The fuck

US is now the worst place on earth to be about the pandemic.
But at the same time, people are gathering for "urr durr ma freedom".

Is this just a minority? If you're part of this, can you explain your point? I'm curious.

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Other urls found in this thread:
They're all retarded and I hope they get the virus.

Why are Americans so adamant about serving their corporate masters

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Oh god. Looks like a joke.

It doesn't even seem like the majority of protesters are complaining about going back to work. Most of them are just complaining because they can't go golfing or get their nails done. It's funny how conservatives call liberals pussies but then shit themselves when iHop is takeout only.

70 years of cuckitalist propaganda

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>US is now the worst place on earth to be about the pandemic.
According to who? A bunch of talking heads on the news and kikes?

Please explain to me how a government enforced curfew would not be trampling on people's individual rights? Fucking fascist!

Uh oh OP. You riled up the polfags

Notice how the statist never has an argument.

The statement is still true.
Libs are fucking pussies. Scared of something equivalent to the flu; only dangerous to the old and infirm. I really enjoy your piss poor attempt at projection though.

The 1st amendment doesn't just go away because there's some little faggot virus going around that kills 80 year olds

Sorry bud. Your b8s may work in pol but they won't work here. Go back to your shitty board

Still no argument.


>Arguing with socialists
Why waste the time.

>my right to is protected by the united states bill of first amendments, because it's a good idea in my opinion, and opinions are also something I say, ergo cogito cum QED therefore, they are my speech, so they are protected. checkmate. *dies of covid*


Don't use words if you don't know what they mean. If conservatives are wailing in the streets because they can't go a month without their usual luxuries that isn't projection, that's an accurate assessment that they're pussies.

alittle bit of both desu its kinda sad

however most places that are protesting dont have all too many cases as opposed to new york.

this is certainly bait, but it's incredible that there are real people who think they're smart while making those points

Finland has only closed down public pools, public libraries and bars. Restaurants are only allowed to serve takeout/delivery food. ALSO OUR HAIR SALONS/BARBERSHOPS YOU KEEP USING IN YOUR STRAWMEN ARE OPEN. Our death rate is at around 4% (5327 confirmed cases, 230 deaths according to the google infographic). Our infection rate is at around 1%. Now how could this be?

But Zig Forums IS the fascists, silly.

>"Stop demanding me to use a proper argument! Go back to Zig Forums!"


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The USA news is indeed owned by the kikes, and it controls how people behave that watch it. Half of the USA watch it. Monkey see monkey do.

Then the half that doesn't gets pestered by the squawking as the poltard can't shut up about it. Hence this very thread.

Weak baits. Again, go back

How is Finland's situation a weak bait? We have a lesser lockdown than most U.S. states and we have very low infection and death ratios. Can you or can you not give me a proper response?

Good for Finland. Explain why it hasn't worked in NYC where they're literally running out of room to stack corpses.

I have friends that are making so much more money on unemployment than they did in that shitty "essential" jobs that underpays them.

>imagine not being able to balance individual rights with collective rights
>muh statist not have an argument!!
It's because infective disease aren't, by fucking definition, up to the individual. As a society we have to accept that implementing a few law FOR A BRIEF PERIOD, NOT FOREVER, is necessary to flatten the curve and find resources for healthcare workers
We need to reopen slowly. if this protests were done with social distancing, while asking to reopen some businesses I'd get it, but no, they were and will be filled with anti-science retarded anti-vax and Q-anons brainlets

>It's funny how conservatives call liberals pussies but then shit themselves when iHop is takeout only.

both parties are uncultured idiots

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NYC has a higher concentration of people, americans have a hypersocial culture compared to the more reserved Finnish one. Also there simply isn't a lot of free space in a place as densely built as New York City. The death rate is somewhere around 5-6%, which isn't that high. There just are more people so more people are going to die. Compare that with Finland, a country with around 5.5 million people and tons of free land in the capital city area to use. 6% of 313000 is more than 6% of 3200 (cases in New York City vs. cases in Helsinki, Finland's capital). Simple

They have occasionally extended the lockdown orders though.
>will be filled with anti-science retarded anti-vax and Q-anons brainlets
Just because someone believes in qanon or is anti-vax doesn't mean they deserve to have their rights trampled on.

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Worried about the economy collapsing. Value of a dollar is based on our ability to produce. We have no money for medicare, foodstamps, and other programs. How can you tax what isn't being made? What happens when people can't pay for their rent and banks take that hit? Will there be a meat/food shortage? Barrels of oil are worthless, what repercussions will this have? What will happen to the value of a dollar if our government keeps spending money it doesn't have?

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Some who have recovered have permanent lung damage. Others have had a stroke from the corona because of the body's immune response.

Just because you don't die from it doesn't mean it doesn't fuck your life up in some different way.

>israel loving orange retard screws up handling the pandemic situation
>people call for more restrictions and want to implement fascist policies
>then turn around and call him a fascist

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the dollar is based on $30 = a barrel of oil and rn them saudis pumping the market that a barrel of oil is free

People with pre existing lung conditions are the ones that are getting this supposedly recent lung damage. The only reasons why Italy was hit so hard is because their little shitty strip of land is incredibly polluted and because they smoke like crazy.

i hate americans usually, but this time they have a point, i had enough of you brainwashed cunts being afraid of invisible pixie dust because bill gates told you so

>Bill Gates
Is this the new boogeyman? Have we replaced Soros and Shillary?

Please tell me who I should be mad about.

basically the boomers locked down the country, couldnt handle it, and now want to "re-open" america.
don't really care, the people who fell for the NEET meme during quarantine are retarded. all that changed for me was that I got more gubmint money and started working from home.

>hypersocial culture where people constantly greet eachother by hugging/kissing
>living with your elderly parents is normal