/depression general/

Whats on your mind right now Zig Forums? are you doing alright?

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pic related is the times I worked out.
I don't know what happened, or why it happened.
this makes no sense - I was so happy

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woah bro. Go every day. No more routine. Just rotate what you do each day instead of having a weekly schedule, no longer "push day on Monday" it's "push day after leg day", if you take a rest day you pick up where you left off, no more strict routine. Get back on that mf grind homie I believe in you.

costs $10,000+ to get all the loose skin surgeries I need. by the time I save up the money to have it all done it will be too late and I will have aged out of my youth/best years. despite successfully losing all the weight, I will be paying the price for childhood obesity my entire life. I'll never be free of this curse. I just try to ignore this reality on most days and keep on chugging, but some days it's really difficult.

what's wrong will following a routine?

I just jerked off and ate a hardboiled egg and I feel great just liying in my bed while the sun rises and I hear birds chirping

why not just make more money? there are a lot of unsustainable ways to make that much money across maybe 3-5months

I want a hug

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do hard school work, feel bad after wards

Same I'm feeling lonely

Hugs bro no homo

If digits then we all make it frens.

Except you fatty fat fat.

I think it's not bad to "just lift", in most cases like this a routine might just be counterproductive. I used to be like GP and have a schedule before I found I missed a day and then would skip the next 3 bc the rhythm got fucked up or whatever, If you force yourself to take rest days then you'll get too accustomed to them, personally I can't stand sitting on my ass not being productive in some way. This way: when you skip; it's because you're tired and there's no pressure to go again the next day so the compulsion to go lift is more natural instead of forced, idk if that makes sense. I go 6 times a week this way, I'm pretty sure this only works if you believe "I have nothing to lose, might as well go lift cuz I mean what else am I gonna do with my time".

this is what clinical depression did to me

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ouch. pick yourself up king

frenly reminder that things WILL improve, friend.

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Got on wellbutrin about 2 weeks ago and despite eating more I'm dropping weight almost daily.

Just fuck my bulk up.

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>ouch. pick yourself up king
thank you my king

made it

>frenly reminder that things WILL improve
they don't, they never do. its all downhill ever since you turn 12

It happened again
>Be me
>Chatting qt I know irl
>Tension between us
>Get invited over
>She's in practically nothing
>Tight spaghetti strap/volleyball shorts combo
>Waits until I get there to fix her hair so I can see her pull it back in a bun
>Start making small talk
>She tells me how much my personality reminds her of a dude she used to be friends with whom she's now distanced from because he "got a crush on her"
>Continue talking for around and hour then leave
This isn't the first time this has happened either. Several chicks have cultivated a relationship with me and then invited me to hang out outside of work/class just to explain that they don't want to have anything to do with me. What the fuck is going on here? Is this some kind of testosterone vibe check that I'm too autistic to pick up on and navigate?

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It’s a shit test they do to see how bad you want them. Stop putting the pussy on a pedestal or you’ll be forever friend zoned

Then how should I handle this?

ive had a similar transformation because of depression and my spiral into mental illness, now im balding rapidly and fat. gonna kms soon

I've been watching tiktok videos and I got this crushing feeling of loneliness. All these kids hanging out with there friends doing random shit, and those cute couples brimming with love.These videos are a constant reminder that I am a friendless virgin.

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2 months no gym, only home workouts with dumbbells fuck I miss the gym.

For past few days, I really feel down and despairing. Don't know why. I kept up my workout routine. But, I have nearly given up on studying and learning to code. There's this last bit of flab that just won't go. I keep eating more and more and sink deeper into self disappointment. Suddenly, my dream body and career seems to be out of my reach.

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I'm in a super weird spot right now.
>Stay at friend's place (they're a couple) during corona
>Good friends with both guy and girl
>The boyfriend started doing heroin again
>Gets kicked out
>Just her and me
>Life a week later
>I come back to the house one night and she's been drinking
>Says she really likes me and has wanted me for months
>I makeout and shit but don't fuck

She wants to date, and I like her, but I'm not a rebound guy. Plus my bro is still using that shit so I don't give a fuck about him.
Do I let her chill on her emotions or just go full on wrecking that puss?

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Should have kissed her

No pussy is worth destroying a friendship over. Plus, if she's willing to cheat on her bf with you, then she will cheat on you when you date her.

I meant to say they broke up. But he is gaslighting the fuck out of her. He called her last night and it was fucked.
But you think being friends is better?

>just dreamt of hugging her, all was good
>wake up
>immediently feel doms, but the pain of her not being there hurts more

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you fucked up bro.

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How to cure depression:
> Hard cardio, 45 minutes long, should be sweating and panting by the end (crying is optional)
> No recreational drugs (including booze)
> No sugar
> No fast/junk food in general
> Same bed time and get up time
90 days will cure depression

What should I have done

i lost everything i have worked on for the past 2-3 years in the blink of an eye. first everything i had in stocks due to the collapse in march and me being a degenerate gambler who plays with options. then my gains due to the gyms being closed.
i was so close to /making it/ and now im literally at stage 0 again.

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Quit fucking with options for a bit. The stocks will rebound?? Just give it time. The opposite of happiness is hopelessness. Find something to hope in.

my guy, i have lost everything. i have $0 left to speculate. im currently living with my parents and work on my education to get a good job because as of now i have $0 left to invest

I have zero motivation to workout at home and I haven't lost any weight during quarantine. I was mediocre and forgettable in the 2 years I was at the gym but it was all I had and they took it from me. When this shit opens back up if it ever does I'm saving some Trump bucks to go on gear and hitting everything 10x harder than ever before

I feel yeah man. My dad and I trade and we had a 100k hedge call a few weeks ago.
Only thing you can really do is move forward man. It sucks right now but take it as a learning lesson.
If you work and invest again, within 5 years you'll be ahead of 80% of people.

I have suburn and it hurts :(

the most depressing and fucked up part is that i know how the next 1-2 years will play out and i have no other option but to watch from the sidelines and miss out on the gains until im liquid again. hard not to think about doing an hero

If you're willing to kill yourself over money you need to focus on different shit my guy. Focus on other things. Get back in the gym. Get back on the grind. You did it before, you can do it again.
Gotta live it bro.

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little good, little bad. realizing my friends suck ass and women suck ass too so i'm probably gonna go full fuckin cuccoon mode and lift my ass off and work my ass off. debating hopping on gear but i'll probably finish the year natty and decide from there

>Get back in the gym.
what fucking gym? they were supposed to open may 15th where i live and thats been delayed to end of may. they probably gonna delay again and then again
the gym was one of the only things that kept me sane in this shitty world. its not just the money, trust me brother

i was able to make some gains doing this for the last month

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iktf hope it gets better brah.

Three weeks into this and its a comfy life. The more comfortable you get with yourself the more selective you become in the people you hangout with.

>He missed out on this
>And so did I...

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Hey bro, I haven't been paid in two months, won't pay electricity for a while. Already lived without wifi at home.

I got around, all account and pockets included, around 50$ to my name. I'll be eating potato and eggs until Trudeau send me my check.

I don't get he worrying about stock. Did you throw every last penny you had in the market ?

No, you got it all wrong. The real happy people with partners and friends don't need to document it online and prove themselves to anyone. Social media is cope.

I don't watch tiktok whatever that is but I know that feel

Fucking nut up and make a move man. Otherwise you're just gonna get shit on forever.

we all missed out on it bro

just don't stop socializing completely.
>t. guy who stopped socializing completely

Alone together

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that's probably my biggest concern. finding the right balance of shutting myself out and still keeping in touch. number two is making friends later on. i know i'm not anywhere close to old but i'm turning 30 and haven't been able to make a new (lasting) friend in years. just kinda been chalking that up to "life is suffering" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Friendly reminder that things may not improve, but YOU will improve.

Ii know the feel. I've been doing curls everyday just to keep morale high.

Also, for mild cases of despair, I read that it's almost impossible to feel sorry for yourself with a paper bag on your head. So, get that bag and smell the paper, it's time to move on.

i havent had a hug since 2016, no compliments since forever. my lifts are shit, i have been a NEET for 3 years, i thought i was gonna get a job this year, i thought i was gonna find love.
but i have autism, im not meant to be anything

I can't talk with people. I'm a friendless virgin at 22 and even though I have a full time job I still struggle talking to co workers. I fear by the time I make a friend or fix myself it'll be too late and I wasted my entire youth. I've already wasted most of it.

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I'm so tired of feeling like this bros

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every time i read this, a little bit of my soul is destroyed
how can user cope with that. it tears me up and im not even a part of it

How will this help with my nonexistent social life and general lack of motivation for my job/educational future? FYI I do most of these things already, I feel physically good it's mostly the loneliness

I just want the gym to open again bros..

I feel you man. I look much better than I did as a fatty but it hurts knowing that my goal body isn’t possible for me. If I got skinny enough for my abs to show then I would have a pretty big fold of loose skin. It’s like having a big ass tattoo on your belly that says I WAS FAT

Things have been going pretty well for a few months in a row now and I'm super anxious, waking up everyday expecting everything to just collapse like they always do

lol are you sure you're not a homosexual?

depressed lads in here, check your testosterone levels

low test unironically causes changes in the brain, can make you clinically depressed

I found out about that, had my levels checked, now im on trt and I havent had the urge to kill myself in almost 6 months, bigger sex drive, waaay more confident, waaay more motivated, things are really starting to look up

also therapy helps, talk to someone.

stay safe broskis

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Had a nice dream last night where I was talking to this girl. Everything felt right and natural. I don't even remember what she looked like or a single physical feature about her. Just the nice feeling I had. That feeling is probably the best I've felt in a while. I don't even lift for women but God I'm sick of being alone.

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>depressed lads in here, check your testosterone levelslow test unironically causes changes in the brain, can make you clinically depressed
this is a trap! I fell for it in like 2015 I am this guyjust after leaving the looney bin, I thought maybe I was so tired all the time because my test was low...so I got an appointment to the endocrinologist. The best in my city even, anyways, he asks me to take down my pants and I took them off, then he asks me to take down my underwear and for a sec I thought he s going to check my prostate or something, I was ready for it, what happened next...I wasn't ready for, out of nowhere he started fondling my balls, I am not even kidding, told me they were regular size, now here s the kicker, he then takes me to another room and shows me my blood analysis results, wich also had testosterone levels, he showed me how my test was okay, he could have showed me that beforehand, BUT HE FONDLED MY BALLS

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dont be a cunt, you cunt. thats your friends ex gf. recent ex gf. how the fuck does this need to be spelled out? its one girl, out of billions. you're going to ruin your friendship with that guy, for a girl that will, as her current actions clearly indicate, flirt with your friends and potentially bang them if the opportunity presents itself. this is a woman who has so little respect for her former bf that she'd fuck you almost straight out of a relationship with that other guy. and i you don't think that at some point it'll happen to you too, that it wont bite you in the ass, you're an idiot. people don't change. this experience will only positiviely reinforce the fact that there will always be another dude who wants to bang her, with no consequence.
dont fuck your bro's exes, you fucking moron.

ah also, karma is a bitch because a few months later he got 6 viruses at once and died from swine flu, jurnalistii.ro/48908-2/ this article is about him but its in romanian

>with fun qt gf of two years, happy with my life and motivated
>getting straight As at CC, doing personal projects, working out
>suddenly I begin getting tinnitus and insomnia
>then my gf cheats on me
>slowly regress into a depressed sack of shit over the next couple of months, day drinking, fapping, looking up suicide methods at 3 am because the insomnia is still there
I literally went from a normal, happy dude to borderline insane. The silver lining of it all was I got into the university of my dreams (UCLA) but I felt almost nothing when I learned that I got accepted. Something about getting cucked has invalidated all of my other accomplishments. I gotta get out of this hole.

Nothing makes me feel happy. Best case I’m just not thinking about anything negative and worst case I’m upset or anxious about the past or future. So exhausting. I miss the feeling of being able to immerse myself in video games and actually have fun, I don’t even enjoy that anymore

I feel like all this Corona crap has made my depression worse. It's dint nothing but bring the worst out in people and I can't even do the things I enjoy. I don't even know why I'm still going.

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Just let me in the gym
I've been sinking deeper and deeper ever since they closed
Barely eat, sleep all day but I'm always tired and can't sleep when I need to
I hated this life before I got fit and I hate it even more now that it's being forced on me
I just want to make my progress back already

if i just fuck the only girl i have ever loved she probably will "Break my heart" and it'd suck. so i might cry rn.

She dated a heroin addict? Fuck that bro it's a trap

Why we still here? Just to suffer?

it is impossible to defeat me. i will always improve myself. im going to kill myself.

I'm so lonely bros.

this one hits way too close to home lol

Maximum kek