There is no excuse not to transition

started hrt about year ago, and tomorrow will be my 4 month anniversary with my sugar daddy.
i used to be a 3/10, weak, small kissless white male, now i have about 10 orbiters on discord who regularly buy me gifts, alongside my full time sugar daddy who pays my rent, buys me delivery and vidya, and basically funds my existence in exchange for thigh pics and videos of my face. all i do is play video games, and i have a comfortable neet life in a city. it's so easy to learn makeup, if you know how to do it right and accentuate the eyes you can get that "anime" look that type of men love. i follow belle delphine's tutorial. amazon has anime wigs for about 15$ each, nice quality until your hair grows out.
so what's your excuse, user? why are you still living as a male?

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Because I'm not a faggot whore. Next question.

jealousy must suck

>hits wall
>orbiters disappear
>liver fails due to hrt
>no more sugar daddy

Meanwhile I'll outlive you by at least 50 years, surrounded by people who love and appreciate me.

Is is so hard to believe that some people are born straight?

Weak bait is weak. Dilate tranny sage

Not them, but it really does suck. I want to transition, but not because of the shill here. I want to look good to you know, seeing pictures like OP's related and other pictures is hell. I was already planning on killing myself anyways, but this is suicide fuel too

Stop acting like a pussy. You dont need to start chopping stuff off of yourself to look good. Just taking pills will help you beyond belief.

when are you going to kill yourself nerd?

I never said I was going to chop something off. It's just that I have to get those pills I guess

I don't know if you meant OP or me, but I was planning maybe after the quarantine

Jealous of what? Your faggotry? The good news is that you'll likely 40% yourself and you won't be carrying on your lineage.

>and then suddenly for no reason at all, people voted hitler into power

Turbo burn OP BTFO

You guys are just mad because you know you'll be ugly girls.

I'm a very tall (6ft), broad shouldered, and naturally big dude who's super hairy. I'd make a horrible girl.

if you really wanna be an anime gril you should reply to hostility with "please hatefuck me daddy" not this passive aggressive hambeast attitude.


Not possible, retard. All you are is a limp dicked faggot with no future.

We all might have futures user, if we're not dead. It's just that we have different ones, like a lot of the people who's on Zig Forums don't really have that big of a future. Hence why a lot of us hates life

Is this you? Congrats. Takes work to be that skinny

Being a Daddy's little fucktoy is a future indeed!

Trannys are fucking stupid and this thread is bait

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I'm a trans man, if you can't make it as a man you'll never make it as a woman.

Only go mtf if you're committed.

I may be gay but I'm firm in the belief women are disgusting.
Women are not to be emulated, you're simping a woman who doesn't exist.

Cringe. I still have family and friends, studying STEM at a good uni and am healthy. Just because I'm a bit socially awkward with women isn't gonna convince me to become a fucking tranny lol.

It's a hundred times easier for women though.

It's so easy that even a woman pretending to be a man has it easier than a man pretending to be a woman.

You have so much privilege you can't ditch it if you try.

Well that's definitely given me a push in the right direction. I have long considered becoming a trap, and am currently improving my life alot (losing weight, being more productive) so that I can be a cute girl one day. That goal is very motivating for me. I just wanna be pwetty and uwu! i've been told I am fuckable, but still have a long way to go before I could even slightly pass.

Mention me in your suicide note faggot


I'm a man. As a result it's much easier for me to look like a man than it is for girls cursed with male bodies.

The world shits on women. I have huge privilege as a man, even being a man who started off with such a handicap.

My little cousin started her before she hit puberty and now whenever I see her I feel funny.

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how do i phase shift into whatever topsy turvy reality you hail from?

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I'm not small and will never be small and I'm not gay, not a bottom, and not into getting payed to sit there and be pretty.

They're gonna be near to perfection then

Welcome. Take a look around, make yourself comfy.

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