Just wanna live in japan

>just wanna live in japan
>fucked up my life when I was younger
>got arrested for a bunch of petty drug shit
>no redemption
>japan immediately fucking hates every single person that even touched weed one time 40 years ago
>never went to college

Yeah. I am double fucked. I should of gone to college and moved there but without drugs I never would of made friends and left my room and all I did was sit inside playing wow and was too socially retarded to talk anyone

I could not have won.

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>tfw am black with a degree in history and focused on meiji era history for much of my third and fourth years
>never did drugs before, clean record and only drink once or twice a year
>never even been pulled over by the police
>mfw I'm prime JET material
See you losers, I'm out of North America after the quarantine.

Theyre legit going to avoid walking towards you for being black

>Theyre legit going to avoid walking towards you for being black

>am black
>I'm prime JET material

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Tons of niggers are in JET, user. Though I guess it's true that blonde white women are considered ideal candidates for JET

Yeah I think they arent gonna pick a black guy over a white

See it like this, user. You are spared the humiliating fate of living in the shadow of fax machines.

Got a higher GPA and more references than the average though

I'm not a weeb that dreaming of living in japan, but it does bug me that my redneck sister was offered a job there.

why do you wanna live in japan though?
i think even getting yourself into touch with drugs shows a personality that would have a rough time socialising in a conservative country like japan

Not only that, but unless you some level of Japanese your going to get treated like shit.

I just want to date an asian girl and be surrounded by them.

I am so fucking sick of western girls covered in tattoos with their tits hanging out.

Thinking of like koreatown or Chinatown in a USA city

Im not dealing with that stupid zero freedom no weed shit unless I really find a waifu

>Hate western girls
>willing to date Asian girls who fetish western culture.
I will never get your logic.

>I am so fucking sick of western girls covered in tattoos with their tits hanging out.
>Thinking of like koreatown or Chinatown in a USA city
>Im not dealing with that stupid zero freedom no weed shit unless I really find a waifu
You're retarded. So you want a non degenerate gf from a non degenerate society despite being degenerate yourself. Get fucked. Trash belongs with trash and Japan doesn't want or need people like you infecting their society with your filth.

I just really want to live in a place with non degenerate asian girls and less degenerate people plus ive been looking at anime and japan since a kid

I would quit weed for a waifu

Lmfao calm down the normies will invite you to a party some day

You missing the point if an Asian girl is winning to date you. That is considered a degenerate act in japan.
>ive been looking at anime and japan since a kid
You know real life japan isn't like anime at all.

How many times are you going to make this exact same thread?

Smoking weed is not degenerate. Only having degenerate sex and degenerate sexuality is degenerate.

So what you're going to move to japan and suddenly become an Asexual? Dating you a person who clearly isn't Japanese is considered a degenerate act. Japanese people are very racist towards any race that isn't Japanese.

Not all sex is degenerate retard

It's not about sex you dumb retard. It's about dating outside your race.

I met a lot of black JETs in Japan

>Smoking weed is not degenerate.
Then why did this not degenerate act give you a criminal record?

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Are you serious? I thought everyone knew that drug laws were just a trap at this point. I see everyone who drinks always get snippy and angry and do stupid shit but I just smoke a joint to make a video game more interesting or something.

I dont even want to be addicted to drugs its just fucking ingrained in me. I come from a poor shitty area with nothing to do and the only like 7 people around were all smoking weed.

>I see everyone who drinks always get snippy and angry and do stupid shit but I just smoke a joint to make a video game more interesting or something.
I never got so drunk and angry I broke the law. Breaking the law makes you a degenerate.

Yeah I guess man but I was born in a really ghetto area and I literally never saw anything different

>I thought everyone knew that drug laws were just a trap at this point.

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Do you really not see how alcohol is more degenerate than weed?

>sees breaking the law as some trivial act to be performed whenever he likes
>thinks he will survive in the oppressive conformist machine that is japan
I hope you go over there. I want you to study hard and go, and then one day wake up and realise you have ruined your life. When that feeling washes over you, when you realise how alone you really are in a country that will never accept or respect you, I will smile.

>should of
you didn't even need to state that you used drugs user, please

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desu he'd never be accepted or respected in america either

best thing he can do is move to >sweden

I dont think I can move there. Id have to be like rich or some shit and theyd still throw a bitch fit about me doing drugs back in america.

I was kinda thinking Thailand but I dont think its worth l learning the language and shit to live there.

Its sad the only non shit girls Ive talked are in Asia.

Go to the Phillipines and do drugs over there.

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>non degenerate girls
How are you one of the most stupid cunts I have come across in a while? Is it simply due to your melatonin levels?