I found a streamer who lives twenty miles away from me

I found a streamer who lives twenty miles away from me.
The premise of their stream is that they play video games, watch TikToks, and have sex / do lewd things on camera. Both of them are zoomers. I'm actually quite shocked this is something people are into.
I have the link to their stream. Right now they're just watching TikToks. Convince me to post their stream link. Tell me you guys will do something funny like raid it or bully them or something. I don't know what I should do. I feel like this kind of moral degradation must be punished.

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Post link fag

Update from OP: It appears as if the guy on stream isn't even her boyfriend, which leads me to believe she just invites random guys on to fool around.

I need to be convinced that enough people will take action. If the thread gets enough traction, maybe.

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Kek look at this fag begging for attention neck yourself tranny

Good one Schlomo.

Wow this board really is dead. An interesting thread catered towards incels and I'll I've gotten is a simp calling me a tranny cause I'm skeptical if anyone will actually do anything.
Show me you guys aren't a bunch of pathetic fags.

you can count on me to be there.

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You'll actually give more traction to the thread by posting the link than by taunting us like this. I agree with you that this kind of behaviors must be punished too... Did you record them doing it at least? You could blackmail them into having online sex with you by threatening to send it to their school/employer.

Update from OP: They're asking for more viewers and have a "guest" coming over at 7 PM EST.
Maybe I'll drop it then. Get some viewers in for their "guest". Keep the thread up.
Come on guys, show some support for these hard working streamers.
Also you may have to make an account on the streaming platform they're using to actually view the chat and do other shit with their stream.

I agree, but I want to see if anyone's actually interested first. Raiding on this site, as you should well know, is dead.
I'm not taunting in my eyes, I'm gauging the audience, so don't you dare call me a fag. This is the most interesting thread on this God forsaken board right now. I'm withholding the link until I know I can count on you guys.

Well, you already have 2 people ready, 3 counting you, maybe more if we count possible lurkers. You should send the link and see how things go, you actually have more chance to get more raiders since most won't bother waiting for you to post the link.

What are they streaming on? Twitch? They don't really care about sexual shit if there's a girl on stream desu

How many people are currently tuned in their stream?

count me in user post it when we hit like 10 people

Don't worry OP, I'll spam the n-word.

have sex / do lewd things on camera
>fake und gay

Probably 5-10, I don't know.
No, it's on a different streaming service.
Excellent gentlemen.

I would've taken a look if you'd posted a fucking link, but I'm not interested enough to hang around and wait till you decide to do so.

>taken a look
We didn't want you anyways mongrel. Go simp harder ADHD noid.

>no link

you had one job you fucking degenerate

Read the thread mongrel.

Alright, it's OP, show me what you guys are made of.

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>convince me

we're the ones doing you a favor you insufferable shit stain, now you get nothing for being a little histrionic attention whore

This is a standard thing now. A bunch of girls rent a house together and do nothing but stream and have onlyfans. Even if they aren't very popular they make enough to live off of.

>OP delivered
Based, imma gonna make an account rn

nigga wut

already notified him of your degeneracy, you're welcome

I saw, you already ruined the fun. Thank you.

faggots like you don't deserve to enjoy things

Faggot is not a derogatory term. It's empowering.

Imagine being such a loser, I'm coming anyway OP.

I don't remember asking faggot

You empowered me is all I'm saying. Thank you.

Throw rocks at their windows, or bang on their doors. You could also make little packages, and maybe make like bombs of sorts to fuck with em.

I don't know where they live silly.
Do something.

Lmao I like how the guys actually think being a cam whore is a good thing

i got muted for asking him if he/she sucked nigger dicks? thats racist

Found the fucking faggot. News flash fag, you all deserve to be stoned by the Arabs