k a year user. Programming is profitable if you can sell your soul.

Does Zig Forums still have moderation? I thought it was the thunderdome these days.

I'm almost 30 but I still enjoy manga and anime.
I have reasonable academic and professional success and a good financial situation.
Not going to become a wizard, but I am getting increasingly antisocial. I honestly don't care anymore, I will keep on reading HxH and Kaiji until I'm 40, if that's what is meant to happen.

>implying having a wife and kids means you will be happy
It doesn't work like that. Existential success requires way more than just fulfilling a biological desire. Most people die with regret. A lot of it.

The bankruptcy of the soul makes the poorest man.

Since I've learned JP, I moved on to superior VNs. Pretty much the only reason I watch anime is my coworker whom I'm tutoring to turn him into a proper weeb. Before you say anything, I'd been hiding my power level for over a decade, but if someone mentions at lunch that they're starting to learn Japanese, I just had to step in and guide him.

I'm a programmer and I make £32k a year, fucking sucks that programmers are paid so shit everywhere outside the US.

If you've avoided it for a decade you can probably avoid it for the rest of your life if you want
I became a buyfag as soon as I got a job, ~3 years after being introduced to anime.

30 here
what is their to enjoy other than anime?

I make 29k and do heavy labor that broke my back once before, quit bitching.



>Before you say anything
No point hiding your hobbies from people with similar hobbies.

not that dude but you are very sheltered or oblivious, or just don't talk to many people. Zig Forums us certainly ot mainstream by any meaning of the word and number of active visitors is relatively tiny considering the size of other social media websites, but most people under 30 that aren't complete mouthbreathing npc's kniw of its' existence and have at least a rough idea of what it is. When I was in college, several of my the guys in my social circle found it and became regular posters independently from me and eachother, and now in my workplace several of my coworkers have at least mentioned it, some in a disparaging context and some I suspect are regulars, even though I don't talk about it with anyone there.

My real life is already over, so might as well indulge in some fiction. Don't think my interest in anime is going anywhere soon.

>No point hiding your hobbies from people with similar hobbies.
What if they are enjoying them the wrong way?

Pretty much, it helps find new fags to shit talk with and they can hook you up with stuff you don't have if their power level is high enough.
It also lets you know what kind of fag they are and if you should avoid them.

No, the point had to be made to show that I wasn't going around mentioning that I'm a weeb around the workplace. He mentioned it first, so I recommended him moe anime.

Everything. VNs, games etc. Too bad Zig Forums rarely talk about VNs. Feels like it was much better during 2010 times

It's your job to put them in the right path fag.

I havnt left the house other than to buy booze or weed in half a decade user. I think people who are capable of human interaction are probably more (((existentially))) fulfilled than me.
Best of luck to other anons. Do your best!

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Usually I use one to watch stuff and the other to do stuff. Like right now I'm watching anime while browsing Zig Forums.

If I'm working I'll use one monitor to work on stuff and the other to look up stuff.
Occasionally I have to work off of a laptop with just one screen and it's infuriating because I keep having to switch back and forth. I don't know how people can stand it.

what are you talking about? 2012 was the fucking worst, it got so bad I stopped going here for at least a year

It's because of fucking /vg/. After the joke board was created in 2012, mods started being really anal about VN discussion.

>at 25 you'll become some short of old man
Are you okay, nigger?

How old? I make more and I don't think I'll be able to retire by 35 (unless I want to spend rest of life super frugally).

I bought some figures and started going i to some shady real estate stuff influenced by a normalfag friend. Now I've been more buyfag than ever

Im almost 30 and live with my parents except I pay for almost everything

Kill yourself you commie piece of shit.

Big tiddie anime figures is proof capitalism is based.

>Zig Forums-meme-pol-video-meme-png-clip-art.png

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What is the point in going on?

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>browse Zig Forums, youtube, whatever for hours on end instead of watching anime
>feel like I'm wasting my life away
>actually watch anime for once
>feel fulfilled, like I'm spending time well
>go back to just browsing Zig Forums and hating myself the next day
Anyone else do this?

I stopped watching anime some years ago, and I'm quickly losing interest in manga. I'm a retarded coomer, but I guess I'm not that retarded. I'm reading old comics and books almost exclusively now. I burnt out and accidentally started transitioning into adulthood.

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>word soup filename saved from external site

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Video games, but theres nowhere left to talk about them. Too bad we can't talk about Japanese games on Zig Forums.

Well, theres always next season...

I get myself to watch anime and not waste all day on Zig Forums by playing it on my TV. Really helps to combat distractions in my eyes.

You're crazy. Compared to the earlier years it was heaven

True oldfags from rage comic era. Salute them!!

backlog's not cleared yet

Why the fuck do faggots like you come here? people would never seriously judge here and if they did it was in all in fun. part of the reason why I hate cunts like you

About to hit 28. I meant I don't think I need this level of income in my retirement years. I'd probably still have a job, just a much lower stress one.

Please be safe with your investment decisions.

I'm 33 and it's first season since 2008 I haven't picked a single series. So probably not. There are still some decent shows but most of it is same shit.

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It's called procrastination and internet communication addiction. From 2018 I wasted 5000 hours on Zig Forums according to stat program

>Usually I use one to watch stuff and the other to do stuff. Like right now I'm watching anime while browsing Zig Forums.
I could never do that, when I watch something I want to immerse myself.

Mods are anal about everything except shounen jump.

>moved to Zig Forums
Sasuga mods.

Took you a while.

>moving a thread after bump limit

>a thread that's not a shonen general for once

Accurate target board. Look at all the incels who will never be happy. Only once you change from incel to proud virgin you will be happy. No, losing your virginity on some girl who is effectively or actually a whore won't help you.

I see no reason why I would ever stop enjoying anime and animation in general.

Maybe if something really bad happend and production stopped I would get tired of the old stuff eventually.
Or if my eyes got fucked up so that the visual element was gone I might not like it nearly as much.

But other then stuff like that I see myself enjoying anime and animation from all over the world for as long as I live.

Ok but why? Thread was already over.

>moving a thread that was about to die to Zig Forums
Fucking retard.

good job moving it after bump limit

What's the problem, moving a dead thread to a dead board.