Have never drank or done drugs

>have never drank or done drugs
Why does this trigger SO MANY stupid normalfags?? Are they ashamed of themselves? Are they angry that I am superior to them?

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I don't know. I've found that if you've never smoked or done drugs, they don't care, but if you say you've never drank alcohol and don't plan to, they get mad.

Imagine being this histrionic.

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Most people, including druggies and heavy drinkers don't care if you don't drink or do drugs. It just means more for them, and that you could possibly be a designated driver or sitter if something gets out of hand.

>inb4 angry r*dditors acting out because they feel shamed.

Have you ever watched someone play a video game you know really badly?
It's frustrating right. Maybe alot, maybe a litte. Maybe you're not human at all.

But anyway if you can relate to that, then maybe you can relate to how normies look at you. Truthfully, you're playing life wrong. Not doing drugs most people can understand. They're scary, and alot of people are cowards.But going your entire life without even drinking is the highest tier of autism. Part of being human is trying new experiences. Something is very wrong with you if something as common as drinking is skipped out on. It suggests you're either mentally ill or that you don't want to or can't have fun or kick back.

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>you are mentally ill if you don't drink
The actual fucking state of normalfags. Holy fucking shit. I cannot comprehend how one substance can mean so much for someone that they actively dislike others for not ingesting it. Its fucking insane.

I never said i dislike you because you don't drink. I don't like you because you're both arrongant and incredibly stupid.

Tell me why you haven't drank yet.

Oh man, OP. I know that feel. If you really wanna trigger normalfags to the extreme, be anti-drug but pro-drug-trafficking. They'll lose their shit.

There's plenty of normalfags who don't drink at all. Many stop drinking because of predisposition or exposure to alcoholism. Most however have at least tried it. Generally people who don't drink so for religious reasons or because they don't like it. Basically at least get drunk with some friends before judging everyone else.

I shouldn't if you don't bring it up like you are gloating. Like you just did right now.

Not OP, but maybe I just downright hate the taste of alcohol and would prefer to keep my mental faculties in check? You ever thought maybe some people don't want to piss large sums of money on something they don't enjoy?

>You ever thought maybe some people don't want to piss large sums of money on something they don't enjoy?

That's fine, but just don't act like you're some kind of superior human just because you have a stick up your ass.

Did you read my post? I didn't address people who have drank alcohol, i was talking about people who have never drank alcohol.

It's a slippery slope, you know, and they want to drag you down with them.

>Not liking the taste of something means having a stick up your ass
Sounds like you're the one with the stick problems pal.

I only drank the alcohol because I was basically forced into it. Try not drinking when you're at a wedding at 16 because you're cousin (The bride) considers it a personal insult you won't partake and you now have the whole family from both sides on your dick.

If it wasn't for that I would've never partook in the first place because I knew I'd hate it based on smell, family history (Grandma died before I was born due to alcoholism), and what I've seen it do to people who even drink socially and lightly.

There is plenty of alcohol out there that taste good. You're the equivalent of a boomer saying that all millennials are liberal instagram posting polyamorists. You don't like the taste of alchohol because you are a child who can't handle anything that doesn't taste sweet.

If you wanna hate on alcohol, do it because it's bad for you and slowly destroys your liver. Don't whine because you can't handle a shot of whiskey. It makes you sound like a bitch.

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I dont really care man I just think you should try weed because it helped so much with my mental illness. Alcohol is only good for socializing or if youre just really really in a shit mood. Do whatever you want man. I am a drug addict but when theres one person with us that doesnt smoke weed im literally the only person that doesnt ask them to smoke 85 times.

I have a family history of alcohol abuse and my father loses his shit whenever he catches me drunk, but being inebriated is the only time when I don't feel like killing myself. I get shitfaced whenever I'm alone at home for a significant amount of time which isn't often, but I wish I could be drunk all the time.

>Literally didn't read my post the post
Seethe more nigger. I'm not about to spend my time and money trying to search for the one or two forms of alcohol that manage to hide the alcohol taste just so I can go blow more money on it. I gave legitimate reasons why I don't enjoy and knew I wouldn't enjoy alcohol. I never once mentioned an ability to hold my alcohol, a skill on alcoholics addicted to the stuff ever seem to pride themselves on or bring up.

Now what do you suppose happens when you say you are still a virgin and hate women? I've felt it. You don't want to know. It's like saying you killed somebody

Only alcohol I can drink is sweet cider, anything with more alcohol is just disgusting desu

It's autistic to think, that you have to try drugs in order to enjoy life.Guess what Einstein!Your body already produces all the chemicals it requires to feel good!Anything else is just there, when that piece of garbage body of yours does not work properly.

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>already produces the chemicals to make you feel good the way drugs do (otherwise your point is moot)
just flat out incorrect

Safety in numbers. They need everyone else to be dependent on drugs so they can justify their pathetic vice. Seeing someone who's perfectly happy while sober is a reminder of what they wish they could become, but are too weak to pursue.

This. If anything, you're their bitch

>I'm not about to spend my time and money trying to search for the one or two forms of alcohol that manage to hide the alcohol taste just so I can go blow more money on it

They're called mixed drinks you petulant child. You can make ANY alchohol taste good. You don't care about "wasting" money. You just wanna act better than everyone else.

I have plenty of money in savings and stocks. I still drink because I enjoy it. You don't hate "alcohol" because you haven't even tried it. You just hate not feeling like a special snowflake.

i haven't drank yet because it's a literal poison you dipshit

I don't drink for a multitude of reasons, but people who worship at the alter of alcohol always have to deconstruct everything I list.

>I don't like the taste

>I don't like getting drunk

>alcoholism runs in my family

Normalfags can't fathom this shit, so now I just lie and say I'm on liver medication.

I hope you don't eat processed sugar, deli meat and other junk food

Imagine caring this much about the choices of others. Reeks of insecurity.

I take Adderall and Xanax but it's prescribed and only at thereapeutic doses so it doesn't really count

>comparing age-restricted poison to food

Did you think up that false equivalence while drunk?