Anyone remember when this happened...

Anyone remember when this happened? Girls used their nudes as collateral to get loans in China and then the whole database got leaked

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what when did this happen? am I too much of a zoomer normal fag

If the nudes leaked.

that means all their loans just got forgiven lmao.

they got leaked for not paying plus more money added

leaked where?

I never heard of it, but if you talk about stuff like this you better have a sauce for the leaked pics.

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Man, chinks are ugly as sin

Would you anons?


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You retards actually believe this lol


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Is this smart or retarded? I can't tell. Securing loans with pictures of your tits?? All this really says is that you got a loan. How could this feasibly be used against anyone? It's not like it's some dissolute skank doing porn.

yes, me rike

Would you want your friends and family to see you naked?

Thanks OP, if it weren't for you I wouldn't have gone searching for this stuff.

Got some fap fuel for a while.
Little chinky hoes even sent videos and everything.

I'll pull my balls out and rest them on my friends and family just because it;s a clear enough day to see them in all their glory. The point though is - who would care in a situation like this? It's just to secure a loan to further their education or whatever the hell is preventing them from being destitute and there's obviously a lot of women who did it which further dampens whatever damage is was originally meant to do. You know what normal people have to do to qualify for significant loans? This is peanuts.

Imagine sending such pictures just to loan a few hunderd dollars. Is there a site to view them, such as with the fappening?

There's nothing shadier on this Earth than potentially blackmailing yourself for a Chinese peer-to-peer loan

Some of them are kinda cute.
But Jesus, the difference in most of them between the ID photo and the nude.
You can see it's the same person from the facial shape and stuff, but make-up good.

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hot chinese professor lady sent me nudes over her WeChat bullshit or whatever. ghosted her chink commie ass after she showed me a picture of a turkey and said, "HAHA NO WE NOT EAT, IT IS PET," nice try you dog eating gook slut

These companies are making a fortune this is my dream job

what kind fucked up society is China?

this definitely happened and is not an incel larp

Damn pretty sad lmao. I can't imagine Chinese nudes are really worth seeing though. They're the ugliest people in Asia. And I'm including the West and South Asia in my definition.

Asians genuinely look like bugs and they act like bugs like little ants in their shitty factorys, and yet fat weebs on here still love them? I dont get it but whatever youre into I guess...

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>How could this feasibly be used against anyone? It's not like it's some dissolute skank doing porn.
China is still fairly conservative. Being a slut is not very well accepted.
And I would imagine there's always the risk of the women being/getting in a relationship and then the photos/videos being sent to the man.
Even in this insane world most men don't take too kindly to their women being complete slags.

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i thought asian women are pure

Spend 5 minutes on the internet looking at Asian women and you'll see that they're the furthest thing from pure. Unless you think an Asian woman getting her asshole licked by dogs in a room full of Japanese luchadores is "pure".

All around the world, across cultures and through millennia, there's one common thought in all cultures: women are whores, what the fuck do we do with these sluts?
It's a problem as old as time itself.

Asians thought that keeping them locked away in the house was the solution and it ended up backfiring. Those hoes were writing poems about how badly they wanted to get fucked by multiple guys who weren't their husbands. They turned infidelity into a genre of literature.

I mean desu thats a pretty good incentive to pay for your shit, 'pay back your loan or we'll leak your nudes and show shame to your family"

Would you rather a woman who has had sex with 30 men before you a virgin that has received cunnilingus from two different dogs on two separate occasions?
If you say neither then your penis gets chopped off in a bicycle accident.

ayyy lmao
is cuckery actually

It's funny that you think these two hypotheticals don't describe the same woman. Asian women are sluts like the rest of them user. They're just more willing to take it to what westerners would call an extreme, since they don't have the Christian concept of morality weighing down on theme.

Theyre not perfect but all the asian girls ive talked to dont even drink on holidays and they just work and have no interest in hooking up

China is a little sluttier than sea

Asian countries are stuck in the 70s when it comes to how they treat women lol

>dont even drink on holidays and they just work
That doesn't make them not sluts
>have no interest in hooking up
That's just what they tell you. I don't know what Asian girls you know, but statistically, Asian women are known cheaters and carry a ton of STDs because they don't go to gynecologists.

Dude I have talked to asian countries a lot. I can tell you American girls are more slutty.

Asia has like a 20 to maybe 40 percent rate of slutty women but in the west its literally 100%. Literally. I am not arguing this. I know them and have talked to them. You ignored every point besides the drinking thing becuase you are trying to poke holes.

So where is this database?

No shit, user. I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just asking which one you'd rather stick your wiener in.

Wanted to post a video from the collection.
Sorry, nothing too interesting, but it was one of the few small enough that wouldn't take long to convert.

Women are whores. Accept it.

>Asian countries are stuck in the 70s when it comes to how they treat women lol
And even then they are a bunch of loose sluts.
Imagine what will happen when they start treating them with the same attitude as we in "the west" do.

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But she looks better in the photo than the id

Have you actually talked to them? I have. Its in a way better state than the west. If you think 100 out of 239393 million girls having their nudes leaked is bad dont go to gone wild on reddit lmao. Literally 50,000,000,000,000,000,000 leaking their nudes for FUN DAILY

Exactly my point.
Chinks don't tend to go all full of make-up for formal photos.
They only do that shit in their daily life, and fucking hell, what a difference.

This is not sluttiness.

I never said it's not better. (how much better can be argued)
But fuck me, how could any place feasibly be worse than western countries nowadays when it comes to women being sluts?
Unless the cock carousel becomes mandatory at age 12, I can't see any place being worse than "the west".

Well its where I wanna be. All the asian girls are more attractive then western girls that I talk to and theyre a lot nicer and more traditional.