Something racist against black people is posted

>something racist against black people is posted
Stays up until it is archived
>something racist against white people is posted
Janny removes it immediately.

Why is this?

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There is so much black guy white women propaganda though. It's everywhere.

Nigger. Nigger nigger haha nigger nigger

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Im not even black I just hate double standards
Im white but not insecure enough that a black man posting a BBC meme will ruin my day

Of white people are superior then why do you get so offended when a so called inferior being makes a joke about you?

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I'm not white and it does not offend me. It just amazes me that blacks think they're the "superior" race, when they haven't done anything productive in society for the past 100 years.

Met a lot of blacks and very few think they are superior
If you arent white why are you simping so hard for white people?

By your definition, aren't you simping for nonwhites?

user, u just got pwned by

No I just dont like double standards
On this site anything that doesnt comfort the average robots fragile ego is shot down

Stop simping for whoever profits from not shooting down anything on this site that doesnt' comfort the average robots fragile ego then?
Somewhere, deep down, you're simping for someone, and it invalidates your whole argument.
Go home and find better buzzwords, use some from 2008 I forgot how to counter

So dead weight, nice half assed response, faggot.

>Tfw whites have come to this level of coping
>Tfw blacks and other minorities have more influence than white
>Tfw jews have completely manipulated white people into cuck and sissy behaviors
>Tfw whites stole black culture and inventions
Keep seething with ur pathetic life

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4chanx says this is from a new IP, but I feel like its just you phoneposting

this is an imageboard for white people only

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>whyte boi that animepost
Opinion disregarded neck yourself tranny

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>Such typical whyte behavior totally changed the argument because your small white brain can not compare with a black mind
>You must believe the points I brought up since you disregarded them keep being the submissive white boi and wait for someone to help with your feeble mind

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I'll take the bait for lulz. You're partly right, and that's only because of the media and so on, just like pornography, it's all in your head, it's nonexistent in the real world. And even so most whites aren't minorities within their own countries so they have the majority of the rule.

Atrocious cope from a dicklet white cuck

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god I hate that clip so much. I wish that person would be euthanized

Zig Forums doesn't hate black people, they are OBSESSED with them. If they aren't bitching about how much they "hate" them, then they're posting black cuck shit. If they aren't posting cuck shit then they're posting pics of hot black chicks. If they aren't posting hot black chicks then it's buff naked black dudes.
>TFW blacks have gamed the welfare system for so long that they are able to live in anons' heads completely RENT FREE

Attached: velma on the dance floor.gif (340x256, 1.37M)

>didn't refute me calling him
>changed the argument to white people being sissies

Guess you must believe the points I brought up since you disregarded them

I'm black and I don't think we're "superior".

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Pretty sure the cuck shit is from black people, but whatever

>tfw the amerinigger is too stupid to see IT'S A TRAP

It's easy. Burgers basically invented cuckoldry because they are so insecure about The British Broacast Corporation. It was a rough time for the mutt settlers in New Muttland in the 1600s. They had to attend ther daughter's wedding nights to get that sweet cuckold feeling.

We in The EVROPEAN MVASTER RVACE just smile and nod over how stupid the burgermutts are.

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>niggerlovers post WE KANGZ NOW threads
>gets deleted
>autists post topic + out of context image maki g fun of people stealing bikes
Really makes you think
Im black btw, apply yourself, idiot

>Pretty sure the cuck shit is from black people, but whatever
sure, user

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>silly me I thought a whyte boi could comprehend something as two other people posting
>your race still amazes me with your retardation
>White boi Im the nigga that partakes in real nigga posting

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magine being unable to stop yourself from replying to me, oof

Lol weak gay nigger haha

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Far right is a cutie, would make mixed kids with

Based panda poster

What sort of black man says shit like niggerlovers?
Pic related

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